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eBook download of 1928-48 Ford Car and Truck Master Parts and Accessories Catalogue

Product # D10040

1928-48 Ford Car and Truck Master Parts and Accessories Catalogue
Pages: 808
Models: Ford Cars from 1928-48 and Trucks from 1928-47

Description: The 1928-48 Chassis Parts and Accessories Catalogue is the original manual used by Ford technicians in the 20's, 30's and 40's to identify the correct service part for Ford Cars and Trucks. It contains a comprehensive list of part numbers, diagrams, illustrations, cross-references, and other valuable information necessary for any restoration project. Models covered: Covers Ford Cars from 1928-48 and Trucks from 1928-47. [View Product Sample]

Price: $16.951928-48 Ford Car and Truck Master Parts and Accessories Catalogue



1944 -1952 Ford Passenger Car and Truck Body Parts Catalog

Product # D12044

1944 -1952 Ford Passenger Car and Truck Body Parts Catalog
Pages: 496
Models: All 1944-1952 Ford Passenger Cars and Trucks

Description: The 1944-52 Ford Passenger Cars and Trucks Body Parts Catalog is the original manual used by Ford technicians to identify the correct parts for Ford vehicles. It contains a comprehensive list of part numbers, illustrations, diagrams, and other information necessary for any vintage restoration. Loaded with useful information for your restoration, this catalog can unravel the mystery behind which part number was designed for your vehicle, when there was a part change, or how the part was depicted to Ford technicians.

This is not the same as a "Shop Manual". A shop manual is very useful, but simply does not provide the details necessary for most restorations. For example, a shop manual does not provide the full part number, when a part changed, nor part diagrams. On the other hand, the 1944-1952 Ford Passenger Car and Truck Body Parts Catalog contains virtually every part number and diagrams specific to each vehicle by year and model.

One of the more valuable features of this manual are the detailed illustrations of the vehicle. Disassembled views of the principal units show the various parts and subassembly. In many cases, a glance at these illustrations will tell you all you need to know about how the parts are assembled. [View Product Sample]

Price: $21.95

1944 -1952 Ford Passenger Car and Truck Body Parts Catalog


eBook 1948/56 Ford Truck Parts and Accessories Catalog

Product # D20079

1948/56  Ford Truck Parts and Accessories Catalog
Pages: 1,231
Models: All 1948-56 Ford Trucks built in the United States and Canada

Description: The 1948-56 Ford Truck Master Parts and Accessory Catalog. Following are the model years for which parts information is provided in this catalog: Chassis Parts 1948 through 1956, Body Parts 1953 through 1956, and Soft Trim Parts for 1956. This is an electronic version of the original manual used by the Ford dealership mechanics to identify the correct service part for Ford Trucks. It contains a comprehensive list of part numbers, diagrams, illustrations, cross-references, and other valuable information necessary for any restoration project. [View Product Sample]

Price: $24.95

1948/56 Ford Truck Parts and Accessories Catalog


eBook Download of Ford Master Parts Catalog

Product # D10041


1949-59 Ford Car Master Parts and Accessories Catalog
Pages: 1,856
Models: all car models

Description: The 1949-59 Ford Car Parts and Accessories Catalog is the original manual used by Ford technicians in the 40's and 50's to identify the correct service part for Ford cars. It contains a comprehensive list of part numbers, diagrams, illustrations, cross-references, and other valuable information necessary for any restoration project. [View Product Sample]

Price: $16.95

1949-59 Ford Car Master Parts and Accessories Catalog


1949-50-51 Ford F-Series Trucks Shop Manual with 1952 Supplement eBook download

Product # D20049

1949-50-51 Ford F-Series Trucks Shop Manual with 1952 Supplement
Pages: 483
Models Covered: 1949, 1950, 1951 and 1952 Ford Truck to include: Conventional, Cab-Over-Engine and Pacel Delivery

Description: This manual contains complete service information for all 1949, 1950, 1951 and 1952 Ford Truck to include: Conventional Truck (F-series), Cab-Over-Engine (F-Series) and Parcel Delivery (P-Series). This is an electronic version of the original manual used by the Ford dealership mechanics to guide them through repairs and maintenance. Each section provides information on the operation of major systems, diagnostics, troubleshooting, overhaul, as well as the removal and installation of major components. Step-by-step procedures for trouble shooting, cleaning and inspecting, repairing, and replacing the various parts, assemblies, and systems on these vehicles are presented. This manual also contains maintenance and lubrication data as well as a tabulation of service specifications. Detailed illustrations of many of the service operations are given here. Disassembled views of the principal units show the various parts in the order of their disassembly or assembly. In many cases, a glance at these illustrations will tell you all you need to know about how the parts go together. Written in an easy to understand format, this manual contains instructions designed for the novice and the expert. In addition, this manual is filled with illustrations, photographs, and diagrams that help in the identification of parts and proper assembly. [View Product Sample]

Price: $21.95

1949-50-51 Ford F-Series Trucks Shop Manual with 1952 Supplement



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eBook 1948/56 Ford Truck Parts and Accessories Catalog

Product # D20079

1948/56  Ford Truck Parts and Accessories Catalog
Pages: 1,231
Models: All 1948-56 Ford Trucks built in the United States and Canada

Description: The 1948-56 Ford Truck Master Parts and Accessory Catalog. Following are the model years for which parts information is provided in this catalog: Chassis Parts 1948 through 1956, Body Parts 1953 through 1956, and Soft Trim Parts for 1956. This is an electronic version of the original manual used by the Ford dealership mechanics to identify the correct service part for Ford Trucks. It contains a comprehensive list of part numbers, diagrams, illustrations, cross-references, and other valuable information necessary for any restoration project. [View Product Sample]

Price: $24.95

1948/56 Ford Truck Parts and Accessories Catalog


1949-59 Ford Car Master Parts and Accessories Catalog ebook

Product # D10041


1949-59 Ford Car Master Parts and Accessories Catalog
Pages: 1,856
Models: all car models

Description: The 1949-59 Ford Car Parts and Accessories Catalog is the original manual used by Ford technicians in the 40's and 50's to identify the correct service part for Ford cars. It contains a comprehensive list of part numbers, diagrams, illustrations, cross-references, and other valuable information necessary for any restoration project. [View Product Sample]

Price: $16.95

1949-59 Ford Car Master Parts and Accessories Catalog


1949-50-51 Ford F-Series Trucks Shop Manual with 1952 Supplement eBook download

Product # D20049

1949-50-51 Ford F-Series Trucks Shop Manual with 1952 Supplement
Pages: 483
Models Covered: 1949, 1950, 1951 and 1952 Ford Truck to include: Conventional, Cab-Over-Engine and Pacel Delivery

Description: This manual contains complete service information for all 1949, 1950, 1951 and 1952 Ford Truck to include: Conventional Truck (F-series), Cab-Over-Engine (F-Series) and Parcel Delivery (P-Series). This is an electronic version of the original manual used by the Ford dealership mechanics to guide them through repairs and maintenance. Each section provides information on the operation of major systems, diagnostics, troubleshooting, overhaul, as well as the removal and installation of major components. Step-by-step procedures for trouble shooting, cleaning and inspecting, repairing, and replacing the various parts, assemblies, and systems on these vehicles are presented. This manual also contains maintenance and lubrication data as well as a tabulation of service specifications. Detailed illustrations of many of the service operations are given here. Disassembled views of the principal units show the various parts in the order of their disassembly or assembly. In many cases, a glance at these illustrations will tell you all you need to know about how the parts go together. Written in an easy to understand format, this manual contains instructions designed for the novice and the expert. In addition, this manual is filled with illustrations, photographs, and diagrams that help in the identification of parts and proper assembly. [View Product Sample]

Price: $21.95

1949-50-51 Ford F-Series Trucks Shop Manual with 1952 Supplement



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1949-50-51 Ford F-Series Trucks Shop Manual with 1952 Supplement eBook download

Product # D20049

1949-50-51 Ford F-Series Trucks Shop Manual with 1952 Supplement
Pages: 483
Models Covered: 1949, 1950, 1951 and 1952 Ford Truck to include: Conventional, Cab-Over-Engine and Pacel Delivery

Description: This manual contains complete service information for all 1949, 1950, 1951 and 1952 Ford Truck to include: Conventional Truck (F-series), Cab-Over-Engine (F-Series) and Parcel Delivery (P-Series). This is an electronic version of the original manual used by the Ford dealership mechanics to guide them through repairs and maintenance. Each section provides information on the operation of major systems, diagnostics, troubleshooting, overhaul, as well as the removal and installation of major components. Step-by-step procedures for trouble shooting, cleaning and inspecting, repairing, and replacing the various parts, assemblies, and systems on these vehicles are presented. This manual also contains maintenance and lubrication data as well as a tabulation of service specifications. Detailed illustrations of many of the service operations are given here. Disassembled views of the principal units show the various parts in the order of their disassembly or assembly. In many cases, a glance at these illustrations will tell you all you need to know about how the parts go together. Written in an easy to understand format, this manual contains instructions designed for the novice and the expert. In addition, this manual is filled with illustrations, photographs, and diagrams that help in the identification of parts and proper assembly. [View Product Sample]

Price: $21.95

1949-50-51 Ford F-Series Trucks Shop Manual with 1952 Supplement



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1952-53-54 Ford Passenger Car Shop Manual

Product # D10252

1952-53-54 Ford Passenger Car Shop Manual
Pages: 566
Models Covered: 1952, 1953, and 1954 Ford Cars to include:

Description: This manual provides complete service information for all 1952, 1953 and 1954 Ford Passenger Car Shop Manual.
This is an electronic version of the original manual used by the Ford dealership mechanics to guide them through repairs and maintenance. Each section provides information on the operation of major systems, diagnostics, troubleshooting, overhaul, as well as the removal and installation of major components. Step-by-step procedures for trouble shooting, cleaning and inspecting, repairing, and replacing the various parts, assemblies, and systems on these vehicles are presented. This manual also contains maintenance and lubrication data as well as a tabulation of service specifications. Detailed illustrations of many of the service operations are given here. Disassembled views of the principal units show the various parts in the order of their disassembly or assembly. In many cases, a glance at these illustrations will tell you all you need to know about how the parts go together. Written in an easy to understand format, this manual contains instructions designed for the novice and the expert. In addition, this manual is filled with illustrations, photographs, and diagrams that help in the identification of parts and proper assembly. [View Product Sample]

Price: $16.95

1949-50-51 Ford F-Series Trucks Shop Manual with 1952 Supplement


1949-50-51 Ford F-Series Trucks Shop Manual with 1952 Supplement eBook download

Product # D20049

1949-50-51 Ford F-Series Trucks Shop Manual with 1952 Supplement
Pages: 483
Models Covered: 1949, 1950, 1951 and 1952 Ford Truck to include: Conventional, Cab-Over-Engine and Pacel Delivery

Description: This manual contains complete service information for all 1949, 1950, 1951 and 1952 Ford Truck to include: Conventional Truck (F-series), Cab-Over-Engine (F-Series) and Parcel Delivery (P-Series). This is an electronic version of the original manual used by the Ford dealership mechanics to guide them through repairs and maintenance. Each section provides information on the operation of major systems, diagnostics, troubleshooting, overhaul, as well as the removal and installation of major components. Step-by-step procedures for trouble shooting, cleaning and inspecting, repairing, and replacing the various parts, assemblies, and systems on these vehicles are presented. This manual also contains maintenance and lubrication data as well as a tabulation of service specifications. Detailed illustrations of many of the service operations are given here. Disassembled views of the principal units show the various parts in the order of their disassembly or assembly. In many cases, a glance at these illustrations will tell you all you need to know about how the parts go together. Written in an easy to understand format, this manual contains instructions designed for the novice and the expert. In addition, this manual is filled with illustrations, photographs, and diagrams that help in the identification of parts and proper assembly. [View Product Sample]

Price: $21.95

1949-50-51 Ford F-Series Trucks Shop Manual with 1952 Supplement



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1953 Ford Truck Shop Manual ebook download

Product # D20053

1953 Ford Truck Shop Manual
Pages: 450
Models Covered: 1953 Ford Truck to include: Conventional, Cab Forward, Pacel Delivery and School Bus

Description: This manual contains complete service information for all 1953 Ford Trucks to include: Conventional Truck (F-series), Cab Forward (C-series), Parcel Delivery (P-Series), and School Bus (B-series). This is an electronic version of the original manual used by the Ford dealership mechanics to guide them through repairs and maintenance. Each section provides information on the operation of major systems, diagnostics, troubleshooting, overhaul, as well as the removal and installation of major components. Step-by-step procedures for trouble shooting, cleaning and inspecting, repairing, and replacing the various parts, assemblies, and systems on these vehicles are presented. This manual also contains maintenance and lubrication data as well as a tabulation of service specifications. Detailed illustrations of many of the service operations are given here. Disassembled views of the principal units show the various parts in the order of their disassembly or assembly. In many cases, a glance at these illustrations will tell you all you need to know about how the parts go together. Written in an easy to understand format, this manual contains instructions designed for the novice and the expert. In addition, this manual is filled with illustrations, photographs, and diagrams that help in the identification of parts and proper assembly. [View Product Sample]

Price: $21.95

1953 Ford Truck Shop Manual


1953-1957 Ford Passenger Car Thunderbird Truck Body Parts Catalog

Product # D12053

1953-1957 Ford Passenger Car Thunderbird Truck Body Parts Catalog
Pages: 467
Models Covered: All 1953-1957 Ford Passenger Cars, Thunderbirds, and Trucks

Description:The 1953-1957 Ford Passenger Cars Thunderbird Truck Body Parts Catalog is the original manual used by Ford technicians to identify the correct parts for Ford vehicles. It contains a comprehensive list of part numbers, illustrations, diagrams, and other information necessary for any vintage restoration. Loaded with useful information for your restoration, this catalog can unravel the mystery behind which part number was designed for your vehicle, when there was a part change, or how the part was depicted to Ford technicians.

This is not the same as a "Shop Manual". A shop manual is very useful, but simply does not provide the details necessary for most restorations. For example, a shop manual does not provide the full part number, when a part changed, nor part diagrams. On the other hand, the 1953-1957 Ford Passenger Car Thunderbird Truck Body Parts Catalog contains virtually every part number and diagrams specific to each vehicle by year and model.

One of the more valuable features of this manual are the detailed illustrations of the vehicle. Disassembled views of the principal units show the various parts and subassembly. In many cases, a glance at these illustrations will tell you all you need to know about how the parts are assembled. [View Product Sample]

Price: $21.95

1953-1957 Ford Passenger Car Thunderbird Truck Body Parts Catalog


1952-53-54 Ford Passenger Car Shop Manual

Product # D10252

1952-53-54 Ford Passenger Car Shop Manual
Pages: 566
Models Covered: 1952, 1953, and 1954 Ford Cars to include:

Description: This manual provides complete service information for all 1952, 1953 and 1954 Ford Passenger Car Shop Manual.
This is an electronic version of the original manual used by the Ford dealership mechanics to guide them through repairs and maintenance. Each section provides information on the operation of major systems, diagnostics, troubleshooting, overhaul, as well as the removal and installation of major components. Step-by-step procedures for trouble shooting, cleaning and inspecting, repairing, and replacing the various parts, assemblies, and systems on these vehicles are presented. This manual also contains maintenance and lubrication data as well as a tabulation of service specifications. Detailed illustrations of many of the service operations are given here. Disassembled views of the principal units show the various parts in the order of their disassembly or assembly. In many cases, a glance at these illustrations will tell you all you need to know about how the parts go together. Written in an easy to understand format, this manual contains instructions designed for the novice and the expert. In addition, this manual is filled with illustrations, photographs, and diagrams that help in the identification of parts and proper assembly. [View Product Sample]

Price: $16.95

1952-53-54 Ford Passenger Car Shop Manual



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1954-55 Ford Truck Shop Manual ebook download

Product # D20054

1954-55 Ford Truck Shop Manual
Pages: 421
Models Covered: 1954-55 Ford Truck to include: Conventional, Cab Forward, Pacel Delivery and School Bus

Description: This manual contains complete service information for all 1954 and 1955 Ford Trucks to include: Conventional Truck (F-series), Cab Forward (C-series), Parcel Delivery (P-Series), and School Bus (B-series). This is an electronic version of the original manual used by the Ford dealership mechanics to guide them through repairs and maintenance. Each section provides information on the operation of major systems, diagnostics, troubleshooting, overhaul, as well as the removal and installation of major components. Step-by-step procedures for trouble shooting, cleaning and inspecting, repairing, and replacing the various parts, assemblies, and systems on these vehicles are presented. This manual also contains maintenance and lubrication data as well as a tabulation of service specifications. Detailed illustrations of many of the service operations are given here. Disassembled views of the principal units show the various parts in the order of their disassembly or assembly. In many cases, a glance at these illustrations will tell you all you need to know about how the parts go together. Written in an easy to understand format, this manual contains instructions designed for the novice and the expert. In addition, this manual is filled with illustrations, photographs, and diagrams that help in the identification of parts and proper assembly. [View Product Sample]

Price: $21.95

1954-55 Ford Truck Shop Manual


1952-53-54 Ford Passenger Car Shop Manual

Product # D10252

1952-53-54 Ford Passenger Car Shop Manual
Pages: 566
Models Covered: 1952, 1953, and 1954 Ford Cars to include:

Description: This manual provides complete service information for all 1952, 1953 and 1954 Ford Passenger Car Shop Manual.
This is an electronic version of the original manual used by the Ford dealership mechanics to guide them through repairs and maintenance. Each section provides information on the operation of major systems, diagnostics, troubleshooting, overhaul, as well as the removal and installation of major components. Step-by-step procedures for trouble shooting, cleaning and inspecting, repairing, and replacing the various parts, assemblies, and systems on these vehicles are presented. This manual also contains maintenance and lubrication data as well as a tabulation of service specifications. Detailed illustrations of many of the service operations are given here. Disassembled views of the principal units show the various parts in the order of their disassembly or assembly. In many cases, a glance at these illustrations will tell you all you need to know about how the parts go together. Written in an easy to understand format, this manual contains instructions designed for the novice and the expert. In addition, this manual is filled with illustrations, photographs, and diagrams that help in the identification of parts and proper assembly. [View Product Sample]

Price: $16.95

1952-53-54 Ford Passenger Car Shop Manual



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1955 Ford Car Shop Manual ebook

Product # D10155

1955 Ford Car Shop Manual
Pages: 345
Models Covered: All Ford passenger cars and the new Thunderbird

Description: This manual contains complete service information for all 1955 Ford Passenger Cars and the new Ford Thunderbird. Step-by-step procedures for trouble shooting, cleaning and inspecting, repairing, and re-placing the various parts, assemblies, and systems on these vehicles are presented here. This manual also contains maintenance and lubrication data as well as a tabulation of service specifications. Detailed illustrations of many of the service operations are given here. Disassembled views of the principal units show the various parts in the order of their disassembly or assembly. In many cases, a glance at these illustrations will tell you all you need to know about how the parts go together. [View Product Sample]

Price: $16.95

1955 Ford Car Shop Manual


1955 Fordomatic Car-Truck Shop Manual ebook

Product # D10169

1955 Fordomatic Car-Truck Shop Manual
Pages: 67
Models Covered: All 1955 Ford cars, including the Police Interceptor Unit, Station Wagons, Courier, and Thunderbird, and F-100, F-250, F-350, and P-350 trucks

Description: This manual contains the complete service information for the 1955 Fordomatic transmission. All the procedures needed to check, adjust, replace, or repair the various units of the transmission and torque converter are included. Chapters describe the construction and operation of the 1955 Fordomatic transmission and torque converter, maintainance, specifications, troubleshooting diagnosis subassemblies, and complete overhaul procedures for all transmission parts. The new Fordomatic transmission was available, as optional equipment, for all 1955 Ford cars, including the Police Interceptor Unit, Station Wagons, Courier, and Thunderbird, and F-100, F-250, F-350, and P-350 trucks. The unit is basically the same as previous transmission models, but has certain improvements. [View Product Sample]

Price: $16.95

1955 Fordomatic Car-Truck Shop Manual


1954-55 Ford Truck Shop Manual ebook download

Product # D20054

1954-55 Ford Truck Shop Manual
Pages: 421
Models Covered: 1954-55 Ford Truck to include: Conventional, Cab Forward, Pacel Delivery and School Bus

Description: This manual contains complete service information for all 1954 and 1955 Ford Trucks to include: Conventional Truck (F-series), Cab Forward (C-series), Parcel Delivery (P-Series), and School Bus (B-series). This is an electronic version of the original manual used by the Ford dealership mechanics to guide them through repairs and maintenance. Each section provides information on the operation of major systems, diagnostics, troubleshooting, overhaul, as well as the removal and installation of major components. Step-by-step procedures for trouble shooting, cleaning and inspecting, repairing, and replacing the various parts, assemblies, and systems on these vehicles are presented. This manual also contains maintenance and lubrication data as well as a tabulation of service specifications. Detailed illustrations of many of the service operations are given here. Disassembled views of the principal units show the various parts in the order of their disassembly or assembly. In many cases, a glance at these illustrations will tell you all you need to know about how the parts go together. Written in an easy to understand format, this manual contains instructions designed for the novice and the expert. In addition, this manual is filled with illustrations, photographs, and diagrams that help in the identification of parts and proper assembly. [View Product Sample]

Price: $21.95

1954-55 Ford Truck Shop Manual



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1956 Ford Car Shop Manual ebook

Product # D10156

1956 Ford Car Shop Manual
Pages: 371
Models Covered: All Ford passenger cars and the new Thunderbird

Description: This manual contains complete service information for all 1956 Ford Passenger Cars and the new Ford Thunderbird. Step-by-step procedures for trouble shooting, cleaning and inspecting, repairing, and re-placing the various parts, assemblies, and systems on these vehicles are presented here. This manual also contains maintenance and lubrication data as well as a tabulation of service specifications. Detailed illustrations of many of the service operations are given here. Disassembled views of the principal units show the various parts in the order of their disassembly or assembly. In many cases, a glance at these illustrations will tell you all you need to know about how the parts go together. [View Product Sample]

Price: $16.95

1956 Ford Car Shop Manual


1956-57 Fordomatic Car-Truck Shop Manual ebook

Product # D10170

1956-57 Fordomatic Car-Truck Shop Manual
Pages: 67
Models Covered: All 1955 Ford cars, including the Police Interceptor Unit, Station Wagons, Courier, and Thunderbird, and F-100, F-250, F-350, and P-350 trucks

Description: This manual contains the complete service information for the 1955 Fordomatic transmission. All the procedures needed to check, adjust, replace, or repair the various units of the transmission and torque converter are included. Chapters describe the construction and operation of the 1955 Fordomatic transmission and torque converter, maintainance, specifications, troubleshooting diagnosis subassemblies, and complete overhaul procedures for all transmission parts. The new Fordomatic transmission was available, as optional equipment, for all 1955 Ford cars, including the Police Interceptor Unit, Station Wagons, Courier, and Thunderbird, and F-100, F-250, F-350, and P-350 trucks. The unit is basically the same as previous transmission models, but has certain improvements. [View Product Sample]

Price: $16.95

1956-57 Fordomatic Car-Truck Shop Manual


1956 Ford Truck Shop Manual ebook download

Product # D20056

1956 Ford Truck Shop Manual
Pages: 435
Models Covered: 1956 Ford Truck to include: Conventional, Cab Forward, Pacel Delivery and School Bus

Description: This manual contains complete service information for all 1956 Ford Trucks to include: Conventional Truck (F-series), Cab Forward (C-series), Parcel Delivery (P-Series), and School Bus (B-series). This is an electronic version of the original manual used by the Ford dealership mechanics to guide them through repairs and maintenance. Each section provides information on the operation of major systems, diagnostics, troubleshooting, overhaul, as well as the removal and installation of major components. Step-by-step procedures for trouble shooting, cleaning and inspecting, repairing, and replacing the various parts, assemblies, and systems on these vehicles are presented. This manual also contains maintenance and lubrication data as well as a tabulation of service specifications. Detailed illustrations of many of the service operations are given here. Disassembled views of the principal units show the various parts in the order of their disassembly or assembly. In many cases, a glance at these illustrations will tell you all you need to know about how the parts go together. Written in an easy to understand format, this manual contains instructions designed for the novice and the expert. In addition, this manual is filled with illustrations, photographs, and diagrams that help in the identification of parts and proper assembly. [View Product Sample]

Price: $21.95

1956 Ford Truck Shop Manual



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eBook 1957/63 Ford Truck Parts and Accessories Catalog

Product # D20080

1957/63  Ford Truck Parts and Accessories Catalog
Pages: 2,994
Models: All 1957-63 Ford Trucks built in the United States and Canada

Description: 1957-63 Ford Truck Master Parts and Accessory Catalog. This Ford Truck Master Parts Catalog contains replacement parts and accessories information for Ford Trucks including the Econoline, the Falcon Station Bus , Falcon Club Wagon and Falcon Deluxe Club Wagon for model years 1957 through 1963. This "text" catalog is to be used In conjunction with the lllustration Catalog (Form AF 7698) that is included. This is an electronic version of the original manual used by the Ford dealership mechanics to identify the correct service part for Ford Trucks. It contains a comprehensive list of part numbers, diagrams, illustrations, cross-references, and other valuable information necessary for any restoration project. [View Product Sample]

Price: $24.95

1957/63 Ford Truck Parts and Accessories Catalog


1957 Ford Car and Thunderbird Shop Manual ebook

Product # D10157

1957 Ford Car and Thunderbird Shop Manual
Pages: 499
Models Covered: All Ford passenger cars and the new Thunderbird

Description: This manual contains complete service information for all 1957 Ford Passenger Cars and the new Ford Thunderbird. Step-by-step procedures for trouble shooting, cleaning and inspecting, repairing, and re-placing the various parts, assemblies, and systems on these vehicles are presented here. This manual also contains maintenance and lubrication data as well as a tabulation of service specifications. Detailed illustrations of many of the service operations are given here. Disassembled views of the principal units show the various parts in the order of their disassembly or assembly. In many cases, a glance at these illustrations will tell you all you need to know about how the parts go together. [View Product Sample]

Price: $16.95

1957 Ford Car and Thunderbird Shop Manual


1956-57 Fordomatic Car-Truck Shop Manual ebook

Product # D10170

1956-57 Fordomatic Car-Truck Shop Manual
Pages: 67
Models Covered: All 1955 Ford cars, including the Police Interceptor Unit, Station Wagons, Courier, and Thunderbird, and F-100, F-250, F-350, and P-350 trucks

Description: This manual contains the complete service information for the 1955 Fordomatic transmission. All the procedures needed to check, adjust, replace, or repair the various units of the transmission and torque converter are included. Chapters describe the construction and operation of the 1955 Fordomatic transmission and torque converter, maintainance, specifications, troubleshooting diagnosis subassemblies, and complete overhaul procedures for all transmission parts. The new Fordomatic transmission was available, as optional equipment, for all 1955 Ford cars, including the Police Interceptor Unit, Station Wagons, Courier, and Thunderbird, and F-100, F-250, F-350, and P-350 trucks. The unit is basically the same as previous transmission models, but has certain improvements. [View Product Sample]

Price: $16.95

1956-57 Fordomatic Car-Truck Shop Manual


1957 Ford Truck Shop Manual eBook download

Product # D20057

1957 Ford Truck Shop Manual
Pages: 520
Models Covered: 1957 Ford Truck to include: Conventional, Cab Forward, Pacel Delivery and School Bus

Description: This manual contains complete service information for all 1957 Ford Trucks to include: Conventional Truck (F-series), Cab Forward (C-series), Parcel Delivery (P-Series), and School Bus (B-series). This is an electronic version of the original manual used by the Ford dealership mechanics to guide them through repairs and maintenance. Each section provides information on the operation of major systems, diagnostics, troubleshooting, overhaul, as well as the removal and installation of major components. Step-by-step procedures for trouble shooting, cleaning and inspecting, repairing, and replacing the various parts, assemblies, and systems on these vehicles are presented. This manual also contains maintenance and lubrication data as well as a tabulation of service specifications. Detailed illustrations of many of the service operations are given here. Disassembled views of the principal units show the various parts in the order of their disassembly or assembly. In many cases, a glance at these illustrations will tell you all you need to know about how the parts go together. Written in an easy to understand format, this manual contains instructions designed for the novice and the expert. In addition, this manual is filled with illustrations, photographs, and diagrams that help in the identification of parts and proper assembly. [View Product Sample]

Price: $21.95

1957 Ford Truck Shop Manual



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eBook 1957/63 Ford Truck Parts and Accessories Catalog

Product # D20080

1957/63  Ford Truck Parts and Accessories Catalog
Pages: 2,994
Models: All 1957-63 Ford Trucks built in the United States and Canada

Description: 1957-63 Ford Truck Master Parts and Accessory Catalog. This Ford Truck Master Parts Catalog contains replacement parts and accessories information for Ford Trucks including the Econoline, the Falcon Station Bus , Falcon Club Wagon and Falcon Deluxe Club Wagon for model years 1957 through 1963. This "text" catalog is to be used In conjunction with the lllustration Catalog (Form AF 7698) that is included. This is an electronic version of the original manual used by the Ford dealership mechanics to identify the correct service part for Ford Trucks. It contains a comprehensive list of part numbers, diagrams, illustrations, cross-references, and other valuable information necessary for any restoration project. [View Product Sample]

Price: $24.95

1957/63 Ford Truck Parts and Accessories Catalog


1958 Ford Thunderbird Shop Manual eBook download

Product # D10158

1958 Ford Thunderbird Shop Manual
Pages: 355
Models Covered: Thunderbird

Description: This manual contains complete service information for the1958 Ford Thunderbird. Step-by-step procedures for trouble shooting, cleaning and inspecting, repairing, and re-placing the various parts, assemblies, and systems on these vehicles are presented here. This manual also contains maintenance and lubrication data as well as a tabulation of service specifications. Detailed illustrations of many of the service operations are given here. Disassembled views of the principal units show the various parts in the order of their disassembly or assembly. In many cases, a glance at these illustrations will tell you all you need to know about how the parts go together. [View Product Sample]

Price: $16.95

1958 Ford Thunderbird Shop Manual


1958 Ford Truck Shop Manual eBook download

Product # D20058

1958 Ford Truck Shop Manual
Pages: 658
Models Covered: 1958 Ford Truck to include: Conventional, Cab Forward, Pacel Delivery and School Bus

Description: This manual contains complete service information for all 1958 Ford Trucks to include: Conventional Truck (F-series), Tilt Cab (C-series), Parcel Delivery (P-Series), and School Bus (B-series). Series and models such as: F-100, F-200, F-300, F-350, F-400, F-500, F-600, F-700, F-800, F-900, F-1000, F-1100, C-550, C-600, T-700, T-800, T-900, T-950, B-500, B-600, B-700, B-750, P-350, P-400, P-500, Platform, Conventional Cab, Custom Conventional Cab, Panel Delivery, Flared Side Pick-Up, Cowl with Windshield, Cowl without Windshield, Stake, and Tilt Cab. This is an electronic version of the original manual used by the Ford dealership mechanics to guide them through repairs and maintenance. Each section provides information on the operation of major systems, diagnostics, troubleshooting, overhaul, as well as the removal and installation of major components. Step-by-step procedures for trouble shooting, cleaning and inspecting, repairing, and replacing the various parts, assemblies, and systems on these vehicles are presented.
This manual also contains maintenance and lubrication data as well as a tabulation of service specifications. Detailed illustrations of many of the service operations are given here. Disassembled views of the principal units show the various parts in the order of their disassembly or assembly. In many cases, a glance at these illustrations will tell you all you need to know about how the parts go together. Written in an easy to understand format, this manual contains instructions designed for the novice and the expert. In addition, this manual is filled with illustrations, photographs, and diagrams that help in the identification of parts and proper assembly. [View Product Sample]

Price: $21.95

1958 Ford Truck Shop Manual


1958 Ford Car Shop Manual eBook download

Product # D10258

1958 Ford Car Shop Manual
Pages: 659
Models Covered: 1958 Ford Cars, Station Wagons, Couriers, and Rancheros

Description:This is an electronic reproduction of the original Ford printed manual. This manual contains complete service information for all 1958 Ford models including Ford Custom 300, Galaxie, Fairlane, Fairlane 500, Retractable, Sunliner, Courier, Ranchero, and Station Wagon. The descriptions and specifications contained in this manual were in effect at the time the manual was approved for printing.   This is the original manual used by the Ford dealership mechanics to guide them through repairs and maintenance.

Each section provides information on the operation of major systems, diagnostics, troubleshooting, overhaul, as well as the removal and installation of major components. You will find step-by-step procedures for Fordomatic transmission, air conditioning, clutch, manual transmission, Cruise-O-Matic, engine, rear axle chassis suspension, underbody, steering, brakes, generating & starting systems, lights, instruments, accessories, body maintenance & repair, doors, deck lid, front sheet metal, interior trim, seats, windows, maintenance, special tools and lubrication, maintenance and lubrication. In addition, this manual includes wiring diagrams, specifications, special tool lists, exploded view illustrations, troubleshooting diagnosis, and pictures.

This manual also contains maintenance and lubrication data as well as a tabulation of service specifications. Disassembled views of the principal units show the various parts in the order of their disassembly or assembly. In many cases, a glance at these illustrations will tell you all you need to know about how the parts are assembled. Written in an easy to understand format, this manual contains instructions designed for the novice and the expert.

. [View Product Sample]

Price: $21.95

1958 Ford Car Shop Manual



Back to Top Back to Top

eBook 1957/63 Ford Truck Parts and Accessories Catalog

Product # D20080

1957/63  Ford Truck Parts and Accessories Catalog
Pages: 2,994
Models: All 1957-63 Ford Trucks built in the United States and Canada

Description: 1957-63 Ford Truck Master Parts and Accessory Catalog. This Ford Truck Master Parts Catalog contains replacement parts and accessories information for Ford Trucks including the Econoline, the Falcon Station Bus , Falcon Club Wagon and Falcon Deluxe Club Wagon for model years 1957 through 1963. This "text" catalog is to be used In conjunction with the lllustration Catalog (Form AF 7698) that is included. This is an electronic version of the original manual used by the Ford dealership mechanics to identify the correct service part for Ford Trucks. It contains a comprehensive list of part numbers, diagrams, illustrations, cross-references, and other valuable information necessary for any restoration project. [View Product Sample]

Price: $24.95

1957/63 Ford Truck Parts and Accessories Catalog


eBook Download of Ford Thunderbird Shop Manual

Product # D10159

1959 Ford Thunderbird Shop Manual
Pages: 418
Models Covered: Thunderbird

Description: This manual contains complete service information for the 1959 Ford Thunderbird. Step-by-step procedures for trouble shooting, cleaning and inspecting, repairing, and re-placing the various parts, assemblies, and systems on these vehicles are presented here. This manual also contains maintenance and lubrication data as well as a tabulation of service specifications. Detailed illustrations of many of the service operations are given here. Disassembled views of the principal units show the various parts in the order of their disassembly or assembly. In many cases, a glance at these illustrations will tell you all you need to know about how the parts go together. [View Product Sample]

Price: $16.95

1959 Ford Thunderbird Shop Manual


shop manual

Product # D10259

1959 Ford Car Shop Manual
Pages: 617
Models Covered: Ford Cars, Station Wagons, Courier, and Ranchero

Description: This manual contains complete service information for all 1959 Ford Passenger cars, Station Wagons, Courier and Ranchero. This is an electronic version of the original manual used by the Ford dealership mechanics to guide them through repairs and maintenance. Each section provides information on the operation of major systems, diagnostics, troubleshooting, overhaul, as well as the removal and installation of major components. Step-by-step procedures for trouble shooting, cleaning and inspecting, repairing, and replacing the various parts, assemblies, and systems on these vehicles are presented. This manual also contains maintenance and lubrication data as well as a tabulation of service specifications. Detailed illustrations of many of the service operations are given here. Disassembled views of the principal units show the various parts in the order of their disassembly or assembly. In many cases, a glance at these illustrations will tell you all you need to know about how the parts go together. Written in an easy to understand format, this manual contains step-by-step instructions designed for the novice and the expert. In addition, this manual is filled with illustrations, photographs, and diagrams that help in the identification of parts and proper assembly. [View Product Sample]

Price: $16.95

1959 Ford Car Shop Manual


1959 Ford Truck Shop Manual eBook download

Product # D20059

1959 Ford Truck Shop Manual
Pages: 737
Models Covered: All Ford trucks built in the US. For example, 1959 Ford Light Duty, Medium Duty, Heavy Duty, Extra-Heavy Duty, Super Duty, Conventional Series, Tilt Cab Series, Tandem Axles Series, School Bus Seris, Parcel Delivery Series, and more

Description: This manual contains complete service information for all 1959 Ford Trucks to include: Conventional Truck (F-series), Tilt Cab (C-series), Parcel Delivery (P-Series), and School Bus (B-series). Series and models such as: F-100, F-200, F-300, F-350, F-400, F-500, F-600, F-700, F-800, F-900, F-1000, F-1100, C-550, C-600, T-700, T-800, T-900, T-950, B-500, B-600, B-700, B-750, P-350, P-400, P-500, Platform, Conventional Cab, Custom Conventional Cab, Panel Delivery, Flared Side Pick-Up, Cowl with Windshield, Cowl without Windshield, Stake, and Tilt Cab. This is an electronic version of the original manual used by the Ford dealership mechanics to guide them through repairs and maintenance. Each section provides information on the operation of major systems, diagnostics, troubleshooting, overhaul, as well as the removal and installation of major components. Step-by-step procedures for trouble shooting, cleaning and inspecting, repairing, and replacing the various parts, assemblies, and systems on these vehicles are presented.
This manual also contains maintenance and lubrication data as well as a tabulation of service specifications. Detailed illustrations of many of the service operations are given here. Disassembled views of the principal units show the various parts in the order of their disassembly or assembly. In many cases, a glance at these illustrations will tell you all you need to know about how the parts go together. Written in an easy to understand format, this manual contains instructions designed for the novice and the expert. In addition, this manual is filled with illustrations, photographs, and diagrams that help in the identification of parts and proper assembly. [View Product Sample]

Price: $21.95

1959 Ford Truck Shop Manual



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ebook download manual

Product # D10033

1960-62 Falcon and Comet Shop Manual (Canadian printed version)
Pages: 358
Models: Falcon, Comet

Description: This manual contains complete service information for all 1960, 1961, and 1962 Ford Falcon and Comet. This is an electronic version of the original manual used by the Ford dealership mechanics to guide them through repairs and maintenance. Each section provides information on the operation of major systems, diagnostics, troubleshooting, overhaul, as well as the removal and installation of major components. Step-by-step procedures for trouble shooting, cleaning and inspecting, repairing, and replacing the various parts, assemblies, and systems on these vehicles are presented. [View Product Sample]

Price: $16.95

1960-62 Falcon and Comet Shop Manual (Canadian printed version)


ebook download manual for the 1960 Ford Falcon Shop Manual

Product # D10036

1960 Falcon Shop Manual
Pages: 267
Models: 1960 Ford Falcon to include: Two-Door Sedan, Four-Door Sedan, Two-Door Ranch Wagon, Ranchero, and Four-Door Station Wagon models.

Description: This is an electronic reproduction of the original Ford printed manual. This manual contains complete service information for the 1960 Ford Falcon to include: Two-Door Sedan, Four-Door Sedan, Two-Door Ranch Wagon, Ranchero, and Four-Door Station Wagon models. The descriptions and specifications contained in this manual were in effect at the time the manual was approved for printing. This is the original manual used by the Ford dealership mechanics to guide them through repairs and maintenance. Each section provides information on the operation of major systems, diagnostics, troubleshooting, overhaul, as well as the removal and installation of major components. Step-by-step procedures for trouble shooting, cleaning and inspecting, repairing, and replacing the various parts, assemblies, and systems on these vehicles are presented.
[View Product Sample]

Price: $16.95

1960 Falcon Shop Manual


eBook 1960-1963 Ford Falcon Shop Manua

Product # D10035

1960-1963 Ford Falcon Shop Manual
Pages: 421
Models: Falcon

Description: This manual contains complete service information for all 1960, 1961, and 1962 Ford Falcon. The 1963 Ford Falcon and Mercury Comet Supplement is also included for 1963 models.This is an electronic version of the original manual used by the Ford dealership mechanics to guide them through repairs and maintenance. Each section provides information on the operation of major systems, diagnostics, troubleshooting, overhaul, as well as the removal and installation of major components. Step-by-step procedures for trouble shooting, cleaning and inspecting, repairing, and replacing the various parts, assemblies, and systems on these vehicles are presented. [View Product Sample]

Price: $16.95

1960-1963 Ford Falcon Shop Manua


eBook 1957/63 Ford Truck Parts and Accessories Catalog

Product # D20080

1957/63  Ford Truck Parts and Accessories Catalog
Pages: 2,994
Models: All 1957-63 Ford Trucks built in the United States and Canada

Description: 1957-63 Ford Truck Master Parts and Accessory Catalog. This Ford Truck Master Parts Catalog contains replacement parts and accessories information for Ford Trucks including the Econoline, the Falcon Station Bus , Falcon Club Wagon and Falcon Deluxe Club Wagon for model years 1957 through 1963. This "text" catalog is to be used In conjunction with the lllustration Catalog (Form AF 7698) that is included. This is an electronic version of the original manual used by the Ford dealership mechanics to identify the correct service part for Ford Trucks. It contains a comprehensive list of part numbers, diagrams, illustrations, cross-references, and other valuable information necessary for any restoration project. [View Product Sample]

Price: $24.95

1957/63 Ford Truck Parts and Accessories Catalog


eBook Download of Ford Master Parts Catalog

Product # D10042


1960-64 Ford Car Master Parts and Accessories Catalog
Pages: 2,225
Models: Ford, Falcon, Thunderbird, Fairlane, Galaxie, Club Wagon and Station Bus, Futura, Squire, Ranchero, Ranch Wagon

Description: The 1960-64 Ford Car Parts and Accessories Catalog is the original 2000+ page manual used by Ford technicians in the 60's to identify the correct service part for Ford cars. It contains a comprehensive list of part numbers, diagrams, illustrations, cross-references, and other valuable information necessary for any restoration project. [View Product Sample]

Price: $16.95

1960-64 Ford Car Master Parts and Accessories Catalog


eBook Download of Ford Master Parts Catalog

Product # D10063


1960-68 Ford Car Master Parts and Accessories Catalog
Pages: 5,445
Models: Ford, Falcon, Thunderbird, Fairlane, Galaxie, Club Wagon and Station Bus, Futura, Squire, Ranchero, Ranch Wagon

Description: The 1960-68 Ford Car Parts and Accessories Catalog is the original 5,445 page manual used by Ford technicians in the 60's to identify the correct service part for Ford cars. It contains a comprehensive list of part numbers, diagrams, illustrations, cross-references, and other valuable information necessary for any restoration project. [View Product Sample]

Price: $21.95

1960-68 Ford Car Master Parts and Accessories Catalog


eBook Download of Ford Master Parts Catalog

Product # D15010


1960-64 Lincoln Mercury Master Parts Catalog
Pages: 2,376
Models: 1960-64 Mercury, 1962-63 Meteor, 1960-64 Comet and 1960-64 Lincoln-Continental

Description: This is an electronic reproduction of the original Ford printed manuals LM-8281-B and LM-8281-C (revised November, 1964). The 1960 thru 1964 Lincoln Mercury Master Parts Catalog is the original manual used by Ford technicians to identify the correct part for Ford cars. This Lincoln Mercury Master Parts Catalog contains replacement part and accessories information for the 1960-64 Mercury, 1962-63 Meteor, 1960-64 Comet and 1960-64 Lincoln-Continental. The descriptions and specifications contained in this manual were in effect at the time the manual was approved for printing. It contains a comprehensive list of part numbers, diagrams, illustrations, cross-references, and other valuable information necessary for any restoration project. [View Product Sample]

Price: $21.95

1960-64 Lincoln Mercury Master Parts Catalog


eBook Download of Ford Thunderbird Shop Manual

Product # D10160

1960 Ford Thunderbird Shop Manual
Pages: 401
Models Covered: Thunderbird

Description: This manual contains complete service information for the 1960 Ford Thunderbird. Step-by-step procedures for trouble shooting, cleaning and inspecting, repairing, and re-placing the various parts, assemblies, and systems on these vehicles are presented here. This manual also contains maintenance and lubrication data as well as a tabulation of service specifications. Detailed illustrations of many of the service operations are given here. Disassembled views of the principal units show the various parts in the order of their disassembly or assembly. In many cases, a glance at these illustrations will tell you all you need to know about how the parts go together. [View Product Sample]

Price: $16.95

1960 Ford Thunderbird Shop Manual


eBook Download of 1960 Ford Car Shop Manual

Product # D10260

1960 Ford Car Shop Manual
Pages: 502
Models Covered: 1960 Ford Cars, Fairlane, Galaxie, Starline, Sunliner, Station Wagons, Courier, and Ranchero.

Description: This is an electronic reproduction of the original Ford printed manual. This manual provides information for the proper servicing of 1960 Ford Cars, Fairlane, Galaxie, Starline, Sunliner, Station Wagons, Courier, and Ranchero. The descriptions and specifications contained in this manual were in effect at the time the manual was approved for printing. This is an electronic version of the original manual used by the Ford dealership mechanics to guide them through repairs and maintenance. Each section provides information on the operation of major systems, diagnostics, troubleshooting, overhaul, as well as the removal and installation of major components. Step-by-step procedures for trouble shooting, cleaning and inspecting, repairing, and replacing the various parts, assemblies, and systems on these vehicles are presented.
[View Product Sample]

Price: $16.95

1960 Ford Car Shop Manual


1960 Ford Truck Shop Manual eBook download

Product # D20060

1960 Ford Truck Shop Manual
Pages: 686
Models Covered: All 1960 Ford trucks built in the US

Description: This manual contains complete service information for all 1960 Ford Trucks built in the U.S. Service procedures for the Courier are covered in the 1960 For Car Shop Manual. To include: 1960 Ford Light Duty, Medium Duty, Heavy Duty, Extra-Heavy Duty, Super Duty, Conventional Series, Tilt Cab Series, Tandem Axles Series, School Bus Seris, Parcel Delivery Series, F-100, F-250, F-350, F-500, F-600, F-700, F-750, F-800, F-850, F-950, F-1000, F-1100, B-500, B-600, B-700, B-750, C-550, C-600, C-700, C-750, C-800, C-850, C-950, C-1000, C-1100, Parcel, P-350, P-400, P-500, P-600, T-700, T-750, T-800, T-850, and T-950.This is an electronic version of the original manual used by the Ford dealership mechanics to guide them through repairs and maintenance. Each section provides information on the operation of major systems, diagnostics, troubleshooting, overhaul, as well as the removal and installation of major components. Step-by-step procedures for trouble shooting, cleaning and inspecting, repairing, and replacing the various parts, assemblies, and systems on these vehicles are presented. This manual also contains maintenance and lubrication data as well as a tabulation of service specifications. Detailed illustrations of many of the service operations are given here. Disassembled views of the principal units show the various parts in the order of their disassembly or assembly. In many cases, a glance at these illustrations will tell you all you need to know about how the parts go together. Written in an easy to understand format, this manual contains instructions designed for the novice and the expert. In addition, this manual is filled with illustrations, photographs, and diagrams that help in the identification of parts and proper assembly.
[View Product Sample]

Price: $21.95

1960 Ford Truck Shop Manual



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1960-62 Falcon and Comet Shop Manual ebook download

Product # D10033

1960-62 Falcon and Comet Shop Manual (Canadian printed version)
Pages: 358
Models: Falcon, Comet

Description: This manual contains complete service information for all 1960, 1961, and 1962 Ford Falcon and Comet. This is an electronic version of the original manual used by the Ford dealership mechanics to guide them through repairs and maintenance. Each section provides information on the operation of major systems, diagnostics, troubleshooting, overhaul, as well as the removal and installation of major components. Step-by-step procedures for trouble shooting, cleaning and inspecting, repairing, and replacing the various parts, assemblies, and systems on these vehicles are presented. [View Product Sample]

Price: $16.95

1960-62 Falcon and Comet Shop Manual (Canadian printed version)


ebook download manual for the 1961 Ford Falcon Shop Manual

Product # D10037

1961 Falcon Shop Manual
Pages: 299
Models: 1961 Ford Falcon to include: Two-Door Sedan, Four-Door Sedan, Two-Door Ranch Wagon, Ranchero, and Four-Door Station Wagon models.

Description: This is an electronic reproduction of the original Ford printed manual. This manual contains complete service information for the 1961 Ford Falcon to include: Two-Door Sedan, Four-Door Sedan, Two-Door Ranch Wagon, Ranchero, and Four-Door Station Wagon models. The descriptions and specifications contained in this manual were in effect at the time the manual was approved for printing. This is the original manual used by the Ford dealership mechanics to guide them through repairs and maintenance. Each section provides information on the operation of major systems, diagnostics, troubleshooting, overhaul, as well as the removal and installation of major components. Step-by-step procedures for trouble shooting, cleaning and inspecting, repairing, and replacing the various parts, assemblies, and systems on these vehicles are presented.
[View Product Sample]

Price: $16.95

1961 Falcon Shop Manual


eBook 1960-1963 Ford Falcon Shop Manua

Product # D10035

1960-1963 Ford Falcon Shop Manual
Pages: 421
Models: Falcon

Description: This manual contains complete service information for all 1960, 1961, and 1962 Ford Falcon. The 1963 Ford Falcon and Mercury Comet Supplement is also included for 1963 models.This is an electronic version of the original manual used by the Ford dealership mechanics to guide them through repairs and maintenance. Each section provides information on the operation of major systems, diagnostics, troubleshooting, overhaul, as well as the removal and installation of major components. Step-by-step procedures for trouble shooting, cleaning and inspecting, repairing, and replacing the various parts, assemblies, and systems on these vehicles are presented. [View Product Sample]

Price: $16.95

1960-1963 Ford Falcon Shop Manua


eBook Download of 1961 Ford Car Shop Manual

Product # D10261

1961 Ford Car Shop Manual
Pages: 547
Models Covered: 1961 Ford Cars, Fairlane, Galaxie, Station Wagons, and Courier.

Description: This is an electronic reproduction of the original Ford printed manual. This manual provides information for the proper servicing of 1961 Ford Cars, Fairlane, Galaxie, Station Wagons, and Courier. The descriptions and specifications contained in this manual were in effect at the time the manual was approved for printing. This is an electronic version of the original manual used by the Ford dealership mechanics to guide them through repairs and maintenance. Each section provides information on the operation of major systems, diagnostics, troubleshooting, overhaul, as well as the removal and installation of major components. Step-by-step procedures for trouble shooting, cleaning and inspecting, repairing, and replacing the various parts, assemblies, and systems on these vehicles are presented.
[View Product Sample]

Price: $16.95

1961 Ford Car Shop Manual


eBook 1957/63 Ford Truck Parts and Accessories Catalog

Product # D20080

1957/63  Ford Truck Parts and Accessories Catalog
Pages: 2,994
Models: All 1957-63 Ford Trucks built in the United States and Canada

Description: 1957-63 Ford Truck Master Parts and Accessory Catalog. This Ford Truck Master Parts Catalog contains replacement parts and accessories information for Ford Trucks including the Econoline, the Falcon Station Bus , Falcon Club Wagon and Falcon Deluxe Club Wagon for model years 1957 through 1963. This "text" catalog is to be used In conjunction with the lllustration Catalog (Form AF 7698) that is included. This is an electronic version of the original manual used by the Ford dealership mechanics to identify the correct service part for Ford Trucks. It contains a comprehensive list of part numbers, diagrams, illustrations, cross-references, and other valuable information necessary for any restoration project. [View Product Sample]

Price: $24.95

1957/63 Ford Truck Parts and Accessories Catalog


1960-64 Ford Car Master Parts and Accessories Catalog ebook download

Product # D10042


1960-64 Ford Car Master Parts and Accessories Catalog
Pages: 2,225
Models: Ford, Falcon, Thunderbird, Fairlane, Galaxie, Club Wagon and Station Bus, Futura, Squire, Ranchero, Ranch Wagon

Description: The 1960-64 Ford Car Parts and Accessories Catalog is the original 2000+ page manual used by Ford technicians in the 60's to identify the correct service part for Ford cars. It contains a comprehensive list of part numbers, diagrams, illustrations, cross-references, and other valuable information necessary for any restoration project. [View Product Sample]

Price: $16.95

1960-64 Ford Car Master Parts and Accessories Catalog


eBook Download of Ford Master Parts Catalog

Product # D10063


1960-68 Ford Car Master Parts and Accessories Catalog
Pages: 5,445
Models: Ford, Falcon, Thunderbird, Fairlane, Galaxie, Club Wagon and Station Bus, Futura, Squire, Ranchero, Ranch Wagon

Description: The 1960-68 Ford Car Parts and Accessories Catalog is the original 5,445 page manual used by Ford technicians in the 60's to identify the correct service part for Ford cars. It contains a comprehensive list of part numbers, diagrams, illustrations, cross-references, and other valuable information necessary for any restoration project. [View Product Sample]

Price: $21.95

1960-68 Ford Car Master Parts and Accessories Catalog


eBook Download of Ford Master Parts Catalog

Product # D15010


1960-64 Lincoln Mercury Master Parts Catalog
Pages: 2,376
Models: 1960-64 Mercury, 1962-63 Meteor, 1960-64 Comet and 1960-64 Lincoln-Continental

Description: This is an electronic reproduction of the original Ford printed manuals LM-8281-B and LM-8281-C (revised November, 1964). The 1960 thru 1964 Lincoln Mercury Master Parts Catalog is the original manual used by Ford technicians to identify the correct part for Ford cars. This Lincoln Mercury Master Parts Catalog contains replacement part and accessories information for the 1960-64 Mercury, 1962-63 Meteor, 1960-64 Comet and 1960-64 Lincoln-Continental. The descriptions and specifications contained in this manual were in effect at the time the manual was approved for printing. It contains a comprehensive list of part numbers, diagrams, illustrations, cross-references, and other valuable information necessary for any restoration project. [View Product Sample]

Price: $21.95

1960-64 Lincoln Mercury Master Parts Catalog


1961 Ford Thunderbird Shop Manual eBook download

Product # D10161

1961 Ford Thunderbird Shop Manual
Pages: 331
Models Covered: Thunderbird

Description: This manual contains complete service information for the 1961 Ford Thunderbird. Step-by-step procedures for trouble shooting, cleaning and inspecting, repairing, and re-placing the various parts, assemblies, and systems on these vehicles are presented here. This manual also contains maintenance and lubrication data as well as a tabulation of service specifications. Detailed illustrations of many of the service operations are given here. Disassembled views of the principal units show the various parts in the order of their disassembly or assembly. In many cases, a glance at these illustrations will tell you all you need to know about how the parts go together. [View Product Sample]

Price: $16.95

1961 Ford Thunderbird Shop Manual


1961-63 Ford Truck Shop Manual eBook download

Product # D20061

1961-63 Ford Truck Shop Manual
Pages: 861
Models Covered: 1961, 1962, and 1963 Ford trucks (100-800 series).

Description: This manual contains complete service information for all 1961, 1962, and 1963 Ford Trucks. For example, 1961-63 Ford Light, Medium and Heavy Duty Trucks, Conventional Series (F-100, F-200, F-350, F-500, F-600, F-700, F-750, F-800); Tilt Cab Series (C-550, C-600, C-700, C-750, C-800); T-800 Tandem Axle Series (T-700, T-750, T-800), School Bus Series (B-500, B-600, B-700, B-750), Parcel Delivery Series (P-350, P-400, P-500).This is an digital version of the original manual used by the Ford dealership mechanics to guide them through repairs and maintenance. Each section provides information on the operation of major systems, diagnostics, troubleshooting, overhaul, as well as the removal and installation of major components. Step-by-step procedures for trouble shooting, cleaning and inspecting, repairing, and replacing the various parts, assemblies, and systems on these vehicles are presented.This manual also contains maintenance and lubrication data as well as a tabulation of service specifications. Detailed illustrations of many of the service operations are given here. Disassembled views of the principal units show the various parts in the order of their disassembly or assembly. In many cases, a glance at these illustrations will tell you all you need to know about how the parts go together. Written in an easy to understand format, this manual contains instructions designed for the novice and the expert. In addition, this manual is filled with illustrations, photographs, and diagrams that help in the identification of parts and proper assembly. [View Product Sample]

Price: $21.95

1961-63 Ford Truck Shop Manual


1961-64 Ford Econoline and Falcon Club Wagon Shop Manual eBook download

Product # D10038

1961-64 Ford Econoline and Falcon Club Wagon Shop Manual
Pages: 404
Models Covered: All 1961-64 Econoline, Falcon Station Bus and Club Wagons

Description: This is an electronic reproduction of the original Ford printed manual. This manual contains complete service information for all 1961-64 Econoline, Falcon Station Bus and Club Wagons. Models such as: Econoline, Econoline Van, Econoline Bus, Regular Pick-up,Heavy Pick-up,Falcon Station Bus, Falcon Club Wagon, Falcon Deluxe Club Wagon, Regular Van, Heavy Van, and Panel Van. The descriptions and specifications contained in this manual were in effect at the time the manual was approved for printing. This is the original manual used by the Ford dealership mechanics to guide them through repairs and maintenance.

Each section provides information on the operation of major systems, diagnostics, troubleshooting, overhaul, as well as the removal and installation of major components. You will find step-by-step procedures for engines, exhaust, ignition, fuel, clutch, transmissions, rear axle & driveline, cooling, chassis, suspension, frames, steering, brakes, generating & starting, lights, instruments, accessories, body maintenance & repair, doors, deck lids, front sheet metal, interior trim, seats, windows, body installation, maintenance and lubrication. In addition, this manual includes wiring diagrams, specifications, special tool lists, exploded view illustrations, troubleshooting diagnosis, and pictures.

This manual also contains maintenance and lubrication data as well as a tabulation of service specifications. Disassembled views of the principal units show the various parts in the order of their disassembly or assembly. In many cases, a glance at these illustrations will tell you all you need to know about how the parts are assembled. Written in an easy to understand format, this manual contains instructions designed for the novice and the expert.

[View Product Sample]

Price: $16.95

1961-64 Ford Econoline and Falcon Club Wagon Shop Manual



Back to Top Back to Top

1960-62 Falcon and Comet Shop Manual (Canadian printed version) ebook download

Product # D10033

1960-62 Falcon and Comet Shop Manual (Canadian printed version)
Pages: 358
Models: Falcon, Comet

Description: This manual contains complete service information for all 1960, 1961, and 1962 Ford Falcon and Comet. This is an electronic version of the original manual used by the Ford dealership mechanics to guide them through repairs and maintenance. Each section provides information on the operation of major systems, diagnostics, troubleshooting, overhaul, as well as the removal and installation of major components. Step-by-step procedures for trouble shooting, cleaning and inspecting, repairing, and replacing the various parts, assemblies, and systems on these vehicles are presented. [View Product Sample]

Price: $16.95

1960-62 Falcon and Comet Shop Manual (Canadian printed version)


eBook 1960-1963 Ford Falcon Shop Manua

Product # D10035

1960-1963 Ford Falcon Shop Manual
Pages: 421
Models: Falcon

Description: This manual contains complete service information for all 1960, 1961, and 1962 Ford Falcon. The 1963 Ford Falcon and Mercury Comet Supplement is also included for 1963 models.This is an electronic version of the original manual used by the Ford dealership mechanics to guide them through repairs and maintenance. Each section provides information on the operation of major systems, diagnostics, troubleshooting, overhaul, as well as the removal and installation of major components. Step-by-step procedures for trouble shooting, cleaning and inspecting, repairing, and replacing the various parts, assemblies, and systems on these vehicles are presented. [View Product Sample]

Price: $16.95

1960-1963 Ford Falcon Shop Manua


eBook Download of the 1962-63 Ford Galaxie and Mercury Monterey Shop Manual

Product # D10262

1962-63 Ford Galaxie and Mercury Monterey Shop Manual
Pages: 723
Models Covered: 1962-63 Ford Galaxie, Galaxie 500, Station Wagons and Mercury Monterey.

Description: This is an electronic reproduction of the original Ford printed manual. This manual provides information for the proper servicing of 1962-63 Ford Galaxie, Galaxie 500, Station Wagons and Mercury Monterey. The descriptions and specifications contained in this manual were in effect at the time the manual was approved for printing. This is an electronic version of the original manual used by the Ford dealership mechanics to guide them through repairs and maintenance. Each section provides information on the operation of major systems, diagnostics, troubleshooting, overhaul, as well as the removal and installation of major components. You will find step-by-step procedures for engines, exhaust, ignition, fuel, clutch, manual transmissions, Cruise-O-Matic, Fordomatic, rear axle & driveline, cooling, chassis, suspension, frames, steering, brakes, generating & starting, lights, instruments, accessories, body maintenance & repair, doors, deck lids, front sheet metal, interior trim, seats, windows, body installation, maintenance and lubrication. In addition, this manual includes wiring diagrams, specifications, special tool lists, exploded view illustrations, troubleshooting diagnosis, and pictures. This shop manual covers all 1962-1963 Ford Galaxie cars, XL, Victoria, Country Sedan, Country Squire, and Station Wagons.
[View Product Sample]

Price: $16.95

1962-63 Ford Galaxie and Mercury Monterey Shop Manual


eBook 1957/63 Ford Truck Parts and Accessories Catalog

Product # D20080

1957/63  Ford Truck Parts and Accessories Catalog
Pages: 2,994
Models: All 1957-63 Ford Trucks built in the United States and Canada

Description: 1957-63 Ford Truck Master Parts and Accessory Catalog. This Ford Truck Master Parts Catalog contains replacement parts and accessories information for Ford Trucks including the Econoline, the Falcon Station Bus , Falcon Club Wagon and Falcon Deluxe Club Wagon for model years 1957 through 1963. This "text" catalog is to be used In conjunction with the lllustration Catalog (Form AF 7698) that is included. This is an electronic version of the original manual used by the Ford dealership mechanics to identify the correct service part for Ford Trucks. It contains a comprehensive list of part numbers, diagrams, illustrations, cross-references, and other valuable information necessary for any restoration project. [View Product Sample]

Price: $24.95

1957/63 Ford Truck Parts and Accessories Catalog


1960-64 Ford Car Master Parts and Accessories Catalog

Product # D10042


1960-64 Ford Car Master Parts and Accessories Catalog
Pages: 2,225
Models: Ford, Falcon, Thunderbird, Fairlane, Galaxie, Club Wagon and Station Bus, Futura, Squire, Ranchero, Ranch Wagon

Description: The 1960-64 Ford Car Parts and Accessories Catalog is the original 2000+ page manual used by Ford technicians in the 60's to identify the correct service part for Ford cars. It contains a comprehensive list of part numbers, diagrams, illustrations, cross-references, and other valuable information necessary for any restoration project. [View Product Sample]

Price: $16.95

1960-64 Ford Car Master Parts and Accessories Catalog


eBook Download of Ford Master Parts Catalog

Product # D10063


1960-68 Ford Car Master Parts and Accessories Catalog
Pages: 5,445
Models: Ford, Falcon, Thunderbird, Fairlane, Galaxie, Club Wagon and Station Bus, Futura, Squire, Ranchero, Ranch Wagon

Description: The 1960-68 Ford Car Parts and Accessories Catalog is the original 5,445 page manual used by Ford technicians in the 60's to identify the correct service part for Ford cars. It contains a comprehensive list of part numbers, diagrams, illustrations, cross-references, and other valuable information necessary for any restoration project. [View Product Sample]

Price: $21.95

1960-68 Ford Car Master Parts and Accessories Catalog


eBook Download of Ford Master Parts Catalog

Product # D15010


1960-64 Lincoln Mercury Master Parts Catalog
Pages: 2,376
Models: 1960-64 Mercury, 1962-63 Meteor, 1960-64 Comet and 1960-64 Lincoln-Continental

Description: This is an electronic reproduction of the original Ford printed manuals LM-8281-B and LM-8281-C (revised November, 1964). The 1960 thru 1964 Lincoln Mercury Master Parts Catalog is the original manual used by Ford technicians to identify the correct part for Ford cars. This Lincoln Mercury Master Parts Catalog contains replacement part and accessories information for the 1960-64 Mercury, 1962-63 Meteor, 1960-64 Comet and 1960-64 Lincoln-Continental. The descriptions and specifications contained in this manual were in effect at the time the manual was approved for printing. It contains a comprehensive list of part numbers, diagrams, illustrations, cross-references, and other valuable information necessary for any restoration project. [View Product Sample]

Price: $21.95

1960-64 Lincoln Mercury Master Parts Catalog


1962 Ford Thunderbird Shop Manual ebook download

Product # D10162

1962 Ford Thunderbird Shop Manual
Pages: 333
Models Covered: Thunderbird

Description: This manual contains complete service information for the 1962 Ford Thunderbird. Step-by-step procedures for trouble shooting, cleaning and inspecting, repairing, and re-placing the various parts, assemblies, and systems on these vehicles are presented here. This manual also contains maintenance and lubrication data as well as a tabulation of service specifications. Detailed illustrations of many of the service operations are given here. Disassembled views of the principal units show the various parts in the order of their disassembly or assembly. In many cases, a glance at these illustrations will tell you all you need to know about how the parts go together. [View Product Sample]

Price: $16.95

1962 Ford Thunderbird Shop Manual


1961-63 Ford Truck Shop Manual eBook download

Product # D20061

1961-63 Ford Truck Shop Manual
Pages: 861
Models Covered: 1961, 1962, and 1963 Ford trucks (100-800 series).

Description: This manual contains complete service information for all 1961, 1962, and 1963 Ford Trucks. For example, 1961-63 Ford Light, Medium and Heavy Duty Trucks, Conventional Series (F-100, F-200, F-350, F-500, F-600, F-700, F-750, F-800); Tilt Cab Series (C-550, C-600, C-700, C-750, C-800); T-800 Tandem Axle Series (T-700, T-750, T-800), School Bus Series (B-500, B-600, B-700, B-750), Parcel Delivery Series (P-350, P-400, P-500).This is an digital version of the original manual used by the Ford dealership mechanics to guide them through repairs and maintenance. Each section provides information on the operation of major systems, diagnostics, troubleshooting, overhaul, as well as the removal and installation of major components. Step-by-step procedures for trouble shooting, cleaning and inspecting, repairing, and replacing the various parts, assemblies, and systems on these vehicles are presented.This manual also contains maintenance and lubrication data as well as a tabulation of service specifications. Detailed illustrations of many of the service operations are given here. Disassembled views of the principal units show the various parts in the order of their disassembly or assembly. In many cases, a glance at these illustrations will tell you all you need to know about how the parts go together. Written in an easy to understand format, this manual contains instructions designed for the novice and the expert. In addition, this manual is filled with illustrations, photographs, and diagrams that help in the identification of parts and proper assembly. [View Product Sample]

Price: $21.95

1961-63 Ford Truck Shop Manual


1961-64 Ford Econoline and Falcon Club Wagon Shop Manual eBook download

Product # D10038

1961-64 Ford Econoline and Falcon Club Wagon Shop Manual
Pages: 404
Models Covered: All 1961-64 Econoline, Falcon Station Bus and Club Wagons

Description: This is an electronic reproduction of the original Ford printed manual. This manual contains complete service information for all 1961-64 Econoline, Falcon Station Bus and Club Wagons. Models such as: Econoline, Econoline Van, Econoline Bus, Regular Pick-up,Heavy Pick-up,Falcon Station Bus, Falcon Club Wagon, Falcon Deluxe Club Wagon, Regular Van, Heavy Van, and Panel Van. The descriptions and specifications contained in this manual were in effect at the time the manual was approved for printing. This is the original manual used by the Ford dealership mechanics to guide them through repairs and maintenance.

Each section provides information on the operation of major systems, diagnostics, troubleshooting, overhaul, as well as the removal and installation of major components. You will find step-by-step procedures for engines, exhaust, ignition, fuel, clutch, transmissions, rear axle & driveline, cooling, chassis, suspension, frames, steering, brakes, generating & starting, lights, instruments, accessories, body maintenance & repair, doors, deck lids, front sheet metal, interior trim, seats, windows, body installation, maintenance and lubrication. In addition, this manual includes wiring diagrams, specifications, special tool lists, exploded view illustrations, troubleshooting diagnosis, and pictures.

This manual also contains maintenance and lubrication data as well as a tabulation of service specifications. Disassembled views of the principal units show the various parts in the order of their disassembly or assembly. In many cases, a glance at these illustrations will tell you all you need to know about how the parts are assembled. Written in an easy to understand format, this manual contains instructions designed for the novice and the expert.

[View Product Sample]

Price: $16.95

1961-64 Ford Econoline and Falcon Club Wagon Shop Manual



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eBook 1960-1963 Ford Falcon Shop Manua

Product # D10035

1960-1963 Ford Falcon Shop Manual
Pages: 421
Models: Falcon

Description: This manual contains complete service information for all 1960, 1961, and 1962 Ford Falcon. The 1963 Ford Falcon and Mercury Comet Supplement is also included for 1963 models.This is an electronic version of the original manual used by the Ford dealership mechanics to guide them through repairs and maintenance. Each section provides information on the operation of major systems, diagnostics, troubleshooting, overhaul, as well as the removal and installation of major components. Step-by-step procedures for trouble shooting, cleaning and inspecting, repairing, and replacing the various parts, assemblies, and systems on these vehicles are presented. [View Product Sample]

Price: $16.95

1960-1963 Ford Falcon Shop Manua


eBook Download of the 1962-63 Ford Galaxie and Mercury Monterey Shop Manual

Product # D10262

1962-63 Ford Galaxie and Mercury Monterey Shop Manual
Pages: 723
Models Covered: 1962-63 Ford Galaxie, Galaxie 500, Station Wagons and Mercury Monterey.

Description: This is an electronic reproduction of the original Ford printed manual. This manual provides information for the proper servicing of 1962-63 Ford Galaxie, Galaxie 500, Station Wagons and Mercury Monterey. The descriptions and specifications contained in this manual were in effect at the time the manual was approved for printing. This is an electronic version of the original manual used by the Ford dealership mechanics to guide them through repairs and maintenance. Each section provides information on the operation of major systems, diagnostics, troubleshooting, overhaul, as well as the removal and installation of major components. You will find step-by-step procedures for engines, exhaust, ignition, fuel, clutch, manual transmissions, Cruise-O-Matic, Fordomatic, rear axle & driveline, cooling, chassis, suspension, frames, steering, brakes, generating & starting, lights, instruments, accessories, body maintenance & repair, doors, deck lids, front sheet metal, interior trim, seats, windows, body installation, maintenance and lubrication. In addition, this manual includes wiring diagrams, specifications, special tool lists, exploded view illustrations, troubleshooting diagnosis, and pictures. This shop manual covers all 1962-1963 Ford Galaxie cars, XL, Victoria, Country Sedan, Country Squire, and Station Wagons.
[View Product Sample]

Price: $16.95

1962-63 Ford Galaxie and Mercury Monterey Shop Manual


eBook 1957/63 Ford Truck Parts and Accessories Catalog

Product # D20080

1957/63  Ford Truck Parts and Accessories Catalog
Pages: 2,994
Models: All 1957-63 Ford Trucks built in the United States and Canada

Description: 1957-63 Ford Truck Master Parts and Accessory Catalog. This Ford Truck Master Parts Catalog contains replacement parts and accessories information for Ford Trucks including the Econoline, the Falcon Station Bus , Falcon Club Wagon and Falcon Deluxe Club Wagon for model years 1957 through 1963. This "text" catalog is to be used In conjunction with the lllustration Catalog (Form AF 7698) that is included. This is an electronic version of the original manual used by the Ford dealership mechanics to identify the correct service part for Ford Trucks. It contains a comprehensive list of part numbers, diagrams, illustrations, cross-references, and other valuable information necessary for any restoration project. [View Product Sample]

Price: $24.95

1957/63 Ford Truck Parts and Accessories Catalog


eBook Download of Ford Master Parts Catalog

Product # D10042


1960-64 Ford Car Master Parts and Accessories Catalog
Pages: 2,225
Models: Ford, Falcon, Thunderbird, Fairlane, Galaxie, Club Wagon and Station Bus, Futura, Squire, Ranchero, Ranch Wagon

Description: The 1960-64 Ford Car Parts and Accessories Catalog is the original 2000+ page manual used by Ford technicians in the 60's to identify the correct service part for Ford cars. It contains a comprehensive list of part numbers, diagrams, illustrations, cross-references, and other valuable information necessary for any restoration project. [View Product Sample]

Price: $16.95

1960-64 Ford Car Master Parts and Accessories Catalog


eBook Download of Ford Master Parts Catalog

Product # D10063


1960-68 Ford Car Master Parts and Accessories Catalog
Pages: 5,445
Models: Ford, Falcon, Thunderbird, Fairlane, Galaxie, Club Wagon and Station Bus, Futura, Squire, Ranchero, Ranch Wagon

Description: The 1960-68 Ford Car Parts and Accessories Catalog is the original 5,445 page manual used by Ford technicians in the 60's to identify the correct service part for Ford cars. It contains a comprehensive list of part numbers, diagrams, illustrations, cross-references, and other valuable information necessary for any restoration project. [View Product Sample]

Price: $21.95

1960-68 Ford Car Master Parts and Accessories Catalog


eBook Download of Ford Master Parts Catalog

Product # D15010


1960-64 Lincoln Mercury Master Parts Catalog
Pages: 2,376
Models: 1960-64 Mercury, 1962-63 Meteor, 1960-64 Comet and 1960-64 Lincoln-Continental

Description: This is an electronic reproduction of the original Ford printed manuals LM-8281-B and LM-8281-C (revised November, 1964). The 1960 thru 1964 Lincoln Mercury Master Parts Catalog is the original manual used by Ford technicians to identify the correct part for Ford cars. This Lincoln Mercury Master Parts Catalog contains replacement part and accessories information for the 1960-64 Mercury, 1962-63 Meteor, 1960-64 Comet and 1960-64 Lincoln-Continental. The descriptions and specifications contained in this manual were in effect at the time the manual was approved for printing. It contains a comprehensive list of part numbers, diagrams, illustrations, cross-references, and other valuable information necessary for any restoration project. [View Product Sample]

Price: $21.95

1960-64 Lincoln Mercury Master Parts Catalog


Ford Shop Tips (1963-1973 ) eBook download

Product # D10062

Ford Shop Tips (1963 - 1973)
October 1963 Vol. 1, No 1. to August 1973, Vol 11, No. 11
Pages: 2,195
Models: All models Car and Truck

Description: This is a complete collection of volumes 1 through 11of the Ford "Shop Tips" magazine; from the very first issue Volume 1, Number 1 (October 1963) through Volume 11, Number 11 (August 1973) for a total of 111 issues! Every issue is jammed packed full of shortcuts, tips, and tricks to make repairs fast and easy. Articles are written in plain, straight-to-the-point fashion and provide simple solutions to common problems.The Ford "Shop Tips" magazine was a Ford technical service publication provided to servicemen in service stations and independent garages to help mechanics with the servicing of Ford vehicles. This technical information kept mechanics abreast of new developments and factory-recommended procedures. [View Product Sample]

Price: $10.95

Ford Shop Tips (1963-1973)


1963 Ford Thunderbird Shop Manual eBook download

Product # D10163

1963 Ford Thunderbird Shop Manual
Pages: 408
Models Covered: Thunderbird
*Note - This product is the 1963 Thunderbird Supplement and the entire 1962 Thunderbird Shop Manual to provide complete service information for the 1963 Ford Thunderbird. Ford did not produce a separate 1963 Thunderbird Shop Manual - only a supplement.

Description: This manual contains both the 1963 Thunderbird Supplement and the 1962 Thunderbird Shop Manual to provide complete service information for the 1963 Ford Thunderbird. Step-by-step procedures for trouble shooting, cleaning and inspecting, repairing, and re-placing the various parts, assemblies, and systems on these vehicles are presented here. This manual also contains maintenance and lubrication data as well as a tabulation of service specifications. Detailed illustrations of many of the service operations are given here. Disassembled views of the principal units show the various parts in the order of their disassembly or assembly. In many cases, a glance at these illustrations will tell you all you need to know about how the parts go together. [View Product Sample]

Price: $16.95

1963 Ford Thunderbird Shop Manual


1961-63 Ford Truck Shop Manual eBook download

Product # D20061

1961-63 Ford Truck Shop Manual
Pages: 861
Models Covered: 1961, 1962, and 1963 Ford trucks (100-800 series).

Description: This manual contains complete service information for all 1961, 1962, and 1963 Ford Trucks. For example, 1961-63 Ford Light, Medium and Heavy Duty Trucks, Conventional Series (F-100, F-200, F-350, F-500, F-600, F-700, F-750, F-800); Tilt Cab Series (C-550, C-600, C-700, C-750, C-800); T-800 Tandem Axle Series (T-700, T-750, T-800), School Bus Series (B-500, B-600, B-700, B-750), Parcel Delivery Series (P-350, P-400, P-500).This is an digital version of the original manual used by the Ford dealership mechanics to guide them through repairs and maintenance. Each section provides information on the operation of major systems, diagnostics, troubleshooting, overhaul, as well as the removal and installation of major components. Step-by-step procedures for trouble shooting, cleaning and inspecting, repairing, and replacing the various parts, assemblies, and systems on these vehicles are presented.This manual also contains maintenance and lubrication data as well as a tabulation of service specifications. Detailed illustrations of many of the service operations are given here. Disassembled views of the principal units show the various parts in the order of their disassembly or assembly. In many cases, a glance at these illustrations will tell you all you need to know about how the parts go together. Written in an easy to understand format, this manual contains instructions designed for the novice and the expert. In addition, this manual is filled with illustrations, photographs, and diagrams that help in the identification of parts and proper assembly. [View Product Sample]

Price: $21.95

1961-63 Ford Truck Shop Manual


1961-64 Ford Econoline and Falcon Club Wagon Shop Manual eBook download

Product # D10038

1961-64 Ford Econoline and Falcon Club Wagon Shop Manual
Pages: 404
Models Covered: All 1961-64 Econoline, Falcon Station Bus and Club Wagons

Description: This is an electronic reproduction of the original Ford printed manual. This manual contains complete service information for all 1961-64 Econoline, Falcon Station Bus and Club Wagons. Models such as: Econoline, Econoline Van, Econoline Bus, Regular Pick-up,Heavy Pick-up,Falcon Station Bus, Falcon Club Wagon, Falcon Deluxe Club Wagon, Regular Van, Heavy Van, and Panel Van. The descriptions and specifications contained in this manual were in effect at the time the manual was approved for printing. This is the original manual used by the Ford dealership mechanics to guide them through repairs and maintenance.

Each section provides information on the operation of major systems, diagnostics, troubleshooting, overhaul, as well as the removal and installation of major components. You will find step-by-step procedures for engines, exhaust, ignition, fuel, clutch, transmissions, rear axle & driveline, cooling, chassis, suspension, frames, steering, brakes, generating & starting, lights, instruments, accessories, body maintenance & repair, doors, deck lids, front sheet metal, interior trim, seats, windows, body installation, maintenance and lubrication. In addition, this manual includes wiring diagrams, specifications, special tool lists, exploded view illustrations, troubleshooting diagnosis, and pictures.

This manual also contains maintenance and lubrication data as well as a tabulation of service specifications. Disassembled views of the principal units show the various parts in the order of their disassembly or assembly. In many cases, a glance at these illustrations will tell you all you need to know about how the parts are assembled. Written in an easy to understand format, this manual contains instructions designed for the novice and the expert.

[View Product Sample]

Price: $16.95

1961-64 Ford Econoline and Falcon Club Wagon Shop Manual


1963 Ford Body and Chassis Electrical Circuit Diagnosis eBook download

Product # D10179

1963 Ford Body and Chassis Electrical Circuit Diagnosis
Pages: 42
Models Covered: 1963 Ford (Service Handbook 13001, FORM 7795-R, VOL 63 S12 L2)

Description:This is an electronic reproduction of the of the original 1963 Ford Body and Chassis Electrical Circuits Diagnosis (Service Handbook 13001, FORM 7795-R, VOL 63 S12 L2) This handbook is divided into six groups covering the conventional and Regular Production Option electrical circuits on Ford Division cars and trucks. The first five groups, as listed in the Table of Contents, are common to car and truck; the sixth group deals with circuits which are exclusive truck applications.

This handbook covers diagnosis and testing only, and is designed to be used in conjunction with the Vehicle Wiring Diagrams Manual Form 7795-P, Shop Manuals, and other applicable Service Handbooks. Adjustment, repair, removal and installation procedures are covered in the appropriate Shop Manual.

Sections Include: Light Circuits Headlights Front Parking Lights Turn Signal Lights & Stop Lights Rear Parking - Tail Lights & License Light Back-up Lights Instrument Lights Interior Dome & Courtesy Lights Horn Circuits Horns Instrument Circuits Indicators & Gauges Accessories Circuits Cigar Lighter Electric Clock Radio & Rear Seat Speaker Air Conditioner Overdrive Motor Circuits Electric Windshield Wiper Windshield Washer Heater Blower Motor Convertible Top Tailgate Window Regulator Side Window Regulator 4-Way Seat Adjuster Truck Circuits Low Air Pressure Indicator Power Divider Differential Warning Light Two-Speed Axle Electric Fuel Pump Engine Warning System Windshield Wiper Booster Pump Marker Lights.

[View Product Sample]

Price: $8.95

1963 Ford Body and Chassis Electrical Circuit Diagnosis



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1964 Comet and Falcon Shop Manual (eBook)

Product # D10013

1964 Comet and Falcon Shop Manual (eBook) (with 1964 ½ Mustang Supplement)
Pages: 690
Models covered: Comet, Falcon, Mustang

Description: The 1965 Mustang, Falcon, Comet Shop Manual is the original manual used by the Ford dealership mechanics to guide them through repairs and maintenance. Each section provides information on the operation of major systems, diagnostics, troubleshooting, overhaul, as well as the removal and installation of major components. Written in an easy to understand format, this manual contains step-by-step instructions designed for the novice and the expert. In addition, this manual is filled with illustrations, photographs, and diagrams that help in the identification of parts and proper assembly. [View Product Sample]

Price: $16.95

1964 Comet and Falcon Shop Manual (eBook)


eBook Download of Ford Master Parts Catalog

Product # D10042


1960-64 Ford Car Master Parts and Accessories Catalog
Pages: 2,225
Models: Ford, Falcon, Thunderbird, Fairlane, Galaxie, Club Wagon and Station Bus, Futura, Squire, Ranchero, Ranch Wagon

Description: The 1960-64 Ford Car Parts and Accessories Catalog is the original 2000+ page manual used by Ford technicians in the 60's to identify the correct service part for Ford cars. It contains a comprehensive list of part numbers, diagrams, illustrations, cross-references, and other valuable information necessary for any restoration project. [View Product Sample]

Price: $16.95

1960-64 Ford Car Master Parts and Accessories Catalog


eBook Download of Ford Master Parts Catalog

Product # D10063


1960-68 Ford Car Master Parts and Accessories Catalog
Pages: 5,445
Models: Ford, Falcon, Thunderbird, Fairlane, Galaxie, Club Wagon and Station Bus, Futura, Squire, Ranchero, Ranch Wagon

Description: The 1960-68 Ford Car Parts and Accessories Catalog is the original 5,445 page manual used by Ford technicians in the 60's to identify the correct service part for Ford cars. It contains a comprehensive list of part numbers, diagrams, illustrations, cross-references, and other valuable information necessary for any restoration project. [View Product Sample]

Price: $21.95

1960-68 Ford Car Master Parts and Accessories Catalog


eBook Download of Ford Master Parts Catalog

Product # D15010


1960-64 Lincoln Mercury Master Parts Catalog
Pages: 2,376
Models: 1960-64 Mercury, 1962-63 Meteor, 1960-64 Comet and 1960-64 Lincoln-Continental

Description: This is an electronic reproduction of the original Ford printed manuals LM-8281-B and LM-8281-C (revised November, 1964). The 1960 thru 1964 Lincoln Mercury Master Parts Catalog is the original manual used by Ford technicians to identify the correct part for Ford cars. This Lincoln Mercury Master Parts Catalog contains replacement part and accessories information for the 1960-64 Mercury, 1962-63 Meteor, 1960-64 Comet and 1960-64 Lincoln-Continental. The descriptions and specifications contained in this manual were in effect at the time the manual was approved for printing. It contains a comprehensive list of part numbers, diagrams, illustrations, cross-references, and other valuable information necessary for any restoration project. [View Product Sample]

Price: $21.95

1960-64 Lincoln Mercury Master Parts Catalog


1964/72 Ford Truck Master Parts and Accessories Catalog eBook download

Product # D10014

1964/72 Ford Truck Master Parts and Accessories Catalog
Pages: 6,812
Models: all truck models

Description: The 1964/72 Ford Truck Master Parts Catalog and Accessories is the original 6000+ page manual used by Ford technicians in the 60's and 70's to identify the correct service part for Ford Trucks. It contains a comprehensive list of part numbers, diagrams, illustrations, cross-references, and other valuable information necessary for any restoration project. [View Product Sample]

Price: $16.95

1964/72 Ford Truck Master Parts and Accessories Catalog


Ford Shop Tips (1963-1973 ) eBook download

Product # D10062

Ford Shop Tips (1963 - 1973)
October 1963 Vol. 1, No 1. to August 1973, Vol 11, No. 11
Pages: 2,195
Models: All models Car and Truck

Description: This is a complete collection of volumes 1 through 11of the Ford "Shop Tips" magazine; from the very first issue Volume 1, Number 1 (October 1963) through Volume 11, Number 11 (August 1973) for a total of 111 issues! Every issue is jammed packed full of shortcuts, tips, and tricks to make repairs fast and easy. Articles are written in plain, straight-to-the-point fashion and provide simple solutions to common problems.The Ford "Shop Tips" magazine was a Ford technical service publication provided to servicemen in service stations and independent garages to help mechanics with the servicing of Ford vehicles. This technical information kept mechanics abreast of new developments and factory-recommended procedures. [View Product Sample]

Price: $10.95

Ford Shop Tips (1963-1973)


1964 Ford Thunderbird Shop Manual eBook download

Product # D10164

1964 Ford Thunderbird Shop Manual
Pages: 394
Models Covered: Thunderbird

Description: This manual contains complete service information for the 1964 Ford Thunderbird. Step-by-step procedures for trouble shooting, cleaning and inspecting, repairing, and re-placing the various parts, assemblies, and systems on these vehicles are presented here. This manual also contains maintenance and lubrication data as well as a tabulation of service specifications. Detailed illustrations of many of the service operations are given here. Disassembled views of the principal units show the various parts in the order of their disassembly or assembly. In many cases, a glance at these illustrations will tell you all you need to know about how the parts go together. [View Product Sample]

Price: $16.95

1964 Ford Thunderbird Shop Manual


Product # D10264

1964 Ford and Mercury Shop Manual
Pages: 674
Models Covered: Ford and Mercury Cars to include: Ford Custom, Custom 500, Galaxie 500, Galaxie 500 XL, Ford Station Wagons, Monterey, Montclair, Parklane and Mercury Station Wagons

Description: This manual contains complete service information for all 1964 Ford and Mercury Passenger cars and station wagons. This is an electronic version of the original manual used by the Ford dealership mechanics to guide them through repairs and maintenance. Each section provides information on the operation of major systems, diagnostics, troubleshooting, overhaul, as well as the removal and installation of major components. Step-by-step procedures for trouble shooting, cleaning and inspecting, repairing, and replacing the various parts, assemblies, and systems on these vehicles are presented.
This manual also contains maintenance and lubrication data as well as a tabulation of service specifications. Detailed illustrations of many of the service operations are given here. Disassembled views of the principal units show the various parts in the order of their disassembly or assembly. In many cases, a glance at these illustrations will tell you all you need to know about how the parts go together. Written in an easy to understand format, this manual contains instructions designed for the novice and the expert. In addition, this manual is filled with illustrations, photographs, and diagrams that help in the identification of parts and proper assembly. [View Product Sample]

Price: $16.95

1964 Ford and Mercury Shop Manual


1964 Ford Truck Shop Manual (100-350 Series)

Product # D20064

1964 Ford Truck Shop Manual (100-350 Series)
Pages: 555
Models Covered: 1964 Ford Truck (100-350 series) to include: Conventional Truck (F-series) and Parcel Delivery (P-Series)

Description: This manual contains complete service information for all 1964 Ford Trucks (100-350 series) to include: Conventional Truck (F-series), F-100 thru F-350, Parcel Delivery (P-Series).This is an digital version of the original manual used by the Ford dealership mechanics to guide them through repairs and maintenance. Each section provides information on the operation of major systems, diagnostics, troubleshooting, overhaul, as well as the removal and installation of major components. Step-by-step procedures for trouble shooting, cleaning and inspecting, repairing, and replacing the various parts, assemblies, and systems on these vehicles are presented. This manual also contains maintenance and lubrication data as well as a tabulation of service specifications. Detailed illustrations of many of the service operations are given here. Disassembled views of the principal units show the various parts in the order of their disassembly or assembly. In many cases, a glance at these illustrations will tell you all you need to know about how the parts go together. Written in an easy to understand format, this manual contains instructions designed for the novice and the expert. In addition, this manual is filled with illustrations, photographs, and diagrams that help in the identification of parts and proper assembly. [View Product Sample]

Price: $21.95

1964 Ford Truck Shop Manual (100-350 Series)


1964 Ford Truck Shop Manual (500-800 Series)

Product # D20063

1964 Ford Truck Shop Manual (500-800 Series)
Pages: 771
Models Covered: 1964 Ford Truck Shop Manual (500-800 Series) to include: Conventional Truck (F-series), Tilt Cab (C-Series), Tandem Axles (T-series), School Bus (B-Series), Cab Over (N-Series), Medium Duty Modesl (500, 550, 600), Heavy Duty (700, 750, 800) and Dagenham Diesel (3500, 4000, 5000, 6000, 7000) models.

Description: This is an electronic reproduction of the original Ford printed manual. This manual contains complete service information for all 1964 Ford Trucks (500-800 series) to include: Conventional Truck (F-series), Tilt Cab (C-Series), Tandem Axles (T-series), School Bus (B-Series), Cab Over (N-Series), Medium Duty Modesl (500, 550, 600), Heavy Duty (700, 750, 800) and Dagenham Diesel (3500, 4000, 5000, 6000, 7000) models. The descriptions and specifications contained in this manual were in effect at the time the manual was approved for printing. This is an electronic version of the original manual used by the Ford dealership mechanics to guide them through repairs and maintenance. Each section provides information on the operation of major systems, diagnostics, troubleshooting, overhaul, as well as the removal and installation of major components. Step-by-step procedures for trouble shooting, cleaning and inspecting, repairing, and replacing the various parts, assemblies, and systems on these vehicles are presented. This manual also contains maintenance and lubrication data as well as a tabulation of service specifications. Detailed illustrations of many of the service operations are given here. Disassembled views of the principal units show the various parts in the order of their disassembly or assembly. In many cases, a glance at these illustrations will tell you all you need to know about how the parts go together. Written in an easy to understand format, this manual contains instructions designed for the novice and the expert. In addition, this manual is filled with illustrations, photographs, and diagrams that help in the identification of parts and proper assembly. [View Product Sample]

Price: $21.95

1964 Ford Truck Shop Manual (500-800 Series)


1964 Ford Truck Shop Manual (850-1100 Series

Product # D20062

1964 Ford Truck Shop Manual (850-1100 Series)
Pages: 986
Models Covered: 1964 Ford trucks (850-1100 series)

Description: This manual contains complete service information for all 1964 Ford Trucks (850-1100 Series). 1961-63 Ford Light, Medium and Heavy Duty Trucks, Conventional Series (F-100, F-200, F-350, F-500, F-600, F-700, F-750, F-800, F-850, F-950, HT-850, H-950, CT-850, N-850, F-1000, HT-1000, N-1000, F-1100); Tilt Cab Series (C-550, C-600, C-700, C-750, C-800, C-850); T-800 Tandem Axle Series (T-700, T-750, T-800), School Bus Series (B-500, B-600, B-700, B-750), Parcel Delivery Series (P-350, P-400, P-500) and many more! This is an digital version of the original manual used by the Ford dealership mechanics to guide them through repairs and maintenance. Each section provides information on the operation of major systems, diagnostics, troubleshooting, overhaul, as well as the removal and installation of major components. Step-by-step procedures for trouble shooting, cleaning and inspecting, repairing, and replacing the various parts, assemblies, and systems on these vehicles are presented.This manual also contains maintenance and lubrication data as well as a tabulation of service specifications. Detailed illustrations of many of the service operations are given here. Disassembled views of the principal units show the various parts in the order of their disassembly or assembly. In many cases, a glance at these illustrations will tell you all you need to know about how the parts go together. Written in an easy to understand format, this manual contains instructions designed for the novice and the expert. In addition, this manual is filled with illustrations, photographs, and diagrams that help in the identification of parts and proper assembly. [View Product Sample]

Price: $21.95

1964 Ford Truck Shop Manual (850-1100 Series)


1961-64 Ford Econoline and Falcon Club Wagon Shop Manual eBook download

Product # D10038

1961-64 Ford Econoline and Falcon Club Wagon Shop Manual
Pages: 404
Models Covered: All 1961-64 Econoline, Falcon Station Bus and Club Wagons

Description: This is an electronic reproduction of the original Ford printed manual. This manual contains complete service information for all 1961-64 Econoline, Falcon Station Bus and Club Wagons. Models such as: Econoline, Econoline Van, Econoline Bus, Regular Pick-up,Heavy Pick-up,Falcon Station Bus, Falcon Club Wagon, Falcon Deluxe Club Wagon, Regular Van, Heavy Van, and Panel Van. The descriptions and specifications contained in this manual were in effect at the time the manual was approved for printing. This is the original manual used by the Ford dealership mechanics to guide them through repairs and maintenance.

Each section provides information on the operation of major systems, diagnostics, troubleshooting, overhaul, as well as the removal and installation of major components. You will find step-by-step procedures for engines, exhaust, ignition, fuel, clutch, transmissions, rear axle & driveline, cooling, chassis, suspension, frames, steering, brakes, generating & starting, lights, instruments, accessories, body maintenance & repair, doors, deck lids, front sheet metal, interior trim, seats, windows, body installation, maintenance and lubrication. In addition, this manual includes wiring diagrams, specifications, special tool lists, exploded view illustrations, troubleshooting diagnosis, and pictures.

This manual also contains maintenance and lubrication data as well as a tabulation of service specifications. Disassembled views of the principal units show the various parts in the order of their disassembly or assembly. In many cases, a glance at these illustrations will tell you all you need to know about how the parts are assembled. Written in an easy to understand format, this manual contains instructions designed for the novice and the expert.

[View Product Sample]

Price: $16.95

1961-64 Ford Econoline and Falcon Club Wagon Shop Manual



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eBook Download of Ford Mustang Colorized Wiring and Vacuum Diagrams

Product #

1965 Colorized Mustang Wiring Diagrams
Pages: 79
Models: Mustang

Description: The 1965 Colorized Mustang Wiring Diagrams manual contains a complete and comprehensive collection of wiring diagrams, schematics, and electrical illustrations. Each diagram and illustration is from an original Ford Motor Company publication and are the same manuals used by Ford technicians to troubleshoot electrical repairs. [View Product Sample]

Price: $14.95

1965 Colorized Mustang Wiring Diagrams (eBook)


eBook 1965 Comet, Falcon, Fairlane, Mustang Shop Manual

Product #

1965 Comet, Falcon, Fairlane, Mustang Shop Manual
Pages: 690
Models Covered: Comet, Falcon, Fairlane, Mustang

Description: The 1965 Mustang, Fairlane, Falcon, Comet Shop Manual is the original manual used by the Ford dealership mechanics to guide them through repairs and maintenance. Each section provides information on the operation of major systems, diagnostics, troubleshooting, overhaul, as well as the removal and installation of major components. Written in an easy to understand format, this manual contains step-by-step instructions designed for the novice and the expert. In addition, this manual is filled with illustrations, photographs, and diagrams that help in the identification of parts and proper assembly. [View Product Sample]

Price: $16.95

eBook 1965 Comet, Falcon, Fairlane, and Mustang Shop Manual


eBook 1965 Comet, Falcon, Fairlane, Mustang Shop Manual (USB)

Product #

1965 Comet, Falcon, Fairlane, Mustang Shop Manual (USB)
Pages: 690
Models Covered: Comet, Falcon, Fairlane, Mustang

Description: The 1965 Mustang, Fairlane, Falcon, Comet Shop Manual is the original manual used by the Ford dealership mechanics to guide them through repairs and maintenance. Each section provides information on the operation of major systems, diagnostics, troubleshooting, overhaul, as well as the removal and installation of major components. Written in an easy to understand format, this manual contains step-by-step instructions designed for the novice and the expert. In addition, this manual is filled with illustrations, photographs, and diagrams that help in the identification of parts and proper assembly. [View Product Sample]

NOTE! - This is a physical product not an eBook download! A USB will be shipped to you!

Price: $21.95

eBook 1965 Comet, Falcon, Fairlane, and Mustang Shop Manual


eBook Download of Ford Mustang Part and Body Illustrations

Product #D10043

1965 Mustang Part & Body Illustrations
Pages: 200
Models: Mustang

Description: The 1965 Mustang Part and Body Illustrations manual is a comprehensive collection of detailed part and body illustrations that are extremely useful for any restoration project. For example, part illustrations are “exploded” to show not only the parts of a component, but can be used to identify the basic part number of virtually every nut, washer, etc. The exploded body illustrations show the locations of trim pieces, mouldings, weatherstriping, how sheet metal was assembled, etc. How many washers do you need on the Pitman Arm or what direction is the rear axle yoke bearing? Just look up the illustration and see what it look like! [View Product Sample]

Price: $14.95

1965 Mustang Part and Body Illustrations


eBook Download of Ford Shop Manuals

Product # D10001

1965/72 Ford Car Master Parts and Accessory Catalog
Pages: 6,123
Models: Mustang, Bronco, Torino, Pinto, Falcon, Fairlane, Futura, Landau, Maverick, Thunderbird, Ranchero, Station Wagon, Ford Full Size (Galaxie 500, LTD, Country Sedan/Squire, Ranch Wagon)

Description: This manual is an electronic reproduction of the original manual used by Ford technicians in the 60's and 70's to identify the correct service part for Ford cars. It contains a comprehensive list of part numbers, diagrams, illustrations, cross-references, and other valuable information necessary for any restoration project. Loaded with useful information for your restoration, this catalog can unravel the mystery behind which part number was designed for your vehicle, when there was a part change, or how the part was depicted to Ford technicians. [View Product Sample]

Price: $18.95

1965/72 Ford Car Master Parts and Accessory Catalog (eBook)


eBook Download of Ford Master Parts Catalog

Product # D10063


1960-68 Ford Car Master Parts and Accessories Catalog
Pages: 5,445
Models: Ford, Falcon, Thunderbird, Fairlane, Galaxie, Club Wagon and Station Bus, Futura, Squire, Ranchero, Ranch Wagon

Description: The 1960-68 Ford Car Parts and Accessories Catalog is the original 5,445 page manual used by Ford technicians in the 60's to identify the correct service part for Ford cars. It contains a comprehensive list of part numbers, diagrams, illustrations, cross-references, and other valuable information necessary for any restoration project. [View Product Sample]

Price: $21.95

1960-68 Ford Car Master Parts and Accessories Catalog


eBook Download of Ford Thunderbird Shop Manual

Product # D10165

1965 Ford Thunderbird Shop Manual
Pages: 422
Models Covered: Thunderbird

Description: This manual contains complete service information for the 1965 Ford Thunderbird. Step-by-step procedures for trouble shooting, cleaning and inspecting, repairing, and re-placing the various parts, assemblies, and systems on these vehicles are presented here. This manual also contains maintenance and lubrication data as well as a tabulation of service specifications. Detailed illustrations of many of the service operations are given here. Disassembled views of the principal units show the various parts in the order of their disassembly or assembly. In many cases, a glance at these illustrations will tell you all you need to know about how the parts go together. [View Product Sample]

Price: $16.95

1965 Ford Thunderbird Shop Manual


eBook Download of Ford Master Parts Catalog

Product # D10014

1964/72 Ford Truck Master Parts and Accessories Catalog
Pages: 6,812
Models: all truck models

Description: The 1964/72 Ford Truck Master Parts Catalog and Accessories is the original 6000+ page manual used by Ford technicians in the 60's and 70's to identify the correct service part for Ford Trucks. It contains a comprehensive list of part numbers, diagrams, illustrations, cross-references, and other valuable information necessary for any restoration project. [View Product Sample]

Price: $16.95

1964/72 Ford Truck Master Parts and Accessories Catalog


Ford Shop Tips (1963-1973 ) eBook download

Product # D10062

Ford Shop Tips (1963 - 1973)
October 1963 Vol. 1, No 1. to August 1973, Vol 11, No. 11
Pages: 2,195
Models: All models Car and Truck

Description: This is a complete collection of volumes 1 through 11of the Ford "Shop Tips" magazine; from the very first issue Volume 1, Number 1 (October 1963) through Volume 11, Number 11 (August 1973) for a total of 111 issues! Every issue is jammed packed full of shortcuts, tips, and tricks to make repairs fast and easy. Articles are written in plain, straight-to-the-point fashion and provide simple solutions to common problems.The Ford "Shop Tips" magazine was a Ford technical service publication provided to servicemen in service stations and independent garages to help mechanics with the servicing of Ford vehicles. This technical information kept mechanics abreast of new developments and factory-recommended procedures. [View Product Sample]

Price: $10.95

Ford Shop Tips (1963-1973)


Product # D10265

1965 Ford and Mercury Shop Manual
Pages: 711
Models Covered: Ford and Mercury Cars to include: Ford Custom, Custom 500, Galaxie 500, Galaxie 500 XL, Ford Station Wagons, Monterey, Montclair, Parklane and Mercury Station Wagons.

Description: This manual contains complete service information for all 1965 Ford and Mercury Passenger cars and station wagons. This is an electronic version of the original manual used by the Ford dealership mechanics to guide them through repairs and maintenance. Each section provides information on the operation of major systems, diagnostics, troubleshooting, overhaul, as well as the removal and installation of major components. Step-by-step procedures for trouble shooting, cleaning and inspecting, repairing, and replacing the various parts, assemblies, and systems on these vehicles are presented. This manual also contains maintenance and lubrication data as well as a tabulation of service specifications. Detailed illustrations of many of the service operations are given here. Disassembled views of the principal units show the various parts in the order of their disassembly or assembly. In many cases, a glance at these illustrations will tell you all you need to know about how the parts go together. Written in an easy to understand format, this manual contains instructions designed for the novice and the expert. In addition, this manual is filled with illustrations, photographs, and diagrams that help in the identification of parts and proper assembly. [View Product Sample]

Price: $16.95

1965 Ford and Mercury Shop Manual


1965 Ford Truck Shop Manual

Product # D20065

1965 Ford Truck Shop Manual
Pages: 1,268
Models Covered: All 1965 Ford Truck except Econoline and Ranchero

Description: All 1965 Ford Truck except Econoline and Ranchero. For example, 1960 Ford Light Duty, Medium Duty, Heavy Duty, Extra-Heavy Duty, Super Duty, Conventional Series, Tilt Cab Series, Tandem Axles Series, School Bus Seris, Parcel Delivery Series, F-100, F-250, F-350, F-500, F-600, F-700, F-750, F-800, F-850, F-950, F-1000, F-1100, B-500, B-600, B-700, B-750, C-550, C-600, C-700, C-750, C-800, C-850, C-950, C-1000, C-1100, Parcel, P-350, P-400, P-500, P-600, T-700, T-750, T-800, T-850, T-950, and more. This is an digital version of the original manual used by the Ford dealership mechanics to guide them through repairs and maintenance. Each section provides information on the operation of major systems, diagnostics, troubleshooting, overhaul, as well as the removal and installation of major components. Step-by-step procedures for trouble shooting, cleaning and inspecting, repairing, and replacing the various parts, assemblies, and systems on these vehicles are presented.This manual also contains maintenance and lubrication data as well as a tabulation of service specifications. Detailed illustrations of many of the service operations are given here. Disassembled views of the principal units show the various parts in the order of their disassembly or assembly. In many cases, a glance at these illustrations will tell you all you need to know about how the parts go together. Written in an easy to understand format, this manual contains instructions designed for the novice and the expert. In addition, this manual is filled with illustrations, photographs, and diagrams that help in the identification of parts and proper assembly. [View Product Sample]

Price: $21.95

1965 Ford Truck Shop Manual



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eBook Download 1966 Comet, Falcon, Fairlane, and Mustang Shop Manual

Product #

1966 Comet, Falcon, Fairlane, and Mustang Shop Manual
Pages: 775
Models covered: Comet, Falcon, Fairlane, Mustang

Description: The 1966 Mustang, Fairlane, Falcon, Comet Shop Manual is the original manual used by the Ford dealership mechanics to guide them through repairs and maintenance. Each section provides information on the operation of major systems, diagnostics, troubleshooting, overhaul, as well as the removal and installation of major components. Written in an easy to understand format, this manual contains step-by-step instructions designed for the novice and the expert. In addition, this manual is filled with illustrations, photographs, and diagrams that help in the identification of parts and proper assembly. [View Product Sample]

Price: $16.95

1966 Comet, Falcon, Fairlane, and Mustang Shop Manual (eBook)


eBook Download of Ford Mustang Colorized Wiring and Vacuum Diagrams

Product #

Title:1966 Colorized Mustang Wiring Diagrams
Pages: 84
Models: Mustang

Description: The 1966 Colorized Mustang Wiring Diagrams manual contains a complete and comprehensive collection of wiring diagrams, schematics, and electrical illustrations. Each diagram and illustration is from an original Ford Motor Company publication and are the same manuals used by Ford technicians to troubleshoot electrical repairs. [View Product Sample]

Price: $14.95

1966 Colorized Mustang Wiring Diagrams (eBook)


Product # D10266

1966 Ford and Mercury Shop Manual
Pages: 835
Models Covered: Ford and Mercury Cars to include: Ford Custom, Custom 500, Galaxie 500, Galaxie 500 XL, Ford Station Wagons, Monterey, Montclair, Parklane and Mercury Station Wagons.

Description: This manual contains complete service information for all 1966 Ford and Mercury Passenger cars and station wagons. This is an electronic version of the original manual used by the Ford dealership mechanics to guide them through repairs and maintenance. Each section provides information on the operation of major systems, diagnostics, troubleshooting, overhaul, as well as the removal and installation of major components. Step-by-step procedures for trouble shooting, cleaning and inspecting, repairing, and replacing the various parts, assemblies, and systems on these vehicles are presented. This manual also contains maintenance and lubrication data as well as a tabulation of service specifications. Detailed illustrations of many of the service operations are given here. Disassembled views of the principal units show the various parts in the order of their disassembly or assembly. In many cases, a glance at these illustrations will tell you all you need to know about how the parts go together. Written in an easy to understand format, this manual contains instructions designed for the novice and the expert. In addition, this manual is filled with illustrations, photographs, and diagrams that help in the identification of parts and proper assembly. [View Product Sample]

Price: $16.95

1966 Ford and Mercury Shop Manual


eBook 1966 Ford Falcon Club Wagon, Econoline and Rec Shop Manual

Product # D10034

1966 Ford Falcon Club Wagon, Econoline and Rec Shop Manual
Pages: 426
Models: Falcon Club Wagon, Econoline, Std Pickup, Display Van, Cargo Van, Panel and E10 thru E16 Series

Description: This shop manual provides complete information for the proper servicing for the 1966 Ford Falcon Club Wagon Econoline and Recreational Vehicles (to include Falcon Club Wagon, Econoline, Std Pickup, Display Van, Cargo Van, Panel and E10 thru E16 Series). This is an electronic version of the original manual used by the Ford dealership mechanics to guide them through repairs and maintenance. It provides complete service information. Step-by-step procedures for trouble shooting, cleaning and inspecting, repairing, and re-placing the various parts, assemblies, and systems on these vehicles are presented in an easy to understand format. This manual also contains maintenance and lubrication data as well as a tabulation of service specifications. Detailed illustrations of many of the service operations are given here. Disassembled views of the principal units show the various parts in the order of their disassembly or assembly. In many cases, a glance at these illustrations will tell you all you need to know about how the parts go together.
[View Product Sample]

Price: $16.95

1966 Ford Falcon Club Wagon, Econoline and Rec Shop Manual


eBook download of the 1965/72 Ford Car Master Parts and Accessory Catalog

Product # D10001

1965/72 Ford Car Master Parts and Accessory Catalog
Pages: 6,123
Models: Mustang, Bronco, Torino, Pinto, Falcon, Fairlane, Futura, Landau, Maverick, Thunderbird, Ranchero, Station Wagon, Ford Full Size (Galaxie 500, LTD, Country Sedan/Squire, Ranch Wagon)

Description: This manual is an electronic reproduction of the original manual used by Ford technicians in the 60's and 70's to identify the correct service part for Ford cars. It contains a comprehensive list of part numbers, diagrams, illustrations, cross-references, and other valuable information necessary for any restoration project. Loaded with useful information for your restoration, this catalog can unravel the mystery behind which part number was designed for your vehicle, when there was a part change, or how the part was depicted to Ford technicians. [View Product Sample]

Price: $18.95

1965/72 Ford Car Master Parts and Accessory Catalog (eBook)


eBook Download of Ford Master Parts Catalog

Product # D10063


1960-68 Ford Car Master Parts and Accessories Catalog
Pages: 5,445
Models: Ford, Falcon, Thunderbird, Fairlane, Galaxie, Club Wagon and Station Bus, Futura, Squire, Ranchero, Ranch Wagon

Description: The 1960-68 Ford Car Parts and Accessories Catalog is the original 5,445 page manual used by Ford technicians in the 60's to identify the correct service part for Ford cars. It contains a comprehensive list of part numbers, diagrams, illustrations, cross-references, and other valuable information necessary for any restoration project. [View Product Sample]

Price: $21.95

1960-68 Ford Car Master Parts and Accessories Catalog


ebook of 1964/72 Ford Truck Master Parts and Accessories Catalog

Product # D10014

1964/72 Ford Truck Master Parts and Accessories Catalog
Pages: 6,812
Models: all truck models

Description: The 1964/72 Ford Truck Master Parts Catalog and Accessories is the original 6000+ page manual used by Ford technicians in the 60's and 70's to identify the correct service part for Ford Trucks. It contains a comprehensive list of part numbers, diagrams, illustrations, cross-references, and other valuable information necessary for any restoration project. [View Product Sample]

Price: $16.95

1964/72 Ford Truck Master Parts and Accessories Catalog


eBook Download of the 1966 Ford Mustang Part and Body Illustrations

Product # D10044

1966 Mustang Part & Body Illustrations
Pages: 204
Models: Mustang

Description: The 1966 Mustang Part and Body Illustrations manual is a comprehensive collection of detailed part and body illustrations that are extremely useful for any restoration project. For example, part illustrations are “exploded” to show not only the parts of a component, but can be used to identify the basic part number of virtually every nut, washer, etc. The exploded body illustrations show the locations of trim pieces, mouldings, weatherstriping, how sheet metal was assembled, etc. How many washers do you need on the Pitman Arm or what direction is the rear axle yoke bearing? Just look up the illustration and see what it look like! [View Product Sample]

Price: $14.95

1966 Mustang Part and Body Illustrations


eBook Download of Ford Thunderbird Shop Manual

Product # D10166

1966 Ford Thunderbird Shop Manual
Pages: 526
Models Covered: Thunderbird

Description: This manual contains complete service information for the 1966 Ford Thunderbird. Step-by-step procedures for trouble shooting, cleaning and inspecting, repairing, and re-placing the various parts, assemblies, and systems on these vehicles are presented here. This manual also contains maintenance and lubrication data as well as a tabulation of service specifications. Detailed illustrations of many of the service operations are given here. Disassembled views of the principal units show the various parts in the order of their disassembly or assembly. In many cases, a glance at these illustrations will tell you all you need to know about how the parts go together. [View Product Sample]

Price: $16.95

1966 Ford Thunderbird Shop Manual


Ford Shop Tips (1963-1973 ) eBook download

Product # D10062

Ford Shop Tips (1963 - 1973)
October 1963 Vol. 1, No 1. to August 1973, Vol 11, No. 11
Pages: 2,195
Models: All models Car and Truck

Description: This is a complete collection of volumes 1 through 11of the Ford "Shop Tips" magazine; from the very first issue Volume 1, Number 1 (October 1963) through Volume 11, Number 11 (August 1973) for a total of 111 issues! Every issue is jammed packed full of shortcuts, tips, and tricks to make repairs fast and easy. Articles are written in plain, straight-to-the-point fashion and provide simple solutions to common problems.The Ford "Shop Tips" magazine was a Ford technical service publication provided to servicemen in service stations and independent garages to help mechanics with the servicing of Ford vehicles. This technical information kept mechanics abreast of new developments and factory-recommended procedures. [View Product Sample]

Price: $10.95

Ford Shop Tips (1963-1973)


1966 Ford Truck Shop Manual

Product # D20066

1966 Ford Truck Shop Manual
Pages: 1,448
Models Covered: Ford trucks built in the US and Canada. For example, 1966 Ford Light and Medium Trucks, Bronco, Econoline, E-100, E-200, Bus Models, Club Wagon, F-100, F-200, F-350, F-500, F-600, Bus, Parcel, P-350, P-400, P-500, P-600, P-5000, Motor Home, M-350, M-400, M-500, and more.

Description: This manual contains complete service information for all Ford trucks built in the US and Canada. For example, 1966 Ford Light and Medium Trucks, Bronco, Econoline, E-100, E-200, Bus Models, Club Wagon, F-100, F-200, F-350, F-500, F-600, Bus, Parcel, P-350, P-400, P-500, P-600, P-5000, Motor Home, M-350, M-400, M-500, and more. This is an electronic version of the original manual used by the Ford dealership mechanics to guide them through repairs and maintenance. Each section provides information on the operation of major systems, diagnostics, troubleshooting, overhaul, as well as the removal and installation of major components. Step-by-step procedures for trouble shooting, cleaning and inspecting, repairing, and replacing the various parts, assemblies, and systems on these vehicles are presented. This manual also contains maintenance and lubrication data as well as a tabulation of service specifications. Detailed illustrations of many of the service operations are given here. Disassembled views of the principal units show the various parts in the order of their disassembly or assembly. In many cases, a glance at these illustrations will tell you all you need to know about how the parts go together. Written in an easy to understand format, this manual contains instructions designed for the novice and the expert. In addition, this manual is filled with illustrations, photographs, and diagrams that help in the identification of parts and proper assembly. [View Product Sample]

Price: $21.95

1966 Ford Truck Shop Manual



Back to Top Back to Top

eBook of 1967 Cougar, Falcon, Fairlane, Mustang Shop Manual

Product #

1967 Cougar, Falcon, Fairlane, Mustang Shop Manual
Pages: 915
Models covered: Cougar, Fairlane, Falcon, and Mustang

Description: The 1967Cougar, Falcon, Fairlane, Mustang Shop Manual is the original manual used by the Ford dealership mechanics to guide them through repairs and maintenance. Each section provides information on the operation of major systems, diagnostics, troubleshooting, overhaul, as well as the removal and installation of major components. Written in an easy to understand format, this manual contains step-by-step instructions designed for the novice and the expert. In addition, this manual is filled with illustrations, photographs, and diagrams that help in the identification of parts and proper assembly. [View Product Sample]

Price: $16.95

1967 Cougar, Falcon, Fairlane, Mercury and Mustang Shop Manual (eBook)


eBook Download of Ford Mustang Colorized Wiring and Vacuum Diagrams

Product #

1967 Colorized Mustang Wiring Diagrams
Pages: 110
Models: Mustang

Description: The 1967 Colorized Mustang Wiring Diagrams manual contains a complete and comprehensive collection of wiring diagrams, schematics, and electrical illustrations. Each diagram and illustration is from an original Ford Motor Company publication and are the same manuals used by Ford technicians to troubleshoot electrical repairs. [View Product Sample]

Price: $14.95

1967 Colorized Mustang Wiring and Vacuum Diagrams (eBook)


eBook download

Product # D10045

1967 Mustang Part & Body Illustrations
Pages: 234
Models: Mustang

Description: The 1967 Mustang Part and Body Illustrations manual is a comprehensive collection of detailed part and body illustrations that are extremely useful for any restoration project. For example, part illustrations are “exploded” to show not only the parts of a component, but can be used to identify the basic part number of virtually every nut, washer, etc. The exploded body illustrations show the locations of trim pieces, mouldings, weatherstriping, how sheet metal was assembled, etc. How many washers do you need on the Pitman Arm or what direction is the rear axle yoke bearing? Just look up the illustration and see what it look like! [View Product Sample]

Price: $14.95

1967 Mustang Part & Body Illustrations


eBook download of the 1965/72 Ford Car Master Parts and Accessory Catalog

Product # D10001

1965/72 Ford Car Master Parts and Accessory Catalog
Pages: 6,123
Models: Mustang, Bronco, Torino, Pinto, Falcon, Fairlane, Futura, Landau, Maverick, Thunderbird, Ranchero, Station Wagon, Ford Full Size (Galaxie 500, LTD, Country Sedan/Squire, Ranch Wagon)

Description: This manual is an electronic reproduction of the original manual used by Ford technicians in the 60's and 70's to identify the correct service part for Ford cars. It contains a comprehensive list of part numbers, diagrams, illustrations, cross-references, and other valuable information necessary for any restoration project. Loaded with useful information for your restoration, this catalog can unravel the mystery behind which part number was designed for your vehicle, when there was a part change, or how the part was depicted to Ford technicians. [View Product Sample]

Price: $18.95

1965/72 Ford Car Master Parts and Accessory Catalog (eBook)


eBook Download of Ford Master Parts Catalog

Product # D10063


1960-68 Ford Car Master Parts and Accessories Catalog
Pages: 5,445
Models: Ford, Falcon, Thunderbird, Fairlane, Galaxie, Club Wagon and Station Bus, Futura, Squire, Ranchero, Ranch Wagon

Description: The 1960-68 Ford Car Parts and Accessories Catalog is the original 5,445 page manual used by Ford technicians in the 60's to identify the correct service part for Ford cars. It contains a comprehensive list of part numbers, diagrams, illustrations, cross-references, and other valuable information necessary for any restoration project. [View Product Sample]

Price: $21.95

1960-68 Ford Car Master Parts and Accessories Catalog


ebook of 1964/72 Ford Truck Master Parts and Accessories Catalog

Product # D10014

1964/72 Ford Truck Master Parts and Accessories Catalog
Pages: 6,812
Models: all truck models

Description: The 1964/72 Ford Truck Master Parts Catalog and Accessories is the original 6000+ page manual used by Ford technicians in the 60's and 70's to identify the correct service part for Ford Trucks. It contains a comprehensive list of part numbers, diagrams, illustrations, cross-references, and other valuable information necessary for any restoration project. [View Product Sample]

Price: $16.95

1964/72 Ford Truck Master Parts and Accessories Catalog


1966 Ford Truck Shop Manual

Product # D20067

1967 Ford Truck Shop Manual
Pages: 1,507
Models Covered: 1967 Ford Trucks (except Econoline and Ranchero)

Description: This three volume shop manual contains complete service information for all 1967 Ford Trucks (except Econoline and Ranchero). 1967 Ford Light, Medium and Heavy Duty Trucks models such as: Conventional Series (F-100, F-250, F-350, F-500, F-600, F-700, F-750, F-800, F-850, F-950, HT-850, H-950, CT-850, N-850, F-1000, HT-1000, N-1000, F-1100); Tilt Cab Series (C-550, C-600, C-700, C-750, C-800, C-850); T-800 Tandem Axle Series (T-700, T-750, T-800), School Bus Series (B-500, B-600, B-700, B-750), Parcel Delivery Series (P-350, P-400, P-500, P-600, P-3500, P-4000, P-5000, P-6000) and many more! This is an digital version of the original manual used by the Ford dealership mechanics to guide them through repairs and maintenance. Each section provides information on the operation of major systems, diagnostics, troubleshooting, overhaul, as well as the removal and installation of major components. Step-by-step procedures for trouble shooting, cleaning and inspecting, repairing, and replacing the various parts, assemblies, and systems on these vehicles are presented.This manual also contains maintenance and lubrication data as well as a tabulation of service specifications. Detailed illustrations of many of the service operations are given here. Disassembled views of the principal units show the various parts in the order of their disassembly or assembly. In many cases, a glance at these illustrations will tell you all you need to know about how the parts go together. Written in an easy to understand format, this manual contains instructions designed for the novice and the expert. In addition, this manual is filled with illustrations, photographs, and diagrams that help in the identification of parts and proper assembly. [View Product Sample]

Price: $21.95

1967 Ford Truck Shop Manual


Ford Shop Tips (1963-1973 ) eBook download

Product # D10062

Ford Shop Tips (1963 - 1973)
October 1963 Vol. 1, No 1. to August 1973, Vol 11, No. 11
Pages: 2,195
Models: All models Car and Truck

Description: This is a complete collection of volumes 1 through 11of the Ford "Shop Tips" magazine; from the very first issue Volume 1, Number 1 (October 1963) through Volume 11, Number 11 (August 1973) for a total of 111 issues! Every issue is jammed packed full of shortcuts, tips, and tricks to make repairs fast and easy. Articles are written in plain, straight-to-the-point fashion and provide simple solutions to common problems.The Ford "Shop Tips" magazine was a Ford technical service publication provided to servicemen in service stations and independent garages to help mechanics with the servicing of Ford vehicles. This technical information kept mechanics abreast of new developments and factory-recommended procedures. [View Product Sample]

Price: $10.95

Ford Shop Tips (1963-1973)


eBook Download of Ford Thunderbird Shop Manual

Product # D10167

1967 Ford Thunderbird Shop Manual
Pages: 513
Models Covered: Thunderbird

Description: This manual contains complete service information for the 1967 Ford Thunderbird. Step-by-step procedures for trouble shooting, cleaning and inspecting, repairing, and re-placing the various parts, assemblies, and systems on these vehicles are presented here. This manual also contains maintenance and lubrication data as well as a tabulation of service specifications. Detailed illustrations of many of the service operations are given here. Disassembled views of the principal units show the various parts in the order of their disassembly or assembly. In many cases, a glance at these illustrations will tell you all you need to know about how the parts go together. [View Product Sample]

Price: $16.95

1967 Ford Thunderbird Shop Manual


Product # D10267

1967 Ford and Mercury Shop Manual
Pages: 905
Models Covered: Ford and Mercury Cars to include: Ford Custom, Custom 500, Galaxie 500, Galaxie 500 XL, Ford Station Wagons, Monterey, Montclair, Parklane and Mercury Station Wagons

Description: This manual contains complete service information for all 1967 Ford and Mercury Passenger cars and station wagons. This is an electronic version of the original manual used by the Ford dealership mechanics to guide them through repairs and maintenance. Each section provides information on the operation of major systems, diagnostics, troubleshooting, overhaul, as well as the removal and installation of major components. Step-by-step procedures for trouble shooting, cleaning and inspecting, repairing, and replacing the various parts, assemblies, and systems on these vehicles are presented. This manual also contains maintenance and lubrication data as well as a tabulation of service specifications. Detailed illustrations of many of the service operations are given here. Disassembled views of the principal units show the various parts in the order of their disassembly or assembly. In many cases, a glance at these illustrations will tell you all you need to know about how the parts go together. Written in an easy to understand format, this manual contains instructions designed for the novice and the expert. In addition, this manual is filled with illustrations, photographs, and diagrams that help in the identification of parts and proper assembly. [View Product Sample]

Price: $16.95

1967 Ford and Mercury Shop Manual


Product # D10032

1967 Ford Bronco Econoline and Recreational Vehicle Shop Manual
Pages: 569
Models Covered: All 1967 Ford Bronco Econoline, Station Bus, Club Wagons, Van Display, Van Regular, Van Fixed, Van Cargo, Open Body (Roadster), Pickup

Description:This is an electronic reproduction of the original Ford printed manual. This manual contains complete service information for all 1967 Ford Bronco Econoline and Recreational Vehicles. Models such as: Bronco, Econoline, Regular Pick-up, Deluxe Pick-up, Club Wagon, Deluxe Club Wagon, Regular Van, Display Van, Panel Van, Open Body (Roadster), and Pickup. The descriptions and specifications contained in this manual were in effect at the time the manual was approved for printing. This is the original manual used by the Ford dealership mechanics to guide them through repairs and maintenance.

Each section provides information on the operation of major systems, diagnostics, troubleshooting, overhaul, as well as the removal and installation of major components. You will find step-by-step procedures for engines, exhaust, ignition, fuel, clutch, transmissions, rear axle & driveline, cooling, chassis, suspension, frames, steering, brakes, generating & starting, lights, instruments, accessories, body maintenance & repair, doors, deck lids, front sheet metal, interior trim, seats, windows, body installation, maintenance and lubrication. In addition, this manual includes wiring diagrams, specifications, special tool lists, exploded view illustrations, troubleshooting diagnosis, and pictures.

This manual also contains maintenance and lubrication data as well as a tabulation of service specifications. Disassembled views of the principal units show the various parts in the order of their disassembly or assembly. In many cases, a glance at these illustrations will tell you all you need to know about how the parts are assembled. Written in an easy to understand format, this manual contains instructions designed for the novice and the expert.

[View Product Sample]

Price: $16.95

1967 Ford Bronco Econoline and Recreational Vehicle Shop Manual



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eBook Download of 1968 Cougar, Falcon, Fairlane, Montego and Mustang Shop Manual

Product #

1968 Cougar, Falcon, Fairlane, Montego and Mustang Shop Manual
Pages: 972
Models covered: Cougar, Fairlane, Falcon, Montego, and Mustang

Description: The 1968 Cougar, Fairlane, Falcon, Montego, and Mustang Shop is the original manual used by the Ford dealership mechanics to guide them through repairs and maintenance. Each section provides information on the operation of major systems, diagnostics, troubleshooting, overhaul, as well as the removal and installation of major components. Written in an easy to understand format, this manual contains step-by-step instructions designed for the novice and the expert. In addition, this manual is filled with illustrations, photographs, and diagrams that help in the identification of parts and proper assembly. [View Product Sample]

Price: $16.95

1968 Cougar, Falcon, Fairlane, Montego and Mustang Shop Manual (eBook)


eBook Download of Ford Mustang Colorized Wiring and Vacuum Diagrams

Product #

1968 Colorized Mustang Wiring Diagrams
Pages: 118
Models: Mustang

Description: The 1968 Colorized Mustang Wiring Diagrams manual contains a complete and comprehensive collection of wiring diagrams, schematics, and electrical illustrations. Each diagram and illustration is from an original Ford Motor Company publication and are the same manuals used by Ford technicians to troubleshoot electrical repairs. [View Product Sample]

Price: $14.95

1968 Colorized Mustang Wiring and Vacuum Diagrams (eBook)


eBook Download of Ford Mustang Part and Body Illustrations

Product # D10046

1968 Mustang Part & Body Illustrations
Pages: 244
Models: Mustang

Description: The 1968 Mustang Part & Body Illustrations manual is a comprehensive collection of detailed part and body illustrations that are extremely useful for any restoration project. For example, part illustrations are “exploded” to show not only the parts of a component, but can be used to identify the basic part number of virtually every nut, washer, etc. The exploded body illustrations show the locations of trim pieces, mouldings, weatherstriping, how sheet metal was assembled, etc. How many washers do you need on the Pitman Arm or what direction is the rear axle yoke bearing? Just look up the illustration and see what it look like! [View Product Sample]

Price: $14.95

1968 Mustang Part & Body Illustrations


eBook download of the 1965/72 Ford Car Master Parts and Accessory Catalog

Product # D10001

1965/72 Ford Car Master Parts and Accessory Catalog
Pages: 6,123
Models: Mustang, Bronco, Torino, Pinto, Falcon, Fairlane, Futura, Landau, Maverick, Thunderbird, Ranchero, Station Wagon, Ford Full Size (Galaxie 500, LTD, Country Sedan/Squire, Ranch Wagon)

Description: This manual is an electronic reproduction of the original manual used by Ford technicians in the 60's and 70's to identify the correct service part for Ford cars. It contains a comprehensive list of part numbers, diagrams, illustrations, cross-references, and other valuable information necessary for any restoration project. Loaded with useful information for your restoration, this catalog can unravel the mystery behind which part number was designed for your vehicle, when there was a part change, or how the part was depicted to Ford technicians. [View Product Sample]

Price: $18.95

1965/72 Ford Car Master Parts and Accessory Catalog (eBook)


eBook Download of Ford Master Parts Catalog

Product # D10063


1960-68 Ford Car Master Parts and Accessories Catalog
Pages: 5,445
Models: Ford, Falcon, Thunderbird, Fairlane, Galaxie, Club Wagon and Station Bus, Futura, Squire, Ranchero, Ranch Wagon

Description: The 1960-68 Ford Car Parts and Accessories Catalog is the original 5,445 page manual used by Ford technicians in the 60's to identify the correct service part for Ford cars. It contains a comprehensive list of part numbers, diagrams, illustrations, cross-references, and other valuable information necessary for any restoration project. [View Product Sample]

Price: $21.95

1960-68 Ford Car Master Parts and Accessories Catalog


eBook Download of Ford Thunderbird Shop Manual

Product # D10168

1968 Ford Thunderbird Shop Manual
Pages: 667
Models Covered: Thunderbird
*Note - This product is the 1968 Thunderbird Supplement and the entire 1967 Thunderbird Shop Manual to provide complete service information for the 1968 Ford Thunderbird. Ford did not produce a separate 1968 Thunderbird Shop Manual - only a supplement.

Description: This manual contains both the 1968 Thunderbird Supplement and the 1967 Thunderbird Shop Manual to provide complete service information for the 1968 Ford Thunderbird. Step-by-step procedures for trouble shooting, cleaning and inspecting, repairing, and re-placing the various parts, assemblies, and systems on these vehicles are presented here. This manual also contains maintenance and lubrication data as well as a tabulation of service specifications. Detailed illustrations of many of the service operations are given here. Disassembled views of the principal units show the various parts in the order of their disassembly or assembly. In many cases, a glance at these illustrations will tell you all you need to know about how the parts go together. [View Product Sample]

Price: $16.95

1968 Ford Thunderbird Shop Manual


Product # D10268

1968 Ford and Mercury Shop Manual
Pages: 927
Models Covered: Ford and Mercury Cars to include: Ford Custom, Custom 500, Galaxie 500, Galaxie 500 XL, Ford Station Wagons, Monterey, Montclair, Parklane and Mercury Station Wagons

Description: This manual contains complete service information for all 1968 Ford and Mercury Passenger cars and station wagons. This is an electronic version of the original manual used by the Ford dealership mechanics to guide them through repairs and maintenance. Each section provides information on the operation of major systems, diagnostics, troubleshooting, overhaul, as well as the removal and installation of major components. Step-by-step procedures for trouble shooting, cleaning and inspecting, repairing, and replacing the various parts, assemblies, and systems on these vehicles are presented. This manual also contains maintenance and lubrication data as well as a tabulation of service specifications. Detailed illustrations of many of the service operations are given here. Disassembled views of the principal units show the various parts in the order of their disassembly or assembly. In many cases, a glance at these illustrations will tell you all you need to know about how the parts go together. Written in an easy to understand format, this manual contains instructions designed for the novice and the expert. In addition, this manual is filled with illustrations, photographs, and diagrams that help in the identification of parts and proper assembly. [View Product Sample]

Price: $16.95

1968 Ford and Mercury Shop Manual


ebook of 1964/72 Ford Truck Master Parts and Accessories Catalog

Product # D10014

1964/72 Ford Truck Master Parts and Accessories Catalog
Pages: 6,812
Models: all truck models

Description: The 1964/72 Ford Truck Master Parts Catalog and Accessories is the original 6000+ page manual used by Ford technicians in the 60's and 70's to identify the correct service part for Ford Trucks. It contains a comprehensive list of part numbers, diagrams, illustrations, cross-references, and other valuable information necessary for any restoration project. [View Product Sample]

Price: $16.95

1964/72 Ford Truck Master Parts and Accessories Catalog


1968 Ford Truck Shop Manual eBook download

Product # D20068

1968 Ford Truck Shop Manual
Pages: 1,619
Models Covered: 1968 Ford Trucks (except Bronco, Econoline Van and Ranchero)

Description: This three volume shop manual contains complete service information for all 1968 Ford Trucks (except Bronco, Econoline Van and Ranchero). 1968 Ford Light, Medium and Heavy Duty Trucks models such as: Conventional Series (F-100, F-250, F-350, F-500, F-600, F-700, F-750, F-800, F-850, F-950, HT-850, H-950, CT-850, N-850, F-1000, HT-1000, N-1000, F-1100); Tilt Cab Series (C-550, C-600, C-700, C-750, C-800, C-850); T-800 Tandem Axle Series (T-700, T-750, T-800), School Bus Series (B-500, B-600, B-700, B-750), Parcel Delivery Series (P-350, P-400, P-500, P-600, P-3500, P-4000, P-5000, P-6000) and many more!This is an digital version of the original manual used by the Ford dealership mechanics to guide them through repairs and maintenance. Each section provides information on the operation of major systems, diagnostics, troubleshooting, overhaul, as well as the removal and installation of major components. Step-by-step procedures for trouble shooting, cleaning and inspecting, repairing, and replacing the various parts, assemblies, and systems on these vehicles are presented.This manual also contains maintenance and lubrication data as well as a tabulation of service specifications. Detailed illustrations of many of the service operations are given here. Disassembled views of the principal units show the various parts in the order of their disassembly or assembly. In many cases, a glance at these illustrations will tell you all you need to know about how the parts go together. Written in an easy to understand format, this manual contains instructions designed for the novice and the expert. In addition, this manual is filled with illustrations, photographs, and diagrams that help in the identification of parts and proper assembly. [View Product Sample]

Price: $21.95

1968 Ford Truck Shop Manual


Ford Shop Tips (1963-1973 ) eBook download

Product # D10062

Ford Shop Tips (1963 - 1973)
October 1963 Vol. 1, No 1. to August 1973, Vol 11, No. 11
Pages: 2,195
Models: All models Car and Truck

Description: This is a complete collection of volumes 1 through 11of the Ford "Shop Tips" magazine; from the very first issue Volume 1, Number 1 (October 1963) through Volume 11, Number 11 (August 1973) for a total of 111 issues! Every issue is jammed packed full of shortcuts, tips, and tricks to make repairs fast and easy. Articles are written in plain, straight-to-the-point fashion and provide simple solutions to common problems.The Ford "Shop Tips" magazine was a Ford technical service publication provided to servicemen in service stations and independent garages to help mechanics with the servicing of Ford vehicles. This technical information kept mechanics abreast of new developments and factory-recommended procedures. [View Product Sample]

Price: $10.95

Ford Shop Tips (1963-1973)


1968 Bronco 1969 Econoline and Club Wagon Shop Manual eBook download

Product # D10064

1968 Bronco 1969 Econoline and Club Wagon Shop Manual
Pages: 621
Models: 1968 - 1969 Ford Bronco Truck, 1968 - 1969 Ford Bronco Roadster Truck,1968 - 1969 Ford Bronco Wagon Truck, 1969 Ford E-100 Econoline Van,1969 Ford E-100 Econoline Club Wagon Van, 1969 Ford E-200 Econoline Van, 1969 Ford E-200 Econoline Club Wagon Van, 1969 Ford E-300 Econoline Van, 1969 Ford E-300 Econoline Club Wagon Van

Description: This is an electronic reproduction of the original Ford printed manual. This manual contains complete service information for all 1968 Bronco 1969 Econoline and Club Wagon. Models such as: Bronco, Econoline, Regular Pick-up, Deluxe Pick-up, Club Wagon, Deluxe Club Wagon, Regular Van, Display Van, Panel Van, Open Body (Roadster), and Pickup. The descriptions and specifications contained in this manual were in effect at the time the manual was approved for printing. This is the original manual used by the Ford dealership mechanics to guide them through repairs and maintenance.

Each section provides information on the operation of major systems, diagnostics, troubleshooting, overhaul, as well as the removal and installation of major components. You will find step-by-step procedures for engines, exhaust, ignition, fuel, clutch, transmissions, rear axle, driveline, cooling, chassis, suspension, frames, steering, brakes, generating & starting, lights, instruments, accessories, body maintenance repair, doors, deck lids, front sheet metal, interior trim, seats, windows, body installation, maintenance and lubrication. In addition, this manual includes wiring diagrams, specifications, special tool lists, exploded view illustrations, troubleshooting diagnosis, and pictures.

This manual also contains maintenance and lubrication data as well as a tabulation of service specifications. Disassembled views of the principal units show the various parts in the order of their disassembly or assembly. In many cases, a glance at these illustrations will tell you all you need to know about how the parts are assembled. Written in an easy to understand format, this manual contains instructions designed for the novice and the expert.

[View Product Sample]

Price: $16.95

1968 Bronco 1969 Econoline and Club Wagon Shop Manual



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eBook Download of Ford Shop Manuals

Product #

1969 Ford Car Shop Manual
Pages: 1,488
Models covered: Falcon, Fairlane, Mustang, Ford, Thunderbird, Montego Cougar, Meteor, Mercury, Lincoln Continental, Continental Mark III

Description: The 1969 Ford Car Shop Manual is the original manual used by Ford mechanics to guide them through repairs and maintenance. Each section provides information on the operation of major systems, diagnostics, troubleshooting, overhaul, as well as the removal and installation of major components. Written in an easy to understand format, this manual contains step-by-step instructions designed for the novice and the expert. In addition, this manual is filled with illustrations, photographs, and diagrams that help in the identification of parts and proper assembly. [View Product Sample]

Price: $16.95

1968 Cougar, Falcon, Fairlane, Montego and Mustang Shop Manual (eBook)


eBook Download of Ford Mustang Colorized Wiring and Vacuum Diagrams

Product #

1969 Colorized Mustang Wiring Diagrams
Pages: 410
Models: Mustang

Description: The 1969 Colorized Mustang Wiring Diagrams manual contains a complete and comprehensive collection of wiring diagrams, schematics, and electrical illustrations. Each diagram and illustration is from an original Ford Motor Company publication and are the same manuals used by Ford technicians to troubleshoot electrical repairs. [View Product Sample]

Price: $14.95

1969 Colorized Mustang Wiring and Vacuum Diagrams (eBook)


eBook Download of Ford Mustang Part and Body Illustrations

Product # D10047

1969 Mustang Part & Body Illustrations
Pages: 266
Models: Mustang

Description: The 1969 Mustang Part & Body Illustrations manual is a comprehensive collection of detailed part and body illustrations that are extremely useful for any restoration project. For example, part illustrations are “exploded” to show not only the parts of a component, but can be used to identify the basic part number of virtually every nut, washer, etc. The exploded body illustrations show the locations of trim pieces, mouldings, weatherstriping, how sheet metal was assembled, etc. How many washers do you need on the Pitman Arm or what direction is the rear axle yoke bearing? Just look up the illustration and see what it look like! [View Product Sample]

Price: $14.95

1969 Mustang Part & Body Illustrations


eBook download of the 1965/72 Ford Car Master Parts and Accessory Catalog

Product # D10001

1965/72 Ford Car Master Parts and Accessory Catalog
Pages: 6,123
Models: Mustang, Bronco, Torino, Pinto, Falcon, Fairlane, Futura, Landau, Maverick, Thunderbird, Ranchero, Station Wagon, Ford Full Size (Galaxie 500, LTD, Country Sedan/Squire, Ranch Wagon)

Description: This manual is an electronic reproduction of the original manual used by Ford technicians in the 60's and 70's to identify the correct service part for Ford cars. It contains a comprehensive list of part numbers, diagrams, illustrations, cross-references, and other valuable information necessary for any restoration project. Loaded with useful information for your restoration, this catalog can unravel the mystery behind which part number was designed for your vehicle, when there was a part change, or how the part was depicted to Ford technicians. [View Product Sample]

Price: $18.95

1965/72 Ford Car Master Parts and Accessory Catalog (eBook)


ebook of 1964/72 Ford Truck Master Parts and Accessories Catalog

Product # D10014

1964/72 Ford Truck Master Parts and Accessories Catalog
Pages: 6,812
Models: all truck models

Description: The 1964/72 Ford Truck Master Parts Catalog and Accessories is the original 6000+ page manual used by Ford technicians in the 60's and 70's to identify the correct service part for Ford Trucks. It contains a comprehensive list of part numbers, diagrams, illustrations, cross-references, and other valuable information necessary for any restoration project. [View Product Sample]

Price: $16.95

1964/72 Ford Truck Master Parts and Accessories Catalog


1969 Ford Truck Shop Manual

Product # D20069

1969 Ford Truck Shop Manual
Pages: 1,734
Models Covered: 1969 Ford Trucks (to include Bronco, Econoline Van and Ranchero)

Description: This is a complete four volume shop manual set and contains complete service information for all 1969 Ford Trucks (Bronco, Club Wagon, Econoline, B-,C-,F-,N-,P-,T-,and W-Series). 1969 Ford Light, Medium and Heavy Duty Trucks models such as: Conventional Series (F-100, F-250, F-350, F-500, F-600, F-700, F-750, F-800, F-850, F-950, HT-850, H-950, CT-850, N-850, F-1000, HT-1000, N-1000, F-1100); Tilt Cab Series (C-550, C-600, C-700, C-750, C-800, C-850); T-800 Tandem Axle Series (T-700, T-750, T-800), School Bus Series (B-500, B-600, B-700, B-750), Parcel Delivery Series (P-350, P-400, P-500, P-600, P-3500, P-4000, P-5000, P-6000) and many more!This is an digital version of the original manual used by the Ford dealership mechanics to guide them through repairs and maintenance. Each section provides information on the operation of major systems, diagnostics, troubleshooting, overhaul, as well as the removal and installation of major components. Step-by-step procedures for trouble shooting, cleaning and inspecting, repairing, and replacing the various parts, assemblies, and systems on these vehicles are presented.This manual also contains maintenance and lubrication data as well as a tabulation of service specifications. Detailed illustrations of many of the service operations are given here. Disassembled views of the principal units show the various parts in the order of their disassembly or assembly. In many cases, a glance at these illustrations will tell you all you need to know about how the parts go together. Written in an easy to understand format, this manual contains instructions designed for the novice and the expert. In addition, this manual is filled with illustrations, photographs, and diagrams that help in the identification of parts and proper assembly. [View Product Sample]

Price: $21.95

1969 Ford Truck Shop Manual


Ford Shop Tips (1963-1973 ) eBook download

Product # D10062

Ford Shop Tips (1963 - 1973)
October 1963 Vol. 1, No 1. to August 1973, Vol 11, No. 11
Pages: 2,195
Models: All models Car and Truck

Description: This is a complete collection of volumes 1 through 11of the Ford "Shop Tips" magazine; from the very first issue Volume 1, Number 1 (October 1963) through Volume 11, Number 11 (August 1973) for a total of 111 issues! Every issue is jammed packed full of shortcuts, tips, and tricks to make repairs fast and easy. Articles are written in plain, straight-to-the-point fashion and provide simple solutions to common problems.The Ford "Shop Tips" magazine was a Ford technical service publication provided to servicemen in service stations and independent garages to help mechanics with the servicing of Ford vehicles. This technical information kept mechanics abreast of new developments and factory-recommended procedures. [View Product Sample]

Price: $10.95

Ford Shop Tips (1963-1973)


1968 Bronco 1969 Econoline and Club Wagon Shop Manual eBook download

Product # D10064

1968 Bronco 1969 Econoline and Club Wagon Shop Manual
Pages: 621
Models: 1968 - 1969 Ford Bronco Truck, 1968 - 1969 Ford Bronco Roadster Truck,1968 - 1969 Ford Bronco Wagon Truck, 1969 Ford E-100 Econoline Van,1969 Ford E-100 Econoline Club Wagon Van, 1969 Ford E-200 Econoline Van, 1969 Ford E-200 Econoline Club Wagon Van, 1969 Ford E-300 Econoline Van, 1969 Ford E-300 Econoline Club Wagon Van

Description: This is an electronic reproduction of the original Ford printed manual. This manual contains complete service information for all 1968 Bronco 1969 Econoline and Club Wagon. Models such as: Bronco, Econoline, Regular Pick-up, Deluxe Pick-up, Club Wagon, Deluxe Club Wagon, Regular Van, Display Van, Panel Van, Open Body (Roadster), and Pickup. The descriptions and specifications contained in this manual were in effect at the time the manual was approved for printing. This is the original manual used by the Ford dealership mechanics to guide them through repairs and maintenance.

Each section provides information on the operation of major systems, diagnostics, troubleshooting, overhaul, as well as the removal and installation of major components. You will find step-by-step procedures for engines, exhaust, ignition, fuel, clutch, transmissions, rear axle, driveline, cooling, chassis, suspension, frames, steering, brakes, generating & starting, lights, instruments, accessories, body maintenance repair, doors, deck lids, front sheet metal, interior trim, seats, windows, body installation, maintenance and lubrication. In addition, this manual includes wiring diagrams, specifications, special tool lists, exploded view illustrations, troubleshooting diagnosis, and pictures.

This manual also contains maintenance and lubrication data as well as a tabulation of service specifications. Disassembled views of the principal units show the various parts in the order of their disassembly or assembly. In many cases, a glance at these illustrations will tell you all you need to know about how the parts are assembled. Written in an easy to understand format, this manual contains instructions designed for the novice and the expert.

[View Product Sample]

Price: $16.95

1968 Bronco 1969 Econoline and Club Wagon Shop Manual



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eBook Download of Ford Shop Manuals

Product #

1970 Ford Car Shop Manual (Vol I-V)
Pages: 1,654
Models covered: Cougar, Falcon, Fairlane, Mercury, Mustang, Thunderbird, Meteor, Montego, Lincoln Continental, and Continental Mark III

Description: The 1970 Ford Car Shop Manual is the original manual used by Ford mechanics to guide them through repairs and maintenance. Each section provides information on the operation of major systems, diagnostics, troubleshooting, overhaul, as well as the removal and installation of major components. Written in an easy to understand format, this manual contains step-by-step instructions designed for the novice and the expert. In addition, this manual is filled with illustrations, photographs, and diagrams that help in the identification of parts and proper assembly. [View Product Sample]

Price: $16.95

1970 Ford Car Shop Manual (Vol I-V) (eBook)


eBook Download of Ford Mustang Colorized Wiring and Vacuum Diagrams

Product #

1970 Colorized Mustang Wiring Diagrams
Pages: 483
Models: Mustang

Description: The 1970 Colorized Mustang Wiring Diagrams manual contains a complete and comprehensive collection of wiring diagrams, schematics, and electrical illustrations. Each diagram and illustration is from an original Ford Motor Company publication and are the same manuals used by Ford technicians to troubleshoot electrical repairs. [View Product Sample]

Price: $14.95

1970 Colorized Mustang Wiring and Vacuum Diagrams (eBook)


eBook Download of Ford Mustang Part and Body Illustrations

Product # D10048

1970 Mustang Part & Body Illustrations
Pages: 272
Models: Mustang

Description: The 1970 Mustang Part & Body Illustrations manual is a comprehensive collection of detailed part and body illustrations that are extremely useful for any restoration project. For example, part illustrations are “exploded” to show not only the parts of a component, but can be used to identify the basic part number of virtually every nut, washer, etc. The exploded body illustrations show the locations of trim pieces, mouldings, weatherstriping, how sheet metal was assembled, etc. How many washers do you need on the Pitman Arm or what direction is the rear axle yoke bearing? Just look up the illustration and see what it look like! [View Product Sample]

Price: $14.95

1970 Mustang Part & Body Illustrations


eBook download of the 1965/72 Ford Car Master Parts and Accessory Catalog

Product # D10001

1965/72 Ford Car Master Parts and Accessory Catalog
Pages: 6,123
Models: Mustang, Bronco, Torino, Pinto, Falcon, Fairlane, Futura, Landau, Maverick, Thunderbird, Ranchero, Station Wagon, Ford Full Size (Galaxie 500, LTD, Country Sedan/Squire, Ranch Wagon)

Description: This manual is an electronic reproduction of the original manual used by Ford technicians in the 60's and 70's to identify the correct service part for Ford cars. It contains a comprehensive list of part numbers, diagrams, illustrations, cross-references, and other valuable information necessary for any restoration project. Loaded with useful information for your restoration, this catalog can unravel the mystery behind which part number was designed for your vehicle, when there was a part change, or how the part was depicted to Ford technicians. [View Product Sample]

Price: $18.95

1965/72 Ford Car Master Parts and Accessory Catalog (eBook)


ebook of 1964/72 Ford Truck Master Parts and Accessories Catalog

Product # D10014

1964/72 Ford Truck Master Parts and Accessories Catalog
Pages: 6,812
Models: all truck models

Description: The 1964/72 Ford Truck Master Parts Catalog and Accessories is the original 6000+ page manual used by Ford technicians in the 60's and 70's to identify the correct service part for Ford Trucks. It contains a comprehensive list of part numbers, diagrams, illustrations, cross-references, and other valuable information necessary for any restoration project. [View Product Sample]

Price: $16.95

1964/72 Ford Truck Master Parts and Accessories Catalog


1966 Ford Truck Shop Manual

Product # D20070

1970 Ford Truck Shop Manual
Pages: 1,897
Models Covered: All 1970 Ford Trucks

Description: This product is a digital eBook version of the factory original printing. It is a complete five volume shop manual set and contains complete service information for all 1970 Ford Trucks (Bronco, Club Wagon, Econoline, B-,C-,F-,N-,P-,T-,and W-Series). 1970 Ford Light, Medium and Heavy Duty Trucks models such as: Conventional Series (F-100, F-250, F-350, F-500, F-600, F-700, F-750, F-800, F-850, F-950, HT-850, H-950, CT-850, N-850, F-1000, HT-1000, N-1000, F-1100); Tilt Cab Series (C-550, C-600, C-700, C-750, C-800, C-850); T-800 Tandem Axle Series (T-700, T-750, T-800), School Bus Series (B-500, B-600, B-700, B-750), Parcel Delivery Series (P-350, P-400, P-500, P-600, P-3500, P-4000, P-5000, P-6000) and many more!This is an digital version of the original manual used by the Ford dealership mechanics to guide them through repairs and maintenance. Each section provides information on the operation of major systems, diagnostics, troubleshooting, overhaul, as well as the removal and installation of major components. Step-by-step procedures for trouble shooting, cleaning and inspecting, repairing, and replacing the various parts, assemblies, and systems on these vehicles are presented.This manual also contains maintenance and lubrication data as well as a tabulation of service specifications. Detailed illustrations of many of the service operations are given here. Disassembled views of the principal units show the various parts in the order of their disassembly or assembly. In many cases, a glance at these illustrations will tell you all you need to know about how the parts go together. Written in an easy to understand format, this manual contains instructions designed for the novice and the expert. In addition, this manual is filled with illustrations, photographs, and diagrams that help in the identification of parts and proper assembly. [View Product Sample]

Price: $24.95

1970 Ford Truck Shop Manual


Ford Shop Tips (1963-1973 ) eBook download

Product # D10062

Ford Shop Tips (1963 - 1973)
October 1963 Vol. 1, No 1. to August 1973, Vol 11, No. 11
Pages: 2,195
Models: All models Car and Truck

Description: This is a complete collection of volumes 1 through 11of the Ford "Shop Tips" magazine; from the very first issue Volume 1, Number 1 (October 1963) through Volume 11, Number 11 (August 1973) for a total of 111 issues! Every issue is jammed packed full of shortcuts, tips, and tricks to make repairs fast and easy. Articles are written in plain, straight-to-the-point fashion and provide simple solutions to common problems.The Ford "Shop Tips" magazine was a Ford technical service publication provided to servicemen in service stations and independent garages to help mechanics with the servicing of Ford vehicles. This technical information kept mechanics abreast of new developments and factory-recommended procedures. [View Product Sample]

Price: $10.95

Ford Shop Tips (1963-1973)



Back to Top Back to Top

eBook Download of Ford Shop Manuals

Product #

1971 Ford Car Shop Manual (Vol I-V)
Pages: 1,690
Models covered: Cougar, Falcon, Fairlane, Mercury, Mustang, Thunderbird, Meteor, Montego, Lincoln Continental, and Continental Mark III

Description: The 1971 Ford Car Shop Manual is the original manual used by Ford mechanics to guide them through repairs and maintenance. Each section provides information on the operation of major systems, diagnostics, troubleshooting, overhaul, as well as the removal and installation of major components. Written in an easy to understand format, this manual contains step-by-step instructions designed for the novice and the expert. In addition, this manual is filled with illustrations, photographs, and diagrams that help in the identification of parts and proper assembly. [View Product Sample]

Price: $16.95

1971 Ford Car Shop Manual (Vol I-V) (eBook)


eBook Download of Ford Mustang Colorized Wiring and Vacuum Diagrams

Product #

1971 Colorized Mustang Wiring Diagrams
Pages: 490
Models: Mustang

Description: The 1971 Colorized Mustang Wiring Diagrams manual contains a complete and comprehensive collection of wiring diagrams, schematics, and electrical illustrations. Each diagram and illustration is from an original Ford Motor Company publication and are the same manuals used by Ford technicians to troubleshoot electrical repairs. [View Product Sample]

Price: $14.95

1971 Colorized Mustang Wiring and Vacuum Diagrams (eBook)


eBook Download of Ford Mustang Part and Body Illustrations

Product # D10049

1971 Mustang Part & Body Illustrations
Pages: 243
Models: Mustang

Description: The 1971 Mustang Part & Body Illustrations manual is a comprehensive collection of detailed part and body illustrations that are extremely useful for any restoration project. For example, part illustrations are “exploded” to show not only the parts of a component, but can be used to identify the basic part number of virtually every nut, washer, etc. The exploded body illustrations show the locations of trim pieces, mouldings, weatherstriping, how sheet metal was assembled, etc. How many washers do you need on the Pitman Arm or what direction is the rear axle yoke bearing? Just look up the illustration and see what it look like! [View Product Sample]

Price: $14.95

1971 Mustang Part & Body Illustrations


eBook download of the 1965/72 Ford Car Master Parts and Accessory Catalog

Product # D10001

1965/72 Ford Car Master Parts and Accessory Catalog
Pages: 6,123
Models: Mustang, Bronco, Torino, Pinto, Falcon, Fairlane, Futura, Landau, Maverick, Thunderbird, Ranchero, Station Wagon, Ford Full Size (Galaxie 500, LTD, Country Sedan/Squire, Ranch Wagon)

Description: This manual is an electronic reproduction of the original manual used by Ford technicians in the 60's and 70's to identify the correct service part for Ford cars. It contains a comprehensive list of part numbers, diagrams, illustrations, cross-references, and other valuable information necessary for any restoration project. Loaded with useful information for your restoration, this catalog can unravel the mystery behind which part number was designed for your vehicle, when there was a part change, or how the part was depicted to Ford technicians. [View Product Sample]

Price: $18.95

1965/72 Ford Car Master Parts and Accessory Catalog (eBook)


ebook of 1964/72 Ford Truck Master Parts and Accessories Catalog

Product # D10014

1964/72 Ford Truck Master Parts and Accessories Catalog
Pages: 6,812
Models: all truck models

Description: The 1964/72 Ford Truck Master Parts Catalog and Accessories is the original 6000+ page manual used by Ford technicians in the 60's and 70's to identify the correct service part for Ford Trucks. It contains a comprehensive list of part numbers, diagrams, illustrations, cross-references, and other valuable information necessary for any restoration project. [View Product Sample]

Price: $16.95

1964/72 Ford Truck Master Parts and Accessories Catalog


1966 Ford Truck Shop Manual

Product # D20071

1971 Ford Truck Shop Manual
Pages: 1,998
Models Covered: 1971 Ford Trucks (Bronco, Club Wagon, Econoline, B-,C-,F-,L-,P-, and W-Series)

Description: This product is an eBook version of the factory original printing. It is the complete five volume shop manual set and contains complete service information for all 1971 Ford Trucks (Bronco, Club Wagon, Econoline, B-,C-,F-,N-,P-,T-,and W-Series). 1971 Ford Light, Medium and Heavy Duty Trucks models such as: Conventional Series (F-100, F-250, F-350, F-500, F-600, F-700, F-750, F-800, F-850, F-950, HT-850, H-950, CT-850, N-850, F-1000, HT-1000, N-1000, F-1100); Tilt Cab Series (C-550, C-600, C-700, C-750, C-800, C-850); T-800 Tandem Axle Series (T-700, T-750, T-800), School Bus Series (B-500, B-600, B-700, B-750), Parcel Delivery Series (P-350, P-400, P-500, P-600, P-3500, P-4000, P-5000, P-6000) and many more! This is an digital version of the original manual used by the Ford dealership mechanics to guide them through repairs and maintenance. Each section provides information on the operation of major systems, diagnostics, troubleshooting, overhaul, as well as the removal and installation of major components. Step-by-step procedures for trouble shooting, cleaning and inspecting, repairing, and replacing the various parts, assemblies, and systems on these vehicles are presented.This manual also contains maintenance and lubrication data as well as a tabulation of service specifications. Detailed illustrations of many of the service operations are given here. Disassembled views of the principal units show the various parts in the order of their disassembly or assembly. In many cases, a glance at these illustrations will tell you all you need to know about how the parts go together. Written in an easy to understand format, this manual contains instructions designed for the novice and the expert. In addition, this manual is filled with illustrations, photographs, and diagrams that help in the identification of parts and proper assembly. [View Product Sample]

Price: $24.95

1971 Ford Truck Shop Manual


Ford Shop Tips (1963-1973 ) eBook download

Product # D10062

Ford Shop Tips (1963 - 1973)
October 1963 Vol. 1, No 1. to August 1973, Vol 11, No. 11
Pages: 2,195
Models: All models Car and Truck

Description: This is a complete collection of volumes 1 through 11of the Ford "Shop Tips" magazine; from the very first issue Volume 1, Number 1 (October 1963) through Volume 11, Number 11 (August 1973) for a total of 111 issues! Every issue is jammed packed full of shortcuts, tips, and tricks to make repairs fast and easy. Articles are written in plain, straight-to-the-point fashion and provide simple solutions to common problems.The Ford "Shop Tips" magazine was a Ford technical service publication provided to servicemen in service stations and independent garages to help mechanics with the servicing of Ford vehicles. This technical information kept mechanics abreast of new developments and factory-recommended procedures. [View Product Sample]

Price: $10.95

Ford Shop Tips (1963-1973)



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eBook Download of Ford Shop Manuals

Product #

1972 Ford Car Shop Manual(Vol I-V)
Pages: 1,682
Models covered: Cougar, Falcon, Fairlane, Mercury, Mustang, Thunderbird, Meteor, Montego, Lincoln Continental, and Continental Mark IV

Description: The 1972 Ford Car Shop Manual is the original manual used by Ford mechanics to guide them through repairs and maintenance. Each section provides information on the operation of major systems, diagnostics, troubleshooting, overhaul, as well as the removal and installation of major components. Written in an easy to understand format, this manual contains step-by-step instructions designed for the novice and the expert. In addition, this manual is filled with illustrations, photographs, and diagrams that help in the identification of parts and proper assembly. [View Product Sample]

Price: $16.95

1972 Ford Car Shop Manual(Vol I-V) (eBook


eBook Download of Ford Mustang Colorized Wiring and Vacuum Diagrams

Product #

1972 Colorized Mustang Wiring Diagrams
Pages: 510
Models: Mustang

Description: The 1972 Colorized Mustang Wiring Diagrams manual contains a complete and comprehensive collection of wiring diagrams, schematics, and electrical illustrations. Each diagram and illustration is from an original Ford Motor Company publication and are the same manuals used by Ford technicians to troubleshoot electrical repairs. [View Product Sample]

Price: $14.95

1972 Colorized Mustang Wiring and Vacuum Diagrams (eBook)


eBook Download of Ford Mustang Part and Body Illustrations

Product # D10050

1972 Mustang Part & Body Illustrations
Pages: 242
Models: Mustang

Description: The 1972 Mustang Part and Body Illustrations manual is a comprehensive collection of detailed part and body illustrations that are extremely useful for any restoration project. For example, part illustrations are “exploded” to show not only the parts of a component, but can be used to identify the basic part number of virtually every nut, washer, etc. The exploded body illustrations show the locations of trim pieces, mouldings, weatherstriping, how sheet metal was assembled, etc. How many washers do you need on the Pitman Arm or what direction is the rear axle yoke bearing? Just look up the illustration and see what it look like! [View Product Sample]

Price: $14.95

1972 Mustang Part & Body Illustrations


eBook download of the 1965/72 Ford Car Master Parts and Accessory Catalog

Product # D10001

1965/72 Ford Car Master Parts and Accessory Catalog
Pages: 6,123
Models: Mustang, Bronco, Torino, Pinto, Falcon, Fairlane, Futura, Landau, Maverick, Thunderbird, Ranchero, Station Wagon, Ford Full Size (Galaxie 500, LTD, Country Sedan/Squire, Ranch Wagon)

Description: This manual is an electronic reproduction of the original manual used by Ford technicians in the 60's and 70's to identify the correct service part for Ford cars. It contains a comprehensive list of part numbers, diagrams, illustrations, cross-references, and other valuable information necessary for any restoration project. Loaded with useful information for your restoration, this catalog can unravel the mystery behind which part number was designed for your vehicle, when there was a part change, or how the part was depicted to Ford technicians. [View Product Sample]

Price: $18.95

1965/72 Ford Car Master Parts and Accessory Catalog (eBook)


Product # D10014

1964/72 Ford Truck Master Parts and Accessories Catalog
Pages: 6,812
Models: all truck models

Description: The 1964/72 Ford Truck Master Parts Catalog and Accessories is the original 6000+ page manual used by Ford technicians in the 60's and 70's to identify the correct service part for Ford Trucks. It contains a comprehensive list of part numbers, diagrams, illustrations, cross-references, and other valuable information necessary for any restoration project. [View Product Sample]

Price: $16.95

1964/72 Ford Truck Master Parts and Accessories Catalog


1972 Ford Truck Shop Manual

Product # D20072

1972 Ford Truck Shop Manual
Pages: 1,448
Models Covered: Ford trucks built in the US and Canada. For example, 1972 Ford Light and Medium Trucks, Bronco, Econoline, E-100, E-200, Bus Models, Club Wagon, F-100, F-200, F-350, F-500, F-600, Bus, Parcel, P-350, P-400, P-500, P-600, P-5000, Motor Home, M-350, M-400, M-500, and more.

Description: This manual contains complete service information for all Ford trucks built in the US and Canada. 1972 Ford Light and Medium Trucks, Bronco, Econoline, E-100, E-200, Bus Models, Club Wagon, F-100, F-200, F-350, F-500, F-600, Bus, Parcel, P-350, P-400, P-500, P-600, P-5000, Motor Home, M-350, M-400, M-500, and more. This is an electronic version of the original manual used by the Ford dealership mechanics to guide them through repairs and maintenance. Each section provides information on the operation of major systems, diagnostics, troubleshooting, overhaul, as well as the removal and installation of major components. Step-by-step procedures for trouble shooting, cleaning and inspecting, repairing, and replacing the various parts, assemblies, and systems on these vehicles are presented. This is an digital version of the original manual used by the Ford dealership mechanics to guide them through repairs and maintenance. Each section provides information on the operation of major systems, diagnostics, troubleshooting, overhaul, as well as the removal and installation of major components. Step-by-step procedures for trouble shooting, cleaning and inspecting, repairing, and replacing the various parts, assemblies, and systems on these vehicles are presented.This manual also contains maintenance and lubrication data as well as a tabulation of service specifications. Detailed illustrations of many of the service operations are given here. Disassembled views of the principal units show the various parts in the order of their disassembly or assembly. In many cases, a glance at these illustrations will tell you all you need to know about how the parts go together. Written in an easy to understand format, this manual contains instructions designed for the novice and the expert. In addition, this manual is filled with illustrations, photographs, and diagrams that help in the identification of parts and proper assembly. [View Product Sample]

Price: $24.95

1972 Ford Truck Shop Manual


Ford Shop Tips (1963-1973 ) eBook download

Product # D10062

Ford Shop Tips (1963 - 1973)
October 1963 Vol. 1, No 1. to August 1973, Vol 11, No. 11
Pages: 2,195
Models: All models Car and Truck

Description: This is a complete collection of volumes 1 through 11of the Ford "Shop Tips" magazine; from the very first issue Volume 1, Number 1 (October 1963) through Volume 11, Number 11 (August 1973) for a total of 111 issues! Every issue is jammed packed full of shortcuts, tips, and tricks to make repairs fast and easy. Articles are written in plain, straight-to-the-point fashion and provide simple solutions to common problems.The Ford "Shop Tips" magazine was a Ford technical service publication provided to servicemen in service stations and independent garages to help mechanics with the servicing of Ford vehicles. This technical information kept mechanics abreast of new developments and factory-recommended procedures. [View Product Sample]

Price: $10.95

Ford Shop Tips (1963-1973)



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eBook Download of Ford Shop Manuals

Product #

1973 Ford Car Shop Manual
Pages: 1,918
Models: Comet, Cougar, Cougar XR-7, Galaxie 500, Custom 500, Country Sedan, Maverick, Grabber, Mercury, Mustang, Thunderbird, Torino, Ranchero, Meteor, Montego, Pinto, LTD, Monterey, Marquis, Brougham, Rideau 500, Montcalm,  Lincoln Continental, and Continental Mark IV

Description: The 1973 Ford Car Shop Manual is the original manual used by Ford mechanics to guide them through repairs and maintenance. Each section provides information on the operation of major systems, diagnostics, troubleshooting, overhaul, as well as the removal and installation of major components. Written in an easy to understand format, this manual contains step-by-step instructions designed for the novice and the expert. In addition, this manual is filled with illustrations, photographs, and diagrams that help in the identification of parts and proper assembly. [View Product Sample]

Price: $16.95

1973 Ford Car Shop Manual(Vol I-VI) (eBook)


eBook Download of Ford Mustang Colorized Wiring and Vacuum Diagrams

Product #

1973 Colorized Mustang Wiring Diagrams
Pages: 571
Models: Mustang

Description: The 1973 Colorized Mustang Wiring Diagrams manual contains a complete and comprehensive collection of wiring diagrams, schematics, and electrical illustrations. Each diagram and illustration is from an original Ford Motor Company publication and are the same manuals used by Ford technicians to troubleshoot electrical repairs. [View Product Sample]

Price: $14.95

1973 Colorized Mustang Wiring and Vacuum Diagrams (eBook)


eBook Download of 1973  Ford Mustang Part and Body Illustrations

Product # D10051

1973 Mustang Part and Body Illustrations
Pages :278
Models: Mustang

Description: The 1973 Mustang Part and Body Illustrations manual is a comprehensive collection of detailed part and body illustrations that are extremely useful for any restoration project. For example, part illustrations are “exploded” to show not only the parts of a component, but can be used to identify the basic part number of virtually every nut, washer, etc. The exploded body illustrations show the locations of trim pieces, mouldings, weatherstriping, how sheet metal was assembled, etc. How many washers do you need on the Pitman Arm or what direction is the rear axle yoke bearing? Just look up the illustration and see what it look like! [View Product Sample]

Price: $14.95

1973 Mustang Part and Body Illustrations


1973 Ford Truck Shop Manual

Product # D20073

1973 Ford Truck Shop Manual
Pages: 1,993
Models Covered: 1973 Ford Trucks (Bronco, Club Wagon, Econoline, B-,C-,F-,L-,P-, and W-Series)

Description: This product is an eBook version of the factory original printing. It is the complete five volume shop manual set and contains complete service information for all 1973 Ford Trucks (Bronco, Club Wagon, Econoline, B-,C-,F-,N-,P-,T-,and W-Series). 1971 Ford Light, Medium and Heavy Duty Trucks models such as: Conventional Series (F-100, F-250, F-350, F-500, F-600, F-700, F-750, F-800, F-850, F-950, HT-850, H-950, CT-850, N-850, F-1000, HT-1000, N-1000, F-1100); Tilt Cab Series (C-550, C-600, C-700, C-750, C-800, C-850); T-800 Tandem Axle Series (T-700, T-750, T-800), School Bus Series (B-500, B-600, B-700, B-750), Parcel Delivery Series (P-350, P-400, P-500, P-600, P-3500, P-4000, P-5000, P-6000) and many more! This is an digital version of the original manual used by the Ford dealership mechanics to guide them through repairs and maintenance. Each section provides information on the operation of major systems, diagnostics, troubleshooting, overhaul, as well as the removal and installation of major components. Step-by-step procedures for trouble shooting, cleaning and inspecting, repairing, and replacing the various parts, assemblies, and systems on these vehicles are presented.This manual also contains maintenance and lubrication data as well as a tabulation of service specifications. Detailed illustrations of many of the service operations are given here. Disassembled views of the principal units show the various parts in the order of their disassembly or assembly. In many cases, a glance at these illustrations will tell you all you need to know about how the parts go together. Written in an easy to understand format, this manual contains instructions designed for the novice and the expert. In addition, this manual is filled with illustrations, photographs, and diagrams that help in the identification of parts and proper assembly. [View Product Sample]

Price: $24.95

1973 Ford Truck Shop Manual


eBook Download of the 1973/79 Ford Car Master Parts and Accesory Catalog (eBook)

Product #

1973/79 Ford Car Master Parts and Accesory Catalog (eBook)
Pages: 6,114
Models covered: Bronco, Fairmont, Fiesta, Ford, Granada, LTD II, Maverick, Mustang, Pinto, Thunderbird, and Torino

Description: The 1973-79 Ford Car Parts and Accessories Catalog is the original manual used by Ford technicians in the 70's to identify the correct service part for Ford cars. It contains a comprehensive list of part numbers, diagrams, illustrations, cross-references, and other valuable information necessary for any restoration project. [View Product Sample]

Price: $18.95

1973/79 Ford Car Master Parts and Accesory Catalog (eBook


eBook 1973/79 Ford Truck Master Parts and Accessories Catalog (100-500

Product # D20081

1973/79 Ford Truck Master Parts and Accessories Catalog (100-500)
Pages: 3,096
Models: All 1973-79 Ford Trucks built in the United States and Canada

Description: 1973/79 Ford Truck Master Parts and Accessory Catalog (100-500 Series). This manual contains part numbers and illustrations for truck series B500, E100/300, F100/500, P350/500 and American Road Camper for model year 1973 for U.S. and Canadian built vehicles. This is an electronic version of the original manual used by the Ford dealership mechanics to identify the correct service part for Ford Trucks. It contains a comprehensive list of part numbers, diagrams, illustrations, cross-references, and other valuable information necessary for any restoration project. The Ford Truck Master Parts and Accessory Catalog contains virtually every part number and diagrams specific to a vehicle by year and model. [View Product Sample]

Price: $24.95

1973/79 Ford Truck Master Parts and Accessories Catalog (100-500) (eBook)


eBook 1973/79 Ford Truck Master Parts and Accessories Catalog (600-900)

Product # D20082

1973/79 Ford Truck Master Parts and Accessories Catalog (600-900)
Pages: 4,956
Models: All 1973-79 Ford Trucks built in the United States and Canada (600-900 series)

Description: 1973/79 Ford Truck Master Parts and Accessory Catalog (600-900 Series). This Ford Truck Master Parts Catalog contains replacement parts and accessories information for truck series B600/750, C-CT600/900, CL-CLT900, F700/750, L-LN-LNT-LT-LTS600/900 and W-WT900 for model year 1973/ for U.S. and Canadian built vehicles. Also included are the related Diesel engine models, Series B7000 thru WT9000. This is an electronic version of the original manual used by the Ford dealership mechanics to identify the correct service part for Ford Trucks. It contains a comprehensive list of part numbers, diagrams, illustrations, cross-references, and other valuable information necessary for any restoration project. The Ford Truck Master Parts and Accessory Catalog contains virtually every part number and diagrams specific to a vehicle by year and model. [View Product Sample]

Price: $24.95

1973/79 Ford Truck Master Parts and Accessories Catalog (600-900)


Ford Shop Tips (1963-1973 ) eBook download

Product # D10062

Ford Shop Tips (1963 - 1973)
October 1963 Vol. 1, No 1. to August 1973, Vol 11, No. 11
Pages: 2,195
Models: All models Car and Truck

Description: This is a complete collection of volumes 1 through 11of the Ford "Shop Tips" magazine; from the very first issue Volume 1, Number 1 (October 1963) through Volume 11, Number 11 (August 1973) for a total of 111 issues! Every issue is jammed packed full of shortcuts, tips, and tricks to make repairs fast and easy. Articles are written in plain, straight-to-the-point fashion and provide simple solutions to common problems.The Ford "Shop Tips" magazine was a Ford technical service publication provided to servicemen in service stations and independent garages to help mechanics with the servicing of Ford vehicles. This technical information kept mechanics abreast of new developments and factory-recommended procedures. [View Product Sample]

Price: $10.95

Ford Shop Tips (1963-1973)


1973-1979 Lincoln-Mercury Car Master Parts and Accessory Catalog

Product # D15012

1973-1979 Lincoln-Mercury Car Master Parts and Accessory Catalog
Pages: 6,140
Models: All 1973-1979 Lincoln-Mercury Car Master Parts and Accessory Catalog such as: Bobcat, Capri, Comet, Cougar, Lincoln-Continental, Mark IV, Mark V, Mercury, Meteor, Monarch, Montego, Versailles, Zephyr, Mercury Marquis, Mercury Monterey, Gran Marquis, Marquis Brougham, Marquis Station Wagon, Colony Park Station Wagon, Montego MX, MX Station Wagon, Montego GT, Villager Station Wagon, Lincoln hardtop, Cougar XR7, Cougar Brougham, Monarch Ghia, Bobcat Wagon, Bobcat Runabout, Comet Fastback, Meteor Rideau, Meteor Montcalm, Rideau 500

Description: This is an electronic/digital reproduction of original Ford printed material of the 1973-1979 Lincoln-Mercury Car Master Parts and Accessory Catalog. This Lincoln-Mercury Car Master Parts Catalog contains replacement part and accessories information for Ford/Lincoln-Mercury Car for model year 1979/ on U.S. and Canadian built vehicles such as: such as: Bobcat, Capri, Comet, Cougar, Lincoln-Continental, Mark IV, Mark V, Mercury, Meteor, Monarch, Montego, Versailles, Zephyr, Mercury Marquis, Mercury Monterey, Gran Marquis, Marquis Brougham, Marquis Station Wagon, Colony Park Station Wagon, Montego MX, MX Station Wagon, Montego GT, Villager Station Wagon, Lincoln hardtop, Cougar XR7, Cougar Brougham, Monarch Ghia, Bobcat Wagon, Bobcat Runabout, Comet Fastback, Meteor Rideau, Meteor Montcalm, Rideau 500.

The 1973-1979 Lincoln-Mercury Car Master Parts and Accessory Catalog is the original manual used by Ford technicians to identify the correct part for Ford and Lincoln-Mercury cars.  It contains a comprehensive list of part numbers, diagrams, and other information necessary for any vintage restoration. [View Product Sample]

Price: $21.95

1973-1979 Lincoln-Mercury Car Master Parts and Accessory Catalog



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1974 Ford Truck Shop Manual eBook download

Product # D20074

1974 Ford Truck Shop Manual
Pages: 2,068
Models Covered: 1974 Ford Trucks (to include Bronco, Club Wagon, Econoline, B-,C-,E-,F-,M-, N-,P-,T-,and W-Series)

Description: This product is an eBook version of the factory original printing. It is the complete five volume shop manual set and contains complete service information for all 1974 Ford Trucks (Bronco, Club Wagon, Econoline, B-,C-,F-,N-,P-,T-,and W-Series). 1974 Ford Light, Medium and Heavy Duty Trucks models such as: Conventional Series (F-100, F-250, F-350, F-500, F-600, F-700, F-750, F-800, F-850, F-950, HT-850, H-950, CT-850, N-850, F-1000, HT-1000, N-1000, F-1100); Tilt Cab Series (C-550, C-600, C-700, C-750, C-800, C-850); School Bus Series (B-500, B-600, B-700, B-750), Parcel Delivery Series (P-350, P-400, P-500, P-600, P-3500, P-4000, P-5000) and many more! This is an digital version of the original manual used by the Ford dealership mechanics to guide them through repairs and maintenance. Each section provides information on the operation of major systems, diagnostics, troubleshooting, overhaul, as well as the removal and installation of major components. Step-by-step procedures for trouble shooting, cleaning and inspecting, repairing, and replacing the various parts, assemblies, and systems on these vehicles are presented.This manual also contains maintenance and lubrication data as well as a tabulation of service specifications. Detailed illustrations of many of the service operations are given here. Disassembled views of the principal units show the various parts in the order of their disassembly or assembly. In many cases, a glance at these illustrations will tell you all you need to know about how the parts go together. Written in an easy to understand format, this manual contains instructions designed for the novice and the expert. In addition, this manual is filled with illustrations, photographs, and diagrams that help in the identification of parts and proper assembly. [View Product Sample]

Price: $24.95

1974 Ford Truck Shop Manual


1973/79 Ford Car Master Parts and Accesory Catalog (eBook)

Product #

1973/79 Ford Car Master Parts and Accesory Catalog (eBook)
Pages: 6,114
Models covered: Bronco, Fairmont, Fiesta, Ford, Granada, LTD II, Maverick, Mustang, Pinto, Thunderbird, and Torino

Description: The 1973-79 Ford Car Parts and Accessories Catalog is the original manual used by Ford technicians in the 70's to identify the correct service part for Ford cars. It contains a comprehensive list of part numbers, diagrams, illustrations, cross-references, and other valuable information necessary for any restoration project. [View Product Sample]

Price: $18.95

1973/79 Ford Car Master Parts and Accesory Catalog (eBook


1973/79 Ford Truck Master Parts and Accessories Catalog (100-500) ebook download

Product # D20081

1973/79 Ford Truck Master Parts and Accessories Catalog (100-500)
Pages: 3,096
Models: All 1973-79 Ford Trucks built in the United States and Canada

Description: 1973/79 Ford Truck Master Parts and Accessory Catalog (100-500 Series). This manual contains part numbers and illustrations for truck series B500, E100/300, F100/500, P350/500 and American Road Camper for model year 1973 for U.S. and Canadian built vehicles. This is an electronic version of the original manual used by the Ford dealership mechanics to identify the correct service part for Ford Trucks. It contains a comprehensive list of part numbers, diagrams, illustrations, cross-references, and other valuable information necessary for any restoration project. The Ford Truck Master Parts and Accessory Catalog contains virtually every part number and diagrams specific to a vehicle by year and model. [View Product Sample]

Price: $24.95

1973/79 Ford Truck Master Parts and Accessories Catalog (100-500) (eBook)


eBook 1973/79 Ford Truck Master Parts and Accessories Catalog (600-900)

Product # D20082

1973/79 Ford Truck Master Parts and Accessories Catalog (600-900)
Pages: 4,956
Models: All 1973-79 Ford Trucks built in the United States and Canada (600-900 series)

Description: 1973/79 Ford Truck Master Parts and Accessory Catalog (600-900 Series). This Ford Truck Master Parts Catalog contains replacement parts and accessories information for truck series B600/750, C-CT600/900, CL-CLT900, F700/750, L-LN-LNT-LT-LTS600/900 and W-WT900 for model year 1973/ for U.S. and Canadian built vehicles. Also included are the related Diesel engine models, Series B7000 thru WT9000. This is an electronic version of the original manual used by the Ford dealership mechanics to identify the correct service part for Ford Trucks. It contains a comprehensive list of part numbers, diagrams, illustrations, cross-references, and other valuable information necessary for any restoration project. The Ford Truck Master Parts and Accessory Catalog contains virtually every part number and diagrams specific to a vehicle by year and model. [View Product Sample]

Price: $24.95

1973/79 Ford Truck Master Parts and Accessories Catalog (600-900)



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1975 Ford Truck Shop Manual

Product # D20075

1975 Ford Truck Shop Manual
Pages: 2,499
Models Covered: 1975 Ford Trucks (to include Bronco, Club Wagon, Econoline, B-,C-,E-,F-,M-, N-,P-,T-,and W-Series)

Description: This product is a digital eBook version of the factory original printing. It is the complete five volume shop manual set and contains complete service information for all 1975 Ford Trucks (Bronco, Club Wagon, Econoline, B-,C-,F-,N-,P-,T-,and W-Series). 1975 Ford Light, Medium and Heavy Duty Trucks models such as: Conventional Series (F-100, F-250, F-350, F-500, F-600, F-700, F-750, F-800, F-850, F-950, HT-850, H-950, CT-850, N-850, F-1000, HT-1000, N-1000, F-1100); Tilt Cab Series (C-550, C-600, C-700, C-750, C-800, C-850); School Bus Series (B-500, B-600, B-700, B-750), Parcel Delivery Series (P-350, P-400, P-500, P-600, P-3500, P-4000, P-5000, P-6000) and many more! This is an digital version of the original manual used by the Ford dealership mechanics to guide them through repairs and maintenance. Each section provides information on the operation of major systems, diagnostics, troubleshooting, overhaul, as well as the removal and installation of major components. Step-by-step procedures for trouble shooting, cleaning and inspecting, repairing, and replacing the various parts, assemblies, and systems on these vehicles are presented.This manual also contains maintenance and lubrication data as well as a tabulation of service specifications. Detailed illustrations of many of the service operations are given here. Disassembled views of the principal units show the various parts in the order of their disassembly or assembly. In many cases, a glance at these illustrations will tell you all you need to know about how the parts go together. Written in an easy to understand format, this manual contains instructions designed for the novice and the expert. In addition, this manual is filled with illustrations, photographs, and diagrams that help in the identification of parts and proper assembly. [View Product Sample]

Price: $24.95

1975 Ford Truck Shop Manual


eBook Download of the 1973/79 Ford Car Master Parts and Accesory Catalog (eBook)

Product #

1973/79 Ford Car Master Parts and Accesory Catalog (eBook)
Pages: 6,114
Models covered: Bronco, Fairmont, Fiesta, Ford, Granada, LTD II, Maverick, Mustang, Pinto, Thunderbird, and Torino

Description: The 1973-79 Ford Car Parts and Accessories Catalog is the original manual used by Ford technicians in the 70's to identify the correct service part for Ford cars. It contains a comprehensive list of part numbers, diagrams, illustrations, cross-references, and other valuable information necessary for any restoration project. [View Product Sample]

Price: $18.95

1973/79 Ford Car Master Parts and Accesory Catalog (eBook


eBook 1973/79 Ford Truck Master Parts and Accessories Catalog (100-500

Product # D20081

1973/79 Ford Truck Master Parts and Accessories Catalog (100-500)
Pages: 3,096
Models: All 1973-79 Ford Trucks built in the United States and Canada

Description: 1973/79 Ford Truck Master Parts and Accessory Catalog (100-500 Series). This manual contains part numbers and illustrations for truck series B500, E100/300, F100/500, P350/500 and American Road Camper for model year 1973 for U.S. and Canadian built vehicles. This is an electronic version of the original manual used by the Ford dealership mechanics to identify the correct service part for Ford Trucks. It contains a comprehensive list of part numbers, diagrams, illustrations, cross-references, and other valuable information necessary for any restoration project. The Ford Truck Master Parts and Accessory Catalog contains virtually every part number and diagrams specific to a vehicle by year and model. [View Product Sample]

Price: $24.95

1973/79 Ford Truck Master Parts and Accessories Catalog (100-500) (eBook)


eBook 1973/79 Ford Truck Master Parts and Accessories Catalog (600-900)

Product # D20082

1973/79 Ford Truck Master Parts and Accessories Catalog (600-900)
Pages: 4,956
Models: All 1973-79 Ford Trucks built in the United States and Canada (600-900 series)

Description: 1973/79 Ford Truck Master Parts and Accessory Catalog (600-900 Series). This Ford Truck Master Parts Catalog contains replacement parts and accessories information for truck series B600/750, C-CT600/900, CL-CLT900, F700/750, L-LN-LNT-LT-LTS600/900 and W-WT900 for model year 1973/ for U.S. and Canadian built vehicles. Also included are the related Diesel engine models, Series B7000 thru WT9000. This is an electronic version of the original manual used by the Ford dealership mechanics to identify the correct service part for Ford Trucks. It contains a comprehensive list of part numbers, diagrams, illustrations, cross-references, and other valuable information necessary for any restoration project. The Ford Truck Master Parts and Accessory Catalog contains virtually every part number and diagrams specific to a vehicle by year and model. [View Product Sample]

Price: $24.95

1973/79 Ford Truck Master Parts and Accessories Catalog (600-900)



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eBook Download of the 1973/79 Ford Car Master Parts and Accesory Catalog (eBook)

Product #

1973/79 Ford Car Master Parts and Accesory Catalog (eBook)
Pages: 6,114
Models covered: Bronco, Fairmont, Fiesta, Ford, Granada, LTD II, Maverick, Mustang, Pinto, Thunderbird, and Torino

Description: The 1973-79 Ford Car Parts and Accessories Catalog is the original manual used by Ford technicians in the 70's to identify the correct service part for Ford cars. It contains a comprehensive list of part numbers, diagrams, illustrations, cross-references, and other valuable information necessary for any restoration project. [View Product Sample]

Price: $18.95

1973/79 Ford Car Master Parts and Accesory Catalog (eBook


eBook 1973/79 Ford Truck Master Parts and Accessories Catalog (100-500

Product # D20081

1973/79 Ford Truck Master Parts and Accessories Catalog (100-500)
Pages: 3,096
Models: All 1973-79 Ford Trucks built in the United States and Canada

Description: 1973/79 Ford Truck Master Parts and Accessory Catalog (100-500 Series). This manual contains part numbers and illustrations for truck series B500, E100/300, F100/500, P350/500 and American Road Camper for model year 1973 for U.S. and Canadian built vehicles. This is an electronic version of the original manual used by the Ford dealership mechanics to identify the correct service part for Ford Trucks. It contains a comprehensive list of part numbers, diagrams, illustrations, cross-references, and other valuable information necessary for any restoration project. The Ford Truck Master Parts and Accessory Catalog contains virtually every part number and diagrams specific to a vehicle by year and model. [View Product Sample]

Price: $24.95

1973/79 Ford Truck Master Parts and Accessories Catalog (100-500) (eBook)


eBook 1973/79 Ford Truck Master Parts and Accessories Catalog (600-900)

Product # D20082

1973/79 Ford Truck Master Parts and Accessories Catalog (600-900)
Pages: 4,956
Models: All 1973-79 Ford Trucks built in the United States and Canada (600-900 series)

Description: 1973/79 Ford Truck Master Parts and Accessory Catalog (600-900 Series). This Ford Truck Master Parts Catalog contains replacement parts and accessories information for truck series B600/750, C-CT600/900, CL-CLT900, F700/750, L-LN-LNT-LT-LTS600/900 and W-WT900 for model year 1973/ for U.S. and Canadian built vehicles. Also included are the related Diesel engine models, Series B7000 thru WT9000. This is an electronic version of the original manual used by the Ford dealership mechanics to identify the correct service part for Ford Trucks. It contains a comprehensive list of part numbers, diagrams, illustrations, cross-references, and other valuable information necessary for any restoration project. The Ford Truck Master Parts and Accessory Catalog contains virtually every part number and diagrams specific to a vehicle by year and model. [View Product Sample]

Price: $24.95

1973/79 Ford Truck Master Parts and Accessories Catalog (600-900)


1966 Ford Truck Shop Manual

Product # D20076

1976 Ford Truck Shop Manual
Pages: 2,443
Models Covered: 1976 Ford Trucks (to include Bronco, Club Wagon, Econoline, B-,C-,E-,F-,M-, N-,P-,T-,and W-Series)

Description: This product is an eBook version of the factory original printing. It is the complete five volume shop manual set and contains complete service information for all 1976 Ford Trucks (Bronco, Club Wagon, Econoline, B-,C-,F-,N-,P-,T-,and W-Series). 1976 Ford Light, Medium and Heavy Duty Trucks models such as: Conventional Series (F-100, F-250, F-350, F-500, F-600, F-700, F-750, F-800, F-850, F-950, HT-850, H-950, CT-850, N-850, F-1000, HT-1000, N-1000, F-1100); Tilt Cab Series (C-550, C-600, C-700, C-750, C-800, C-850); School Bus Series (B-500, B-600, B-700, B-750), Parcel Delivery Series (P-350, P-400, P-500, P-600, P-3500, P-4000, P-5000) and many more! This is an digital version of the original manual used by the Ford dealership mechanics to guide them through repairs and maintenance. Each section provides information on the operation of major systems, diagnostics, troubleshooting, overhaul, as well as the removal and installation of major components. Step-by-step procedures for trouble shooting, cleaning and inspecting, repairing, and replacing the various parts, assemblies, and systems on these vehicles are presented.This manual also contains maintenance and lubrication data as well as a tabulation of service specifications. Detailed illustrations of many of the service operations are given here. Disassembled views of the principal units show the various parts in the order of their disassembly or assembly. In many cases, a glance at these illustrations will tell you all you need to know about how the parts go together. Written in an easy to understand format, this manual contains instructions designed for the novice and the expert. In addition, this manual is filled with illustrations, photographs, and diagrams that help in the identification of parts and proper assembly. [View Product Sample]

Price: $24.95

1976 Ford Truck Shop Manual


1976 Ford Truck Wiring Diagrams

Product # D21760

1976 Ford Truck Wiring Diagrams
Pages: 127
Models Covered: 1976 Ford Trucks (to include Bronco, Club Wagon, Econoline, B-,C-,E-,F-,M-, N-,P-,T-,and W-Series)

Description: The 1976 Ford Truck Wiring Diagrams is a complete set of original OEM wiring diagrams which cover Bronco, Courier, Econoline, Parcel Delivery, F100-350, B-F-500-750 series, C-Series, W-Series, L-Series (Line Haul), and L-Series (City Delivery). Compiled from the original Ford Motor Company publication (Course 0336-101, Form FPSD-365-247, dated Aug 75), this product combines electrical wiring diagrams/schematics and Fords own training course on how to read wiring diagrams to give you the most comprehensive and best value on the market. It is like having two electrical books for the price of one!! !! [View Product Sample]

Price: $16.95

1976 Ford Truck Wiring Diagrams



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1977 Ford Truck Shop Manual

Product # D20077

1977 Ford Truck Shop Manual
Pages: 2,827
Models Covered: 1977 Ford Trucks (to include Bronco, Club Wagon, Econoline, B-,C-,E-,F-,M-, N-,P-,T-,and W-Series)

Description: This product is an eBook version of the factory original printing. It is the complete five volume shop manual set and contains complete service information for all 1977 Ford Trucks (Bronco, Club Wagon, Econoline, B-,C-,F-,N-,P-,T-,and W-Series). 1977 Ford Light, Medium and Heavy Duty Trucks models such as: Conventional Series (F-100, F-250, F-350, F-500, F-600, F-700, F-750, F-800, F-850, F-950, HT-850, H-950, CT-850, N-850, F-1000, HT-1000, N-1000, F-1100); Tilt Cab Series (C-550, C-600, C-700, C-750, C-800, C-850); School Bus Series (B-500, B-600, B-700, B-750), Parcel Delivery Series (P-350, P-400, P-500, P-600, P-3500, P-4000, P-5000) and many more! This is an digital version of the original manual used by the Ford dealership mechanics to guide them through repairs and maintenance. Each section provides information on the operation of major systems, diagnostics, troubleshooting, overhaul, as well as the removal and installation of major components. Step-by-step procedures for trouble shooting, cleaning and inspecting, repairing, and replacing the various parts, assemblies, and systems on these vehicles are presented.This manual also contains maintenance and lubrication data as well as a tabulation of service specifications. Detailed illustrations of many of the service operations are given here. Disassembled views of the principal units show the various parts in the order of their disassembly or assembly. In many cases, a glance at these illustrations will tell you all you need to know about how the parts go together. Written in an easy to understand format, this manual contains instructions designed for the novice and the expert. In addition, this manual is filled with illustrations, photographs, and diagrams that help in the identification of parts and proper assembly. [View Product Sample]

Price: $24.95

1977 Ford Truck Shop Manual


1977 Ford Truck Wiring Diagrams (100-800 Series)

Product # D21771

1977 Ford Truck Wiring Diagrams (100-800 Series)
Pages: 779
Models Covered: 1977 Ford Trucks (to include Bronco, Club Wagon, Econoline, B-,C-,E-,F-,M-, N-,P-,T-,and W-Series)

Description:The 1977 Ford Truck Wiring Diagrams (100-800 Series) is a complete and comprehensive collection of wiring diagrams, schematics, and electrical illustrations. Covers all Ford truck models in the 100-800 series to include models such as: Bronco, Econoline, B500, E100/300, F100/350, B600/700 Cowl, F600-700 Cowl, B600-800 Cab, F600-800 Cab! Compiled from multiple Ford Motor Company publications, this product combines electrical wiring diagrams/schematics, part illustrations, intermediate electrical repair instructions and Fords own training course on how to read wiring diagrams to give you the most comprehensive and best value on the market. It is like having four (4) electrical books for the price of one!! [View Product Sample]

Price: $16.95

1977 Ford Truck Wiring Diagrams (100-800 Series)


eBook Download of the 1973/79 Ford Car Master Parts and Accesory Catalog (eBook)

Product #

1973/79 Ford Car Master Parts and Accesory Catalog (eBook)
Pages: 6,114
Models covered: Bronco, Fairmont, Fiesta, Ford, Granada, LTD II, Maverick, Mustang, Pinto, Thunderbird, and Torino

Description: The 1973-79 Ford Car Parts and Accessories Catalog is the original manual used by Ford technicians in the 70's to identify the correct service part for Ford cars. It contains a comprehensive list of part numbers, diagrams, illustrations, cross-references, and other valuable information necessary for any restoration project. [View Product Sample]

Price: $18.95

1973/79 Ford Car Master Parts and Accesory Catalog (eBook


eBook 1973/79 Ford Truck Master Parts and Accessories Catalog (100-500

Product # D20081

Title: 1973/79 Ford Truck Master Parts and Accessories Catalog (100-500)
Pages: 3,096
Models: All 1973-79 Ford Trucks built in the United States and Canada

Description: 1973/79 Ford Truck Master Parts and Accessory Catalog (100-500 Series). This manual contains part numbers and illustrations for truck series B500, E100/300, F100/500, P350/500 and American Road Camper for model year 1973 for U.S. and Canadian built vehicles. This is an electronic version of the original manual used by the Ford dealership mechanics to identify the correct service part for Ford Trucks. It contains a comprehensive list of part numbers, diagrams, illustrations, cross-references, and other valuable information necessary for any restoration project. The Ford Truck Master Parts and Accessory Catalog contains virtually every part number and diagrams specific to a vehicle by year and model. [View Product Sample]

Price: $24.95

1973/79 Ford Truck Master Parts and Accessories Catalog (100-500) (eBook)


eBook 1973/79 Ford Truck Master Parts and Accessories Catalog (600-900)

Product # D20082

Title: 1973/79 Ford Truck Master Parts and Accessories Catalog (600-900)
Pages: 4,956
Models: All 1973-79 Ford Trucks built in the United States and Canada (600-900 series)

Description: 1973/79 Ford Truck Master Parts and Accessory Catalog (600-900 Series). This Ford Truck Master Parts Catalog contains replacement parts and accessories information for truck series B600/750, C-CT600/900, CL-CLT900, F700/750, L-LN-LNT-LT-LTS600/900 and W-WT900 for model year 1973/ for U.S. and Canadian built vehicles. Also included are the related Diesel engine models, Series B7000 thru WT9000. This is an electronic version of the original manual used by the Ford dealership mechanics to identify the correct service part for Ford Trucks. It contains a comprehensive list of part numbers, diagrams, illustrations, cross-references, and other valuable information necessary for any restoration project. The Ford Truck Master Parts and Accessory Catalog contains virtually every part number and diagrams specific to a vehicle by year and model. [View Product Sample]

Price: $24.95

1973/79 Ford Truck Master Parts and Accessories Catalog (600-900)



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1978 Ford Truck Shop Manual eBook download

Product # D20078

1978 Ford Truck Shop Manual
Pages: 2,831
Models Covered: 1978 Ford Trucks (to include Bronco, Club Wagon, Econoline, B-,C-,E-,F-,M-, N-,P-,T-,and W-Series)

Description: This product is an eBook version of the factory original printing. It is the complete five volume shop manual set and contains complete service information for all 1978 Ford Trucks (Bronco, Club Wagon, Econoline, B-,C-,F-,N-,P-,T-,and W-Series). 1978 Ford Light, Medium and Heavy Duty Trucks models such as: Conventional Series (F-100, F-250, F-350, F-500, F-600, F-700, F-750, F-800, F-850, F-950, HT-850, H-950, CT-850, N-850, F-1000, HT-1000, N-1000, F-1100); Tilt Cab Series (C-550, C-600, C-700, C-750, C-800, C-850); School Bus Series (B-500, B-600, B-700, B-750), Parcel Delivery Series (P-350, P-400, P-500, P-600, P-3500, P-4000, P-5000) and many more!This is an digital version of the original manual used by the Ford dealership mechanics to guide them through repairs and maintenance. Each section provides information on the operation of major systems, diagnostics, troubleshooting, overhaul, as well as the removal and installation of major components. Step-by-step procedures for trouble shooting, cleaning and inspecting, repairing, and replacing the various parts, assemblies, and systems on these vehicles are presented.This manual also contains maintenance and lubrication data as well as a tabulation of service specifications. Detailed illustrations of many of the service operations are given here. Disassembled views of the principal units show the various parts in the order of their disassembly or assembly. In many cases, a glance at these illustrations will tell you all you need to know about how the parts go together. Written in an easy to understand format, this manual contains instructions designed for the novice and the expert. In addition, this manual is filled with illustrations, photographs, and diagrams that help in the identification of parts and proper assembly. [View Product Sample]

Price: $24.95

1978 Ford Truck Shop Manual


1978 Ford Truck Wiring Diagrams (Bronco, Econoline, F100-350 Series)

Product # D21781

1978 Ford Truck Wiring Diagrams (Bronco, Econoline, F100-35 Series)
Pages: 600
Models Covered: All 1978 Ford Trucks Series F100 thru 350, Bronco, Club Wagon, Econoline

Description: The 1978 Ford Truck Wiring Diagrams (to include F100, F150 4x4, F250, F250 4x4, F350, F350 4x4, Bronco, Club Wagon, Econoline, Window Van, Display Van, Cargo Van, and Cutaway) is a complete and comprehensive collection of wiring diagrams, schematics, and electrical illustrations. Compiled from multiple Ford Motor Company publications, this product combines electrical wiring diagrams/schematics, part illustrations, intermediate electrical repair instructions and Fords own training course on how to read wiring diagrams to give you the most comprehensive and best value on the market. It is like having four (4) electrical books for the price of one!! [View Product Sample]

Price: $16.95

1977 Ford Truck Wiring Diagrams (100-800 Series)


eBook Download of the 1973/79 Ford Car Master Parts and Accesory Catalog (eBook)

Product #

1973/79 Ford Car Master Parts and Accesory Catalog (eBook)
Pages: 6,114
Models covered: Bronco, Fairmont, Fiesta, Ford, Granada, LTD II, Maverick, Mustang, Pinto, Thunderbird, and Torino

Description: The 1973-79 Ford Car Parts and Accessories Catalog is the original manual used by Ford technicians in the 70's to identify the correct service part for Ford cars. It contains a comprehensive list of part numbers, diagrams, illustrations, cross-references, and other valuable information necessary for any restoration project. [View Product Sample]

Price: $18.95

1973/79 Ford Car Master Parts and Accesory Catalog (eBook


eBook 1973/79 Ford Truck Master Parts and Accessories Catalog (100-500

Product # D20081

1973/79 Ford Truck Master Parts and Accessories Catalog (100-500)
Pages: 3,096
Models: All 1973-79 Ford Trucks built in the United States and Canada

Description: 1973/79 Ford Truck Master Parts and Accessory Catalog (100-500 Series). This manual contains part numbers and illustrations for truck series B500, E100/300, F100/500, P350/500 and American Road Camper for model year 1973 for U.S. and Canadian built vehicles. This is an electronic version of the original manual used by the Ford dealership mechanics to identify the correct service part for Ford Trucks. It contains a comprehensive list of part numbers, diagrams, illustrations, cross-references, and other valuable information necessary for any restoration project. The Ford Truck Master Parts and Accessory Catalog contains virtually every part number and diagrams specific to a vehicle by year and model. [View Product Sample]

Price: $24.95

1973/79 Ford Truck Master Parts and Accessories Catalog (100-500) (eBook)


eBook 1973/79 Ford Truck Master Parts and Accessories Catalog (600-900)

Product # D20082

1973/79 Ford Truck Master Parts and Accessories Catalog (600-900)
Pages: 4,956
Models: All 1973-79 Ford Trucks built in the United States and Canada (600-900 series)

Description: 1973/79 Ford Truck Master Parts and Accessory Catalog (600-900 Series). This Ford Truck Master Parts Catalog contains replacement parts and accessories information for truck series B600/750, C-CT600/900, CL-CLT900, F700/750, L-LN-LNT-LT-LTS600/900 and W-WT900 for model year 1973/ for U.S. and Canadian built vehicles. Also included are the related Diesel engine models, Series B7000 thru WT9000. This is an electronic version of the original manual used by the Ford dealership mechanics to identify the correct service part for Ford Trucks. It contains a comprehensive list of part numbers, diagrams, illustrations, cross-references, and other valuable information necessary for any restoration project. The Ford Truck Master Parts and Accessory Catalog contains virtually every part number and diagrams specific to a vehicle by year and model. [View Product Sample]

Price: $24.95

1973/79 Ford Truck Master Parts and Accessories Catalog (600-900)



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eBook Download of the 1973/79 Ford Car Master Parts and Accesory Catalog (eBook)

Product #

1973/79 Ford Car Master Parts and Accesory Catalog (eBook)
Pages: 6,114
Models covered: Bronco, Fairmont, Fiesta, Ford, Granada, LTD II, Maverick, Mustang, Pinto, Thunderbird, and Torino

Description: The 1973-79 Ford Car Parts and Accessories Catalog is the original manual used by Ford technicians in the 70's to identify the correct service part for Ford cars. It contains a comprehensive list of part numbers, diagrams, illustrations, cross-references, and other valuable information necessary for any restoration project. [View Product Sample]

Price: $18.95

1973/79 Ford Car Master Parts and Accesory Catalog (eBook


eBook 1973/79 Ford Truck Master Parts and Accessories Catalog (100-500

Product # D20081

1973/79 Ford Truck Master Parts and Accessories Catalog (100-500)
Pages: 3,096
Models: All 1973-79 Ford Trucks built in the United States and Canada

Description: 1973/79 Ford Truck Master Parts and Accessory Catalog (100-500 Series). This manual contains part numbers and illustrations for truck series B500, E100/300, F100/500, P350/500 and American Road Camper for model year 1973 for U.S. and Canadian built vehicles. This is an electronic version of the original manual used by the Ford dealership mechanics to identify the correct service part for Ford Trucks. It contains a comprehensive list of part numbers, diagrams, illustrations, cross-references, and other valuable information necessary for any restoration project. The Ford Truck Master Parts and Accessory Catalog contains virtually every part number and diagrams specific to a vehicle by year and model. [View Product Sample]

Price: $24.95

1973/79 Ford Truck Master Parts and Accessories Catalog (100-500) (eBook)


eBook 1973/79 Ford Truck Master Parts and Accessories Catalog (600-900)

Product # D20082

1973/79 Ford Truck Master Parts and Accessories Catalog (600-900)
Pages: 4,956
Models: All 1973-79 Ford Trucks built in the United States and Canada (600-900 series)

Description: 1973/79 Ford Truck Master Parts and Accessory Catalog (600-900 Series). This Ford Truck Master Parts Catalog contains replacement parts and accessories information for truck series B600/750, C-CT600/900, CL-CLT900, F700/750, L-LN-LNT-LT-LTS600/900 and W-WT900 for model year 1973/ for U.S. and Canadian built vehicles. Also included are the related Diesel engine models, Series B7000 thru WT9000. This is an electronic version of the original manual used by the Ford dealership mechanics to identify the correct service part for Ford Trucks. It contains a comprehensive list of part numbers, diagrams, illustrations, cross-references, and other valuable information necessary for any restoration project. The Ford Truck Master Parts and Accessory Catalog contains virtually every part number and diagrams specific to a vehicle by year and model. [View Product Sample]

Price: $24.95

1973/79 Ford Truck Master Parts and Accessories Catalog (600-900)



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eBook 1980/89 Ford Light Truck Master Parts and Accessories Catalog

Product # D20083

1980/89 Ford Light Truck Master Parts and Accessories Catalog
Pages: 5,049
Models: All 1980-89 Light Ford Trucks built in the United States and Canada

Description: 1980/89 Ford Light Truck Master Parts and Accessory Catalog. This Ford Truck MISter Parta Catalog containa replacement part and accessories information for Truck Series A, B, E100/350, F100/350, R, and UI50 for model year 1980/ on U.S. and Canadian built vehicles.This Ford Truck Master Parts Catalog contains parts illustrations for truck series E 100/350, F 100/350, F53-Stripped Chassis (Motor Home), F59-Stripped Chassis (Commercial), F (Super Duty) and U150 as well as the Aerostar (A-Series), Bronco II (B-Series) and the Ranger (R-Series) for model years 1980/ for U.S. and Canadian built vehicles. This is an electronic version of the original manual used by the Ford dealership mechanics to identify the correct service part for Ford Trucks. It contains a comprehensive list of part numbers, diagrams, illustrations, cross-references, and other valuable information necessary for any restoration project. The Ford Truck Master Parts and Accessory Catalog contains virtually every part number and diagrams specific to a vehicle by year and model. [View Product Sample]

Price: $24.95

1980/89 Ford Light Truck Master Parts and Accessories Catalog

eBook 1980/89 Ford Truck Master Parts and Accessories Catalog

Product # D20084

1980/89 Ford Truck Master Parts and Accessories Catalog (600-900)
Pages: 4,527
Models: All 1980-89 Ford Trucks (600-900 series) built in the United States and Canada

Description: This is an electronic/digital reproduction of original Ford printed material of the 1980/89 Ford Truck Master Parts and Accessory Catalog (600-900). This Ford Truck Master Parts Catalog contains replacement parts and accessories information for truck series B600/700, C-CT600/900, CL-CLT900, F600/800, FT800, L-LN-LNT-LT-LTS600/900 and LTL900 for model year 1980/ for U.S. and Canadian built vehicles. Also included are the related Diesel engine models, Series B600 thru LTS900. This is an electronic version of the original manual used by the Ford dealership mechanics to identify the correct service part for Ford Trucks. It contains a comprehensive list of part numbers, diagrams, illustrations, cross-references, and other valuable information necessary for any restoration project. The Ford Truck Master Parts and Accessory Catalog contains virtually every part number and diagrams specific to a vehicle by year and model. [View Product Sample]

Price: $24.95

1980/89 Ford Truck Master Parts and Accessories Catalog (600-900)


1980/89 Ford/Lincoln-Mercury Car Master Parts and Accessory Catalog

Product # D15013

1980/89 Ford/Lincoln-Mercury Car Master Parts and Accessory Catalog
Pages: 12,749
Models: All 1980/89 Ford/Lincoln-Mercury Car Master Parts and Accessory Catalog such as: Bobcat, Capri, Colony Park Station Wagon, Cougar, Cougar XR7, Country Squire Station Wagon, Escort, EXP, Fairmont, Festiva, Ford, Ghia, Gran Marquis, Granada, Lincoln, Lincoln Town Car, Lincoln-Continental, LN7, LTD Crown Victoria, Lynx, Mark VI-VII, Marquis, Mercury, Mercury Tracer, Merkur - XR4TI, Monarch, Mustang, Pinto, Probe, Sable, Scorpio, Taurus, Tempo, Thunderbird, Topaz, Versailles, Zepher

Description: This is an electronic/digital reproduction of original Ford printed material of the 1980/89 Ford/Lincoln-Mercury Car Master Parts and Accessory Catalog. This Ford/Lincoln-Mercury Car Master Parts Catalog contains replacement part and accessories information for Ford/Lincoln-Mercury Car for model year 1980/ on U.S. and Canadian built vehicles such as: such as: Bobcat, Capri, Colony Park Station Wagon, Cougar, Cougar XR7, Country Squire Station Wagon, Escort, EXP, Fairmont, Festiva, Ford, Ghia, Gran Marquis, Granada, Lincoln, Lincoln Town Car, Lincoln-Continental, LN7, LTD Crown Victoria, Lynx, Mark VI-VII, Marquis, Mercury, Mercury Tracer, Merkur - XR4TI, Monarch, Mustang, Pinto, Probe, Sable, Scorpio, Taurus, Tempo, Thunderbird, Topaz, Versailles, and Zepher.

The 1980/89 Ford/Lincoln-Mercury Car Master Parts and Accessory Catalog is the original manual used by Ford technicians to identify the correct part for Ford and Lincoln-Mercury cars.  It contains a comprehensive list of part numbers, diagrams, and other information necessary for any vintage restoration. [View Product Sample]

Price: $24.95

1980/89 Ford/Lincoln-Mercury Car Master Parts and Accessory Catalog


Transmission and Carburetor

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eBook The C6 Automatic Transmission Training Handbook and Automatic Transmission Diagnosis Programmed Instruction Book

Product # D10173

The C6 Automatic Transmission Training Handbook and Automatic Transmission Diagnosis Programmed Instruction Book
Pages: 227
Models: C6 transmissions built in the United States and Canada

Description: This is an digital reproduction of the original Ford C6 Automatic Transmission Handbook and Automatic Transmission Diagnosis Programmed Instruction Book (Volume 70 S6-L2, Course 7530). The C6 Training Handbook is prepared so that a technician with no knowledge of automatics can learn the C6 operation by reading the following sections and studying the diagrams. The Automatic Transmission Diagnosis Programmed Instruction book is designed to teach Ford mechanics to diagnose the various troubles that may occur in Ford automatic transmissions. The descriptions and specifications contained in this manual were in effect at the time the manual was approved for printing.This programmed instruction book is divided into a number of small units or lessons designed to help you learn quickly and easily. The lessons are presented in the sequence of the normal automatic transmission diagnosis procedure. Using this method, you will build your knowledge step by step. To help you learn more effectively, the material is presented in a programmed instruction format. You will be asked a number of questions as your study proceeds. Each time you encounter a question, select the best answer and mark your answer on the answer sheet you will find at the back of the book. Then, turn to the page the answer directs you to, and check your answer. When you turn to the page, read only the material that corresponds to your specific answer at that point, as identified by the question number and the answer letter. From then on, simply follow the instructions the book gives you for reviewing material as necessary and proceeding to the next lesson. [View Product Sample]

Price: $8.95

The C6 Automatic Transmission Training Handbook and Automatic Transmission Diagnosis Programmed Instruction Book


eBook FMX Automatic Transmission Diagnosis, Service, and Training Manual

Product # D10174

FMX Automatic Transmission Diagnosis, Service, and Training Manual
Pages: 268
Models: FMX transmissions built in the United States and Canada

Description: This product is a collection of three original Ford transmission manuals: FMX Automatic Transmission
Diagnosis and Service (Course 1715-108), FMX Transmission Principles of Operation (Course 1715-106-INN1) and the Automatic Transmission Diagnosis - Programmed Instruction Book (Volume 70 S6-L2, Course 7530). All three manuals were used to teach Ford mechanics to diagnose and service the various troubles that may occur in Ford FMX automatic transmissions. The lessons
are presented in the sequence of the normal automatic transmission diagnosis procedure. Using this method, you will build your knowledge step by step. The descriptions and specifications contained in this manual were in effect at the time the manual was approved for printing. This programmed instruction book is divided into a number of small units or lessons designed to help you learn quickly and easily. The lessons are presented in the sequence of the normal automatic transmission diagnosis procedure. Using this method, you will build your knowledge step by step. To help you learn more effectively, the material is presented in a programmed instruction format. You will be asked a number of questions as your study proceeds. Each time you encounter a question, select the best answer and mark your answer on the answer sheet you will find at the back of the book. Then, turn to the page the answer directs you to, and check your answer. When you turn to the page, read only the material that corresponds to your specific answer at that point, as identified by the question number and the answer letter. From then on, simply follow the instructions the book gives you for reviewing material as necessary and proceeding to the next lesson. [View Product Sample]

Price: $8.95

FMX Automatic Transmission Diagnosis, Service, and Training Manual


Ford C4 Transmission Service Training

Product # D10175

Ford C4 Transmission Service Training (Course 7500.1 and 7501.3)
Pages: 79
Models: Ford C4 Transmissions

Description: This is an electronic reproduction of the original Ford printed manual. The Ford C4 Transmission Service Training (Course 7500.1 and 7501.3) contains two of Ford's original transmission training courses: C4 Transmission Principles of Operation (Course 7500.1) and C4 Transmission Diagnosis, Adjustment and Light Repair (Course 7501.3). Course 7500.1 has topics covering: Gear Ratios, Torque Converter Operation, Gear Train Power Flow, Control Pressure Flow and Regulation, Control Pressure Flow and Regulation - Engine Is Idling and Car Is Stationary, Converter - In Flow and Regulation, Control Pressure Regulation in D Operation, and Governor Operation. Course 7501.3 has topics covering: Selector Lever Removal Adjustment and Installation, Neutral Start Switch Adjustment, Intermediate Band Adjustment, Low and Reverse Band Adjustment, Diagnosis-control Pressure Check, Diagnosis-clutch and Band Operation, Cruise-0-matic Clutch and Band Cruise-o-matic Clutch and Band Application Chart, Transmission Maintenance, Throttle Linkage Adjustment, and Manual-shift Linkage Adjustment. These Ford C4 Transmission Service Training Courses are not step-by-step instructions on how to rebuild your entire C4 transmission. Rather, they provide information on the principles of operation, as well as, diagnosis, adjustment, and light repair. [View Product Sample]

Price: $8.95

Ford C4 Transmission Service Training (Course 7500.1 and 7501.3)l


T5 Overdrive Manual Transmission

Product # D10176

T5 Overdrive Manual Transmission
Pages: 53
Models: Ford T5 Transmissions

Description: This is an electronic reproduction of the original Ford printed manual. The Ford T5 Overdrive Manual Transmission (Order No. 1600-006, December 1982) contains information on: Geartrain Components, Powerflow (first through fifth gear, reverse), Transmission disassembly, Transmission Subassemblies, Output Shaft Disassembly, Synchronizer Disassembly and Assembly, Output Shaft Assembly, Shift Cover Disassembly and Assembly, Bearing Retainer Seal Removal and Installation, Input Shaft Bearing Removal and Installation, Extension Housing Seal Removal and Installation, Extension Housing Bushing Removal and Installation, Countershaft Front Bearing Removal and Installation, Transmission Assembly, and Specifications. This Ford T5 Overdrive Manual Transmission is <strong>not</strong> a step-by-step instruction on how to rebuild your entire T5 transmission. Rather, it provides information on the principles of operation, as well as, diagnosis, adjustment, and light repair. [View Product Sample]

Price: $8.95

T5 Overdrive Manual Transmission


Autolite Model 4300 Carburetor - Operation, Adjustment and Overhaul

Product # D10177

Autolite Model 4300 Carburetor - Operation, Adjustment and Overhaul
Pages: 74
Models: Autolite Model 4300 Carburetor

Description: This is an electronic reproduction of the original Ford printed manual. The Autolite Model 4300 Carburetor - Operation, Adjustment and Overhaul (Vol. 67 S2 L2, October 1966) and the Ford 4300 Carburetor Operations, Diagnosis, Adjustment and Overhaul Service Training Courses 9503.1, 9503.2 contains information on the diagnosis of problems, Adjustments to be made and basic overhaul procedures for the Autolite Model 4300 Carburetor. These manuals are filled with dozens of high resolutoion color images and diagrams to clearly show the flow patterns needed to troublshoot.Topic covered such as: Fuel Inlet System, Idle Fuel Supply System, Primary Main Fuel Metering Systems, Accelerating Pump System,Power Fuel Supply System,Secondary Main Fuel Metering System, Hot Idle Compensator,Automatic Choke System, Diagnosis,Hard, Slow or No Start, Poor Idle, Poor Acceleration, Flooding, Running Rich, Running Lean, Diagnosis Guide, Float Adjustment, Choke Plate Pulldown, Fast Idle Cam Choke Clearance, Unloader Clearance (Dechoke), Air Valve Spring Adjustment, Accelerating Pump Stroke, Fuel Bowl Vent Valve Adjustment, Choke Setting, Idle Adjustments, Overhaul, Disassembly, Cleaning and Inspection, Assembly, and much more. The descriptions, testing procedures, and specifications in this handbook were in effect at the time the handbook was approved for printing. [View Product Sample]

Price: $8.95

Autolite Model 4300 Carburetor - Operation, Adjustment and Overhaul


How to Read and Understand Vacuum Diagrams

Product # D10172

How to Read and Understand Vacuum Diagrams
Pages: 107

Description: This is a digital reproduction of the original Ford printed manual.  The “How to Read and Understand Vacuum Diagrams” is a digital reproduction of the original Ford OEM Technician’s Reference Book. This manual explains such things a vacuum theory, how vacuum works, understanding diagrams, vacuum diagrams and schematics, vacuum system diagnosis, and much more. This manual was originally produced by the Ford Parts and Service Divisions Training and Publications Department CTP-1983-6 printed in July 1983.
[View Product Sample]

Price: $16.95

How to Read and Understand Vacuum Diagrams


Technical Service Bulletins (TSB's)

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1964-71 Ford Car and Truck Technical Service Bulletins (TSB) (No.1-171)

Product # D40001

1964-71 Ford Car and Truck Technical Service Bulletins (TSB) (No.1-171)
Pages: 1,792

Description: This product is a digital collection of the 1964 through 1971 Ford Car and Truck Technical Service Bulletins (TSB) released from October 19th, 1964 through September 10th, 1971. Technical Service Bulletins or TSBs are official communications between Ford & their dealerships that describe processes for troubleshooting or fixing certain common problems. TSBs are recommended steps and procedures for repairing vehicles.

TSBs are issued by a vehicle manufacturer when there are several occurrences of an unanticipated problem. TSBs can range from vehicle-specific to covering entire product lines and break down the specified repair into a step-by-step process. While sometimes written by engineers employed by OEMs, the majority are authored by the first automotive technician to come up with a repair procedure. Because certain problems may have more than one cause and there is sometimes more than one way to fix a problem, there may be more than one TSB for the same problem.

[View Product Sample]

Price: $21.95

1964-71 Ford Car and Truck Technical Service Bulletins (TSB) (No.1-171)


1955-1956 Lincoln Technical Service Bulletins (TSB) (No.1-59)

Product # D42055

1955-1956 Lincoln Technical Service Bulletins (TSB) (No.1-59)
Pages: 170

Description: This product is an electronic reproduction collection of the 1955 through 1956 Lincoln and Continental Mark II Technical Service Bulletins (TSB) released from June 25th, 1955 through October 5th, 1956. Technical Service Bulletins or TSBs are official communications between Ford & their dealerships that describe processes for troubleshooting or fixing certain common problems. TSBs are recommended steps and procedures for repairing vehicles.

TSBs are issued by a vehicle manufacturer when there are several occurrences of an unanticipated problem. TSBs can range from vehicle-specific to covering entire product lines and break down the specified repair into a step-by-step process. While sometimes written by engineers employed by OEMs, the majority are authored by the first automotive technician to come up with a repair procedure. Because certain problems may have more than one cause and there is sometimes more than one way to fix a problem, there may be more than one TSB for the same problem.

[View Product Sample]

Price: $21.95

1964-71 Ford Car and Truck Technical Service Bulletins (TSB) (No.1-171)


Mustang Colorized Wiring Diagrams

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eBook Download of Ford Mustang Colorized Wiring and Vacuum Diagrams

Product #

Title:1965 Colorized Mustang Wiring Diagrams
Pages: 79
Models: Mustang

Description: The 1965 Colorized Mustang Wiring Diagrams manual contains a complete and comprehensive collection of wiring diagrams, schematics, and electrical illustrations. Each diagram and illustration is from an original Ford Motor Company publication and are the same manuals used by Ford technicians to troubleshoot electrical repairs. [View Product Sample]

Price: $14.95

1965 Colorized Mustang Wiring Diagrams (eBook)


eBook Download of Ford Mustang Colorized Wiring and Vacuum Diagrams

Product #

Title:1966 Colorized Mustang Wiring Diagrams
Pages: 84
Models: Mustang

Description: The 1966 Colorized Mustang Wiring Diagrams manual contains a complete and comprehensive collection of wiring diagrams, schematics, and electrical illustrations. Each diagram and illustration is from an original Ford Motor Company publication and are the same manuals used by Ford technicians to troubleshoot electrical repairs. [View Product Sample]

Price: $14.95

1966 Colorized Mustang Wiring Diagrams (eBook)


eBook Download of Ford Mustang Colorized Wiring and Vacuum Diagrams

Product #

1967 Colorized Mustang Wiring Diagrams
Pages: 110
Models: Mustang

Description: The 1967 Colorized Mustang Wiring Diagrams manual contains a complete and comprehensive collection of wiring diagrams, schematics, and electrical illustrations. Each diagram and illustration is from an original Ford Motor Company publication and are the same manuals used by Ford technicians to troubleshoot electrical repairs. [View Product Sample]

Price: $14.95

1967 Colorized Mustang Wiring and Vacuum Diagrams (eBook)


eBook Download of Ford Mustang Colorized Wiring and Vacuum Diagrams

Product #

1968 Colorized Mustang Wiring Diagrams
Pages: 118
Models: Mustang

Description: The 1968 Colorized Mustang Wiring Diagrams manual contains a complete and comprehensive collection of wiring diagrams, schematics, and electrical illustrations. Each diagram and illustration is from an original Ford Motor Company publication and are the same manuals used by Ford technicians to troubleshoot electrical repairs. [View Product Sample]

Price: $14.95

1968 Colorized Mustang Wiring and Vacuum Diagrams (eBook)


eBook Download of Ford Mustang Colorized Wiring and Vacuum Diagrams

Product #

1969 Colorized Mustang Wiring Diagrams
Pages: 410
Models: Mustang

Description: The 1969 Colorized Mustang Wiring Diagrams manual contains a complete and comprehensive collection of wiring diagrams, schematics, and electrical illustrations. Each diagram and illustration is from an original Ford Motor Company publication and are the same manuals used by Ford technicians to troubleshoot electrical repairs. [View Product Sample]

Price: $14.95

1969 Colorized Mustang Wiring and Vacuum Diagrams (eBook)


eBook Download of Ford Mustang Colorized Wiring and Vacuum Diagrams

Product #

1970 Colorized Mustang Wiring Diagrams
Pages: 483
Models: Mustang

Description: The 1970 Colorized Mustang Wiring Diagrams manual contains a complete and comprehensive collection of wiring diagrams, schematics, and electrical illustrations. Each diagram and illustration is from an original Ford Motor Company publication and are the same manuals used by Ford technicians to troubleshoot electrical repairs. [View Product Sample]

Price: $14.95

1970 Colorized Mustang Wiring and Vacuum Diagrams (eBook)


eBook Download of Ford Mustang Colorized Wiring and Vacuum Diagrams

Product #

1971 Colorized Mustang Wiring Diagrams
Pages: 490
Models: Mustang

Description: The 1971 Colorized Mustang Wiring Diagrams manual contains a complete and comprehensive collection of wiring diagrams, schematics, and electrical illustrations. Each diagram and illustration is from an original Ford Motor Company publication and are the same manuals used by Ford technicians to troubleshoot electrical repairs. [View Product Sample]

Price: $14.95

1971 Colorized Mustang Wiring and Vacuum Diagrams (eBook)


eBook Download of Ford Mustang Colorized Wiring and Vacuum Diagrams

Product #

1972 Colorized Mustang Wiring Diagrams
Pages: 510
Models: Mustang

Description: The 1972 Colorized Mustang Wiring Diagrams manual contains a complete and comprehensive collection of wiring diagrams, schematics, and electrical illustrations. Each diagram and illustration is from an original Ford Motor Company publication and are the same manuals used by Ford technicians to troubleshoot electrical repairs. [View Product Sample]

Price: $14.95

1972 Colorized Mustang Wiring and Vacuum Diagrams (eBook)


eBook Download of Ford Mustang Colorized Wiring and Vacuum Diagrams

Product #

1973 Colorized Mustang Wiring Diagrams
Pages: 571
Models: Mustang

Description: The 1973 Colorized Mustang Wiring Diagrams manual contains a complete and comprehensive collection of wiring diagrams, schematics, and electrical illustrations. Each diagram and illustration is from an original Ford Motor Company publication and are the same manuals used by Ford technicians to troubleshoot electrical repairs. [View Product Sample]

Price: $14.95

1973 Colorized Mustang Wiring and Vacuum Diagrams (eBook)


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Mustang EVTM (Electrical and Vacuum Troubleshooting Manual)


1979 Mustang/Capri Electrical & Vacuum Trouble-Shooting Manual (EVTM)

Product # D13790

1979 Mustang/Capri Electrical & Vacuum Trouble-Shooting Manual (EVTM)
Pages: 45

Description: The 1979 Ford Mustang Electrical & Vacuum Trouble-Shooting Manual (EVTM) is a complete and comprehensive collection of wiring diagrams, schematics, electrical illustrations, vacuum diagrams, and troubleshooting procedures. It is created from the original OEM official Ford Motor Company publication 0339-503.

Because this a troubleshooting manual it contains information on: How the Circuit Works, Component Location, and Troubleshooting Hints. Each diagram and illustration is from the original Ford Motor Company publication and are the same manuals used by Ford technicians to troubleshoot electrical repairs. Developed in an easy to use format, this manual is designed for the novice and the expert.

The purpose of this manual is to show electrical and vacuum circuits of these vehicles in a clear and simple fashion to make troubleshooting easier. With each circuit is a description of How the Circuit Works and some Troubleshooting Hints. A Component Location chart lists components, connectors, and references to pictures in the manual.
[View Product Sample]

Price: $21.95

1979 Mustang/Capri Electrical & Vacuum Trouble-Shooting Manual (EVTM)


1980 Mustang/Capri Electrical & Vacuum Trouble-Shooting Manual (EVTM)

Product # D13800

1980 Mustang/Capri Electrical & Vacuum Trouble-Shooting Manual (EVTM)
Pages: 85

Description: The 1980 Ford Mustang Electrical & Vacuum Trouble-Shooting Manual (EVTM) is a complete and comprehensive collection of wiring diagrams, schematics, electrical illustrations, vacuum diagrams, and troubleshooting procedures. It is created from the original OEM official Ford Motor Company publication 0330-503.

Because this a troubleshooting manual it contains information on: How the Circuit Works, Component Location, and Troubleshooting Hints. Each diagram and illustration is from the original Ford Motor Company publication and are the same manuals used by Ford technicians to troubleshoot electrical repairs.  Developed in an easy to use format, this manual is designed for the novice and the expert.

The purpose of this manual is to show electrical and vacuum circuits of these vehicles in a clear and simple fashion to make troubleshooting easier. With each circuit is a description of How the Circuit Works and some Troubleshooting Hints. A Component Location chart lists components, connectors, and references to pictures in the manual.

[View Product Sample]

Price: $21.95

1980 Mustang/Capri Electrical & Vacuum Trouble-Shooting Manual (EVTM)


1981 Mustang/Capri Electrical & Vacuum Trouble-Shooting Manual (EVTM)

Product # D13810

1981 Mustang/Capri Electrical & Vacuum Trouble-Shooting Manual (EVTM)
Pages: 93

Description: The 1981 Ford Mustang Electrical & Vacuum Trouble-Shooting Manual (EVTM) is a complete and comprehensive collection of wiring diagrams, schematics, electrical illustrations, vacuum diagrams, and troubleshooting procedures. It is created from the original OEM official Ford Motor Company publication 0331-503.

Because this a troubleshooting manual it contains information on: How the Circuit Works, Component Location, and Troubleshooting Hints. Each diagram and illustration is from the original Ford Motor Company publication and are the same manuals used by Ford technicians to troubleshoot electrical repairs.  Developed in an easy to use format, this manual is designed for the novice and the expert.

The purpose of this manual is to show electrical and vacuum circuits of these vehicles in a clear and simple fashion to make troubleshooting easier. With each circuit is a description of How the Circuit Works and some Troubleshooting Hints. A Component Location chart lists components, connectors, and references to pictures in the manual.

[View Product Sample]

Price: $21.95

1981 Mustang/Capri Electrical & Vacuum Trouble-Shooting Manual (EVTM)


1982 Mustang/Capri Electrical & Vacuum Trouble-Shooting Manual (EVTM)

Product # D13820

1982 Mustang/Capri Electrical & Vacuum Trouble-Shooting Manual (EVTM)
Pages: 94

Description: The 1982 Ford Mustang Electrical & Vacuum Trouble-Shooting Manual (EVTM) is a complete and comprehensive collection of wiring diagrams, schematics, electrical illustrations, vacuum diagrams, and troubleshooting procedures. It is created from the original OEM official Ford Motor Company publication 0332-503-82.

Because this a troubleshooting manual it contains information on: How the Circuit Works, Component Location, and Troubleshooting Hints. Each diagram and illustration is from the original Ford Motor Company publication and are the same manuals used by Ford technicians to troubleshoot electrical repairs.  Developed in an easy to use format, this manual is designed for the novice and the expert.

The purpose of this manual is to show electrical and vacuum circuits of these vehicles in a clear and simple fashion to make troubleshooting easier. With each circuit is a description of How the Circuit Works and some Troubleshooting Hints. A Component Location chart lists components, connectors, and references to pictures in the manual.

[View Product Sample]

Price: $21.95

1982 Mustang/Capri Electrical & Vacuum Trouble-Shooting Manual (EVTM)


1983 Mustang/Capri Electrical & Vacuum Trouble-Shooting Manual (EVTM) w/ SUPPLEMENT

Product # D13830

1983 Mustang/Capri Electrical & Vacuum Trouble-Shooting Manual (EVTM) w/ SUPPLEMENT
Pages: 120

Description: The 1983 Ford Mustang Electrical & Vacuum Trouble-Shooting Manual (EVTM) is a complete and comprehensive collection of wiring diagrams, schematics, electrical illustrations, vacuum diagrams, and troubleshooting procedures. It is created from the original OEM official Ford Motor Company publication 0333-503-83.

Because this a troubleshooting manual it contains information on: How the Circuit Works, Component Location, and Troubleshooting Hints. Each diagram and illustration is from the original Ford Motor Company publication and are the same manuals used by Ford technicians to troubleshoot electrical repairs.  Developed in an easy to use format, this manual is designed for the novice and the expert.

The purpose of this manual is to show electrical and vacuum circuits of these vehicles in a clear and simple fashion to make troubleshooting easier. With each circuit is a description of How the Circuit Works and some Troubleshooting Hints. A Component Location chart lists components, connectors, and references to pictures in the manual.

[View Product Sample]

Price: $21.95

1983 Mustang/Capri Electrical & Vacuum Trouble-Shooting Manual (EVTM) w/ SUPPLEMENT


1984 Mustang/Capri Electrical & Vacuum Trouble-Shooting Manual (EVTM)

Product # D13840

1984 Mustang/Capri Electrical & Vacuum Trouble-Shooting Manual (EVTM)
Pages: 130

Description: The 1984 Ford Mustang Electrical & Vacuum Trouble-Shooting Manual (EVTM) is a complete and comprehensive collection of wiring diagrams, schematics, electrical illustrations, vacuum diagrams, and troubleshooting procedures. It is created from the original OEM official Ford Motor Company publication 0332-503-84 .

Because this a troubleshooting manual it contains information on: How the Circuit Works, Component Location, and Troubleshooting Hints. Each diagram and illustration is from the original Ford Motor Company publication and are the same manuals used by Ford technicians to troubleshoot electrical repairs.  Developed in an easy to use format, this manual is designed for the novice and the expert.

The purpose of this manual is to show electrical and vacuum circuits of these vehicles in a clear and simple fashion to make troubleshooting easier. With each circuit is a description of How the Circuit Works and some Troubleshooting Hints. A Component Location chart lists components, connectors, and references to pictures in the manual.

[View Product Sample]

Price: $21.95

1984 Mustang/Capri Electrical & Vacuum Trouble-Shooting Manual (EVTM)


1985 Mustang/Capri Electrical & Vacuum Trouble-Shooting Manual (EVTM)

Product # D13850

1985 Mustang/Capri Electrical & Vacuum Trouble-Shooting Manual (EVTM)
Pages: 146

Description: The 1985 Ford Mustang Electrical & Vacuum Trouble-Shooting Manual (EVTM) is a complete and comprehensive collection of wiring diagrams, schematics, electrical illustrations, vacuum diagrams, and troubleshooting procedures. It is created from the original OEM official Ford Motor Company publication 0335-503-85.

Because this a troubleshooting manual it contains information on: How the Circuit Works, Component Location, and Troubleshooting Hints. Each diagram and illustration is from the original Ford Motor Company publication and are the same manuals used by Ford technicians to troubleshoot electrical repairs.  Developed in an easy to use format, this manual is designed for the novice and the expert.

The purpose of this manual is to show electrical and vacuum circuits of these vehicles in a clear and simple fashion to make troubleshooting easier. With each circuit is a description of How the Circuit Works and some Troubleshooting Hints. A Component Location chart lists components, connectors, and references to pictures in the manual.

[View Product Sample]

Price: $21.95

1985 Mustang/Capri Electrical & Vacuum Trouble-Shooting Manual (EVTM)


1986 Mustang/Capri Electrical & Vacuum Trouble-Shooting Manual (EVTM)

Product # D13860

1986 Mustang/Capri Electrical & Vacuum Trouble-Shooting Manual (EVTM)
Pages: 158

Description: The 1986 Ford Mustang Electrical & Vacuum Trouble-Shooting Manual (EVTM) is a complete and comprehensive collection of wiring diagrams, schematics, electrical illustrations, vacuum diagrams, and troubleshooting procedures. It is created from the original OEM official Ford Motor Company publication 0336-503-86.

Because this a troubleshooting manual it contains information on: How the Circuit Works, Component Location, and Troubleshooting Hints. Each diagram and illustration is from the original Ford Motor Company publication and are the same manuals used by Ford technicians to troubleshoot electrical repairs.  Developed in an easy to use format, this manual is designed for the novice and the expert.

The purpose of this manual is to show electrical and vacuum circuits of these vehicles in a clear and simple fashion to make troubleshooting easier. With each circuit is a description of How the Circuit Works and some Troubleshooting Hints. A Component Location chart lists components, connectors, and references to pictures in the manual.

[View Product Sample]

Price: $21.95

1986 Mustang/Capri Electrical & Vacuum Trouble-Shooting Manual (EVTM)


1987 Mustang Electrical & Vacuum Trouble-Shooting Manual (EVTM)

Product # D13870

1987 Mustang Electrical & Vacuum Trouble-Shooting Manual (EVTM)
Pages: 126

Description: The 1987 Ford Mustang Electrical & Vacuum Trouble-Shooting Manual (EVTM) is a complete and comprehensive collection of wiring diagrams, schematics, electrical illustrations, vacuum diagrams, and troubleshooting procedures. It is created from the original OEM official Ford Motor Company publication FPS-12121-87, Aug 1986.

Because this a troubleshooting manual it contains information on: How the Circuit Works, Component Location, and Troubleshooting Hints. Each diagram and illustration is from the original Ford Motor Company publication and are the same manuals used by Ford technicians to troubleshoot electrical repairs.  Developed in an easy to use format, this manual is designed for the novice and the expert.

The purpose of this manual is to show electrical and vacuum circuits of these vehicles in a clear and simple fashion to make troubleshooting easier. With each circuit is a description of How the Circuit Works and some Troubleshooting Hints. A Component Location chart lists components, connectors, and references to pictures in the manual.

[View Product Sample]

Price: $21.95

1987 Mustang Electrical & Vacuum Trouble-Shooting Manual (EVTM)


1988 Mustang Electrical & Vacuum Trouble-Shooting Manual (EVTM)

Product # D13880

1988 Mustang Electrical & Vacuum Trouble-Shooting Manual (EVTM)
Pages: 135

Description: The 1988 Ford Mustang Electrical & Vacuum Trouble-Shooting Manual (EVTM) is a complete and comprehensive collection of wiring diagrams, schematics, electrical illustrations, vacuum diagrams, and troubleshooting procedures. It is created from the original OEM official Ford Motor Company publication FPS-12121-88, Aug 1988.

Because this a troubleshooting manual it contains information on: How the Circuit Works, Component Location, and Troubleshooting Hints. Each diagram and illustration is from the original Ford Motor Company publication and are the same manuals used by Ford technicians to troubleshoot electrical repairs.  Developed in an easy to use format, this manual is designed for the novice and the expert.

The purpose of this manual is to show electrical and vacuum circuits of these vehicles in a clear and simple fashion to make troubleshooting easier. With each circuit is a description of How the Circuit Works and some Troubleshooting Hints. A Component Location chart lists components, connectors, and references to pictures in the manual.

[View Product Sample]

Price: $21.95

1988 Mustang Electrical & Vacuum Trouble-Shooting Manual


1989 Mustang Electrical & Vacuum Trouble-Shooting Manual (EVTM)

Product # D13890

1989 Mustang Electrical & Vacuum Trouble-Shooting Manual (EVTM)
Pages: 140

Description: The 1989 Ford Mustang Electrical & Vacuum Trouble-Shooting Manual (EVTM) is a complete and comprehensive collection of wiring diagrams, schematics, electrical illustrations, vacuum diagrams, and troubleshooting procedures. It is created from the original OEM official Ford Motor Company publication FPS-12121-89, Aug 1988.

Because this a troubleshooting manual it contains information on: How the Circuit Works, Component Location, and Troubleshooting Hints. Each diagram and illustration is from the original Ford Motor Company publication and are the same manuals used by Ford technicians to troubleshoot electrical repairs.  Developed in an easy to use format, this manual is designed for the novice and the expert.

The purpose of this manual is to show electrical and vacuum circuits of these vehicles in a clear and simple fashion to make troubleshooting easier. With each circuit is a description of How the Circuit Works and some Troubleshooting Hints. A Component Location chart lists components, connectors, and references to pictures in the manual.

[View Product Sample]

Price: $21.95

1989 Mustang Electrical & Vacuum Trouble-Shooting Manual (EVTM)


1990 Mustang Electrical & Vacuum Trouble-Shooting Manual

Product # D13900

1990 Mustang Electrical & Vacuum Trouble-Shooting Manual (EVTM)
Pages: 237

Description: The 1990 Ford Mustang Electrical & Vacuum Trouble-Shooting Manual (EVTM) is a complete and comprehensive collection of wiring diagrams, schematics, electrical illustrations, vacuum diagrams, and troubleshooting procedures. It is created from the original OEM official Ford Motor Company publication FPS-12121-90, Aug 1989.

Because this a troubleshooting manual it contains information on: How the Circuit Works, Component Location, and Troubleshooting Hints. Each diagram and illustration is from the original Ford Motor Company publication and are the same manuals used by Ford technicians to troubleshoot electrical repairs.  Developed in an easy to use format, this manual is designed for the novice and the expert.

The purpose of this manual is to show electrical and vacuum circuits of these vehicles in a clear and simple fashion to make troubleshooting easier. With each circuit is a description of How the Circuit Works and some Troubleshooting Hints. A Component Location chart lists components, connectors, and references to pictures in the manual.

[View Product Sample]

Price: $21.95

1990 Mustang Electrical & Vacuum Trouble-Shooting Manual


1991 Mustang Electrical & Vacuum Trouble-Shooting Manual (EVTM)

Product # D13910

1991 Mustang Electrical & Vacuum Trouble-Shooting Manual (EVTM)
Pages: 265

Description: The 1991 Ford Mustang Electrical & Vacuum Trouble-Shooting Manual (EVTM) is a complete and comprehensive collection of wiring diagrams, schematics, electrical illustrations, vacuum diagrams, and troubleshooting procedures. It is created from the original OEM official Ford Motor Company publication FPS-12121-91, Aug 1990.

Because this a troubleshooting manual it contains information on: How the Circuit Works, Component Location, and Troubleshooting Hints. Each diagram and illustration is from the original Ford Motor Company publication and are the same manuals used by Ford technicians to troubleshoot electrical repairs.  Developed in an easy to use format, this manual is designed for the novice and the expert.

The purpose of this manual is to show electrical and vacuum circuits of these vehicles in a clear and simple fashion to make troubleshooting easier. With each circuit is a description of How the Circuit Works and some Troubleshooting Hints. A Component Location chart lists components, connectors, and references to pictures in the manual.

[View Product Sample]

Price: $21.95

1991 Mustang Electrical & Vacuum Trouble-Shooting Manual (EVTM)


1992 Mustang Electrical & Vacuum Trouble-Shooting Manual (EVTM)

Product # D13920

1992 Mustang Electrical & Vacuum Trouble-Shooting Manual (EVTM)
Pages: 263

Description: The 1992 Ford Mustang Electrical & Vacuum Trouble-Shooting Manual (EVTM) is a complete and comprehensive collection of wiring diagrams, schematics, electrical illustrations, vacuum diagrams, and troubleshooting procedures. It is created from the original OEM official Ford Motor Company publication FPS-12121-92, Aug 1991.

Because this a troubleshooting manual it contains information on: How the Circuit Works, Component Location, and Troubleshooting Hints. Each diagram and illustration is from the original Ford Motor Company publication and are the same manuals used by Ford technicians to troubleshoot electrical repairs.  Developed in an easy to use format, this manual is designed for the novice and the expert.

The purpose of this manual is to show electrical and vacuum circuits of these vehicles in a clear and simple fashion to make troubleshooting easier. With each circuit is a description of How the Circuit Works and some Troubleshooting Hints. A Component Location chart lists components, connectors, and references to pictures in the manual.

[View Product Sample]

Price: $21.95

1992 Mustang Electrical & Vacuum Trouble-Shooting Manual


1993 Mustang Electrical & Vacuum Trouble-Shooting Manual (EVTM)

Product # D13930

1993 Mustang Electrical & Vacuum Trouble-Shooting Manual (EVTM)
Pages: 243

Description: The 1993 Ford Mustang Electrical & Vacuum Trouble-Shooting Manual (EVTM) is a complete and comprehensive collection of wiring diagrams, schematics, electrical illustrations, vacuum diagrams, and troubleshooting procedures. It is created from the original OEM official Ford Motor Company publication FPS-12121-93, Jun 1992.

Because this a troubleshooting manual it contains information on: How the Circuit Works, Component Location, and Troubleshooting Hints. Each diagram and illustration is from the original Ford Motor Company publication and are the same manuals used by Ford technicians to troubleshoot electrical repairs.  Developed in an easy to use format, this manual is designed for the novice and the expert.

The purpose of this manual is to show electrical and vacuum circuits of these vehicles in a clear and simple fashion to make troubleshooting easier. With each circuit is a description of How the Circuit Works and some Troubleshooting Hints. A Component Location chart lists components, connectors, and references to pictures in the manual.

[View Product Sample]

Price: $21.95

1993 Mustang Electrical & Vacuum Trouble-Shooting Manual (EVTM)


1994 Mustang Electrical & Vacuum Trouble-Shooting Manual (EVTM)

Product # D13940

1994 Mustang Electrical & Vacuum Trouble-Shooting Manual (EVTM)
Pages: 283

Description: The 1994 Ford Mustang Electrical & Vacuum Trouble-Shooting Manual (EVTM) is a complete and comprehensive collection of wiring diagrams, schematics, electrical illustrations, vacuum diagrams, and troubleshooting procedures. It is created from the original OEM official Ford Motor Company publication FPS-12121-94, 1993.

Because this a troubleshooting manual it contains information on: How the Circuit Works, Component Location, and Troubleshooting Hints. Each diagram and illustration is from the original Ford Motor Company publication and are the same manuals used by Ford technicians to troubleshoot electrical repairs.  Developed in an easy to use format, this manual is designed for the novice and the expert.

The purpose of this manual is to show electrical and vacuum circuits of these vehicles in a clear and simple fashion to make troubleshooting easier. With each circuit is a description of How the Circuit Works and some Troubleshooting Hints. A Component Location chart lists components, connectors, and references to pictures in the manual.

[View Product Sample]

Price: $21.95

1994 Mustang Electrical & Vacuum Trouble-Shooting Manual (EVTM)


1995 Mustang Electrical & Vacuum Trouble-Shooting Manual (EVTM)

Product # D13950

1995 Mustang Electrical & Vacuum Trouble-Shooting Manual (EVTM)
Pages: 291

Description: The 1995 Ford Mustang Electrical & Vacuum Trouble-Shooting Manual (EVTM) is a complete and comprehensive collection of wiring diagrams, schematics, electrical illustrations, vacuum diagrams, and troubleshooting procedures. It is created from the original OEM official Ford Motor Company publication FPS-12121-95, June 1994.

Because this a troubleshooting manual it contains information on: How the Circuit Works, Component Location, and Troubleshooting Hints. Each diagram and illustration is from the original Ford Motor Company publication and are the same manuals used by Ford technicians to troubleshoot electrical repairs.  Developed in an easy to use format, this manual is designed for the novice and the expert.

The purpose of this manual is to show electrical and vacuum circuits of these vehicles in a clear and simple fashion to make troubleshooting easier. With each circuit is a description of How the Circuit Works and some Troubleshooting Hints. A Component Location chart lists components, connectors, and references to pictures in the manual.

[View Product Sample]

Price: $21.95

1995 Mustang Electrical & Vacuum Trouble-Shooting Manual (EVTM)


1996 Mustang Electrical & Vacuum Trouble-Shooting Manual (EVTM)

Product # D13960

1996 Mustang Electrical & Vacuum Trouble-Shooting Manual (EVTM)
Pages: 307

Description: The 1996 Ford Mustang Electrical & Vacuum Trouble-Shooting Manual (EVTM) is a complete and comprehensive collection of wiring diagrams, schematics, electrical illustrations, vacuum diagrams, and troubleshooting procedures. It is created from the original OEM official Ford Motor Company publication FPS-12121-96, July 1995.

Because this a troubleshooting manual it contains information on: How the Circuit Works, Component Location, and Troubleshooting Hints. Each diagram and illustration is from the original Ford Motor Company publication and are the same manuals used by Ford technicians to troubleshoot electrical repairs.  Developed in an easy to use format, this manual is designed for the novice and the expert.

The purpose of this manual is to show electrical and vacuum circuits of these vehicles in a clear and simple fashion to make troubleshooting easier. With each circuit is a description of How the Circuit Works and some Troubleshooting Hints. A Component Location chart lists components, connectors, and references to pictures in the manual.

[View Product Sample]

Price: $21.95

1996 Mustang Electrical & Vacuum Trouble-Shooting Manual (EVTM)


1997 Mustang Electrical & Vacuum Trouble-Shooting Manual (EVTM)

Product # D13970

1997 Mustang Electrical & Vacuum Trouble-Shooting Manual (EVTM)
Pages: 315

Description: The 1997 Ford Mustang Electrical & Vacuum Trouble-Shooting Manual (EVTM) is a complete and comprehensive collection of wiring diagrams, schematics, electrical illustrations, vacuum diagrams, and troubleshooting procedures. It is created from the original OEM official Ford Motor Company publication FPS-12121-97, June 1996.

Because this a troubleshooting manual it contains information on: How the Circuit Works, Component Location, and Troubleshooting Hints. Each diagram and illustration is from the original Ford Motor Company publication and are the same manuals used by Ford technicians to troubleshoot electrical repairs.  Developed in an easy to use format, this manual is designed for the novice and the expert.

The purpose of this manual is to show electrical and vacuum circuits of these vehicles in a clear and simple fashion to make troubleshooting easier. With each circuit is a description of How the Circuit Works and some Troubleshooting Hints. A Component Location chart lists components, connectors, and references to pictures in the manual.

[View Product Sample]

Price: $21.95

1997 Mustang Electrical & Vacuum Trouble-Shooting Manual (EVTM)


1998 Mustang Electrical & Vacuum Trouble-Shooting Manual (EVTM)

Product # D13980

1998 Mustang Electrical & Vacuum Trouble-Shooting Manual (EVTM)
Pages: 315

Description: The 1998 Ford Mustang Electrical & Vacuum Trouble-Shooting Manual (EVTM) is a complete and comprehensive collection of wiring diagrams, schematics, electrical illustrations, vacuum diagrams, and troubleshooting procedures. It is created from the original OEM official Ford Motor Company publication FPS-12121-98, August 1997.

Because this a troubleshooting manual it contains information on: How the Circuit Works, Component Location, and Troubleshooting Hints. Each diagram and illustration is from the original Ford Motor Company publication and are the same manuals used by Ford technicians to troubleshoot electrical repairs.  Developed in an easy to use format, this manual is designed for the novice and the expert.

The purpose of this manual is to show electrical and vacuum circuits of these vehicles in a clear and simple fashion to make troubleshooting easier. With each circuit is a description of How the Circuit Works and some Troubleshooting Hints. A Component Location chart lists components, connectors, and references to pictures in the manual.

[View Product Sample]

Price: $21.95

1998 Mustang Electrical & Vacuum Trouble-Shooting Manual (EVTM)


1999 Mustang Wiring Diagrams

Product # D13990

1999 Mustang Wiring Diagrams 
Pages: 305

Description: The 1999 Ford Mustang Wiring Diagrams (also known as the Electrical & Vacuum Trouble-Shooting Manual (EVTM)) is a complete and comprehensive collection of wiring diagrams, schematics, electrical illustrations, and troubleshooting procedures. It is created from the original OEM official Ford Motor Company publication FCS-12121-99, October 1998.

Because this a troubleshooting manual it contains information on: How the Circuit Works, Component Location, and Troubleshooting Hints. Each diagram and illustration is from the original Ford Motor Company publication and are the same manuals used by Ford technicians to troubleshoot electrical repairs.  Developed in an easy to use format, this manual is designed for the novice and the expert.

The purpose of this manual is to show electrical and vacuum circuits of these vehicles in a clear and simple fashion to make troubleshooting easier. With each circuit is a description of How the Circuit Works and some Troubleshooting Hints. A Component Location chart lists components, connectors, and references to pictures in the manual.

[View Product Sample]

Price: $21.95

1999 Mustang Wiring Diagrams


2000 Mustang Wiring Diagrams

Product # D13200

2000 Mustang Wiring Diagrams 
Pages: 307

Description: The 2000 Ford Mustang Wiring Diagrams (also known as the Electrical & Vacuum Trouble-Shooting Manual (EVTM)) is a complete and comprehensive collection of wiring diagrams, schematics, electrical illustrations, and troubleshooting procedures. It is created from the original OEM official Ford Motor Company publication FCS-12121-00, August 1999..

Because this a troubleshooting manual it contains information on: How the Circuit Works, Component Location, and Troubleshooting Hints. Each diagram and illustration is from the original Ford Motor Company publication and are the same manuals used by Ford technicians to troubleshoot electrical repairs.  Developed in an easy to use format, this manual is designed for the novice and the expert.

The purpose of this manual is to show electrical and vacuum circuits of these vehicles in a clear and simple fashion to make troubleshooting easier. With each circuit is a description of How the Circuit Works and some Troubleshooting Hints. A Component Location chart lists components, connectors, and references to pictures in the manual.

[View Product Sample]

Price: $21.95

2000 Mustang Wiring Diagrams


 2001 Mustang Wiring Diagrams

Product # D13201

 2001 Mustang Wiring Diagrams 
Pages: 299

Description: The 2001 Ford Mustang Wiring Diagrams (also known as the Electrical & Vacuum Trouble-Shooting Manual (EVTM)) is a complete and comprehensive collection of wiring diagrams, schematics, electrical illustrations, and troubleshooting procedures. It is created from the original OEM official Ford Motor Company publication FCS-12121-01, October 2000.

Because this a troubleshooting manual it contains information on: How the Circuit Works, Component Location, and Troubleshooting Hints. Each diagram and illustration is from the original Ford Motor Company publication and are the same manuals used by Ford technicians to troubleshoot electrical repairs.  Developed in an easy to use format, this manual is designed for the novice and the expert.

The purpose of this manual is to show electrical and vacuum circuits of these vehicles in a clear and simple fashion to make troubleshooting easier. With each circuit is a description of How the Circuit Works and some Troubleshooting Hints. A Component Location chart lists components, connectors, and references to pictures in the manual.

[View Product Sample]

Price: $21.95

 2001 Mustang Wiring Diagrams


 2002 Mustang Wiring Diagrams

Product # D13202

 2002 Mustang Wiring Diagrams
Pages: 336

Description: The 2002 Ford Mustang Wiring Diagrams (also known as the Electrical & Vacuum Trouble-Shooting Manual (EVTM)) is a complete and comprehensive collection of wiring diagrams, schematics, electrical illustrations, and troubleshooting procedures. It is created from the original OEM official Ford Motor Company publication FCS-12121-02, September 2001.

Because this a troubleshooting manual it contains information on: How the Circuit Works, Component Location, and Troubleshooting Hints. Each diagram and illustration is from the original Ford Motor Company publication and are the same manuals used by Ford technicians to troubleshoot electrical repairs.  Developed in an easy to use format, this manual is designed for the novice and the expert.

The purpose of this manual is to show electrical and vacuum circuits of these vehicles in a clear and simple fashion to make troubleshooting easier. With each circuit is a description of How the Circuit Works and some Troubleshooting Hints. A Component Location chart lists components, connectors, and references to pictures in the manual.

[View Product Sample]

Price: $21.95

 2002 Mustang Wiring Diagrams


2003 Mustang Wiring Diagrams

Product # D13203

2003 Mustang Wiring Diagrams 
Pages: 410

Description: The 2003 Ford Mustang Wiring Diagrams (also known as the Electrical & Vacuum Trouble-Shooting Manual (EVTM)) is a complete and comprehensive collection of wiring diagrams, schematics, electrical illustrations, and troubleshooting procedures. It is created from the original OEM official Ford Motor Company publication FCS-12121-03, October 2002.

Because this a troubleshooting manual it contains information on: How the Circuit Works, Component Location, and Troubleshooting Hints. Each diagram and illustration is from the original Ford Motor Company publication and are the same manuals used by Ford technicians to troubleshoot electrical repairs.  Developed in an easy to use format, this manual is designed for the novice and the expert.

The purpose of this manual is to show electrical and vacuum circuits of these vehicles in a clear and simple fashion to make troubleshooting easier. With each circuit is a description of How the Circuit Works and some Troubleshooting Hints. A Component Location chart lists components, connectors, and references to pictures in the manual.

[View Product Sample]

Price: $21.95

2003 Mustang Wiring Diagrams


2004 Mustang Wiring Diagrams

Product # D13204

2004 Mustang Wiring Diagrams
Pages: 371

Description: The 2004 Ford Mustang Wiring Diagrams (also known as the Electrical & Vacuum Trouble-Shooting Manual (EVTM)) is a complete and comprehensive collection of wiring diagrams, schematics, electrical illustrations, and troubleshooting procedures. It is created from the original OEM official Ford Motor Company publication FCS-12121-04, December 2003.

Because this a troubleshooting manual it contains information on: How the Circuit Works, Component Location, and Troubleshooting Hints. Each diagram and illustration is from the original Ford Motor Company publication and are the same manuals used by Ford technicians to troubleshoot electrical repairs.  Developed in an easy to use format, this manual is designed for the novice and the expert.

The purpose of this manual is to show electrical and vacuum circuits of these vehicles in a clear and simple fashion to make troubleshooting easier. With each circuit is a description of How the Circuit Works and some Troubleshooting Hints. A Component Location chart lists components, connectors, and references to pictures in the manual.

[View Product Sample]

Price: $21.95

2004 Mustang Wiring Diagrams


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Truck EVTM (Electrical and Vacuum Troubleshooting Manual)


1980 Bronco / F100-F350 / Courier Electrical & Vacuum Trouble-Shooting Manual (EVTM)

Product # D21800

1980 Bronco / F100-F350 / Courier Electrical & Vacuum Trouble-Shooting Manual (EVTM)
Pages: 92

Description: The 1980 Ford Electrical & Vacuum Trouble-Shooting Manual (EVTM) for Bronco F-100/F-350 Courier is a complete and comprehensive collection of wiring diagrams, schematics, electrical illustrations, vacuum diagrams, and troubleshooting procedures. It is created from the original OEM official Ford Motor Company publication and is considered to be the most comprehensive collection of electrical and vacuum information on the market.  Because this a troubleshooting manual it contains information on: How the Circuit Works, Component Location, and Troubleshooting Hints.

Each diagram and illustration is from the original Ford Motor Company publication and are the same manuals used by Ford technicians to troubleshoot electrical repairs.  Developed in an easy to use format, this manual is designed for the novice and the expert. 

[View Product Sample]

Price: $21.95

1980 Bronco / F100-F350 / Courier Electrical & Vacuum Trouble-Shooting Manual (EVTM)


1981 Bronco / F100-F350 / Courier Electrical & Vacuum Trouble-Shooting Manual (EVTM)

Product # D21810

1981 Bronco / F100-F350 / Courier Electrical & Vacuum Trouble-Shooting Manual (EVTM)
Pages: 141

Description: The 1981 Ford Electrical & Vacuum Trouble-Shooting Manual (EVTM) for Bronco F-100/F-350 Courier is a complete and comprehensive collection of wiring diagrams, schematics, electrical illustrations, vacuum diagrams, and troubleshooting procedures. It is created from the original OEM official Ford Motor Company publication and is considered to be the most comprehensive collection of electrical and vacuum information on the market.  Because this a troubleshooting manual it contains information on: How the Circuit Works, Component Location, and Troubleshooting Hints.

Each diagram and illustration is from the original Ford Motor Company publication and are the same manuals used by Ford technicians to troubleshoot electrical repairs.  Developed in an easy to use format, this manual is designed for the novice and the expert. 

[View Product Sample]

Price: $21.95

1981 Bronco / F100-F350 / Courier Electrical & Vacuum Trouble-Shooting Manual (EVTM)


1982 Bronco / F100-F350 / Courier Electrical & Vacuum Trouble-Shooting Manual (EVTM)

Product # D21820

1982 Bronco / F100-F350 / Courier Electrical & Vacuum Trouble-Shooting Manual (EVTM)
Pages: 145

Description: The 1982 Ford Electrical & Vacuum Trouble-Shooting Manual (EVTM) for Bronco F-100/F-350 Courier is a complete and comprehensive collection of wiring diagrams, schematics, electrical illustrations, vacuum diagrams, and troubleshooting procedures. It is created from the original OEM official Ford Motor Company publication and is considered to be the most comprehensive collection of electrical and vacuum information on the market.  Because this a troubleshooting manual it contains information on: How the Circuit Works, Component Location, and Troubleshooting Hints.

Each diagram and illustration is from the original Ford Motor Company publication and are the same manuals used by Ford technicians to troubleshoot electrical repairs.  Developed in an easy to use format, this manual is designed for the novice and the expert.
[View Product Sample]

Price: $21.95

1982 Bronco / F100-F350 / Courier Electrical & Vacuum Trouble-Shooting Manual (EVTM)


1983 Bronco / F100-F350 / Courier Electrical & Vacuum Trouble-Shooting Manual (EVTM)

Product # D21830

1983 Bronco / F100-F350 / Courier Electrical & Vacuum Trouble-Shooting Manual (EVTM)
Pages: 130

Description: The 1983 Ford Electrical & Vacuum Trouble-Shooting Manual (EVTM) for Bronco F-100/F-350 Courier is a complete and comprehensive collection of wiring diagrams, schematics, electrical illustrations, vacuum diagrams, and troubleshooting procedures. It is created from the original OEM official Ford Motor Company publication and is considered to be the most comprehensive collection of electrical and vacuum information on the market.  Because this a troubleshooting manual it contains information on: How the Circuit Works, Component Location, and Troubleshooting Hints.

Each diagram and illustration is from the original Ford Motor Company publication and are the same manuals used by Ford technicians to troubleshoot electrical repairs.  Developed in an easy to use format, this manual is designed for the novice and the expert.
[View Product Sample]

Price: $21.95

1983 Bronco / F100-F350 / Courier Electrical & Vacuum Trouble-Shooting Manual (EVTM)


1984 Bronco / F150-F350 Electrical & Vacuum Trouble-Shooting Manual (EVTM)

Product # D21840

1984 Bronco / F150-F350 Electrical & Vacuum Trouble-Shooting Manual (EVTM)
Pages: 141

Description: The 1984 Ford Electrical & Vacuum Trouble-Shooting Manual (EVTM) for Bronco F-100/F-350 Courier is a complete and comprehensive collection of wiring diagrams, schematics, electrical illustrations, vacuum diagrams, and troubleshooting procedures. It is created from the original OEM official Ford Motor Company publication and is considered to be the most comprehensive collection of electrical and vacuum information on the market.  Because this a troubleshooting manual it contains information on: How the Circuit Works, Component Location, and Troubleshooting Hints.

Each diagram and illustration is from the original Ford Motor Company publication and are the same manuals used by Ford technicians to troubleshoot electrical repairs.  Developed in an easy to use format, this manual is designed for the novice and the expert. 

[View Product Sample]

Price: $21.95

1984 Bronco / F150-F350 Electrical & Vacuum Trouble-Shooting Manual (EVTM)


1985 Bronco / F150-F350 Electrical & Vacuum Trouble-Shooting Manual (EVTM)

Product # D21850

1985 Bronco / F150-F350 Electrical & Vacuum Trouble-Shooting Manual (EVTM)
Pages: 162

Description: The 1985 Ford Electrical & Vacuum Trouble-Shooting Manual (EVTM) for Bronco F-150/F-350 is a complete and comprehensive collection of wiring diagrams, schematics, electrical illustrations, vacuum diagrams, and troubleshooting procedures. It is created from the original OEM official Ford Motor Company publication and is considered to be the most comprehensive collection of electrical and vacuum information on the market. Because this a troubleshooting manual it contains information on: How the Circuit Works, Component Location, and Troubleshooting Hints.

Each diagram and illustration is from the original Ford Motor Company publication and are the same manuals used by Ford technicians to troubleshoot electrical repairs.  Developed in an easy to use format, this manual is designed for the novice and the expert. 
[View Product Sample]

Price: $21.95

1985 Bronco / F150-F350 Electrical & Vacuum Trouble-Shooting Manual (EVTM)


1986 Bronco / F150-F350 Electrical & Vacuum Trouble-Shooting Manual (EVTM)

Product # D21860

1986 Bronco / F150-F350 Electrical & Vacuum Trouble-Shooting Manual (EVTM)
Pages: 156

Description: The 1986 Ford Electrical & Vacuum Trouble-Shooting Manual (EVTM) for Bronco F-150/F-350 is a complete and comprehensive collection of wiring diagrams, schematics, electrical illustrations, vacuum diagrams, and troubleshooting procedures. It is created from the original OEM official Ford Motor Company publication and is considered to be the most comprehensive collection of electrical and vacuum information on the market.  Because this a troubleshooting manual it contains information on: How the Circuit Works, Component Location, and Troubleshooting Hints.

Each diagram and illustration is from the original Ford Motor Company publication and are the same manuals used by Ford technicians to troubleshoot electrical repairs.  Developed in an easy to use format, this manual is designed for the novice and the expert. 

[View Product Sample]

Price: $21.95

1986 Bronco / F150-F350 Electrical & Vacuum Trouble-Shooting Manual (EVTM)


1987 Bronco / F150-F350 / F-Super Duty Electrical & Vacuum Trouble-Shooting Manual (EVTM)

Product # D21870

1987 Bronco / F150-F350 / F-Super Duty Electrical & Vacuum Trouble-Shooting Manual (EVTM)
Pages: 152

Description: The 1987 Ford Electrical & Vacuum Trouble-Shooting Manual (EVTM) for Bronco / F150-F350 / F-Super Duty is a complete and comprehensive collection of wiring diagrams, schematics, electrical illustrations, vacuum diagrams, and troubleshooting procedures. It is created from the original OEM official Ford Motor Company publication. This manual is the most comprehensive collection of electrical information on the market. Because this a troubleshooting manual it contains information on: How the Circuit Works, Component Location, and Troubleshooting Hints.

Each diagram and illustration is from the original Ford Motor Company publication and are the same manuals used by Ford technicians to troubleshoot electrical repairs.  Developed in an easy to use format, this manual is designed for the novice and the expert. 

[View Product Sample]

Price: $21.95

1987 Bronco / F150-F350 / F-Super Duty Electrical & Vacuum Trouble-Shooting Manual (EVTM)


1988 Bronco / F150-F350 / F-Super Duty Electrical & Vacuum Trouble-Shooting Manual (EVTM)

Product # D21880

1988 Bronco / F150-F350 / F-Super Duty Electrical & Vacuum Trouble-Shooting Manual (EVTM)
Pages: 140

Description: The 1988 Ford Electrical & Vacuum Trouble-Shooting Manual (EVTM) for Bronco / F150-F350 / F-Super Duty is a complete and comprehensive collection of wiring diagrams, schematics, electrical illustrations, vacuum diagrams, and troubleshooting procedures. It is created from the original OEM official Ford Motor Company publication. This manual is the most comprehensive collection of electrical information on the market. Because this a troubleshooting manual it contains information on: How the Circuit Works, Component Location, and Troubleshooting Hints.

Each diagram and illustration is from the original Ford Motor Company publication and are the same manuals used by Ford technicians to troubleshoot electrical repairs.  Developed in an easy to use format, this manual is designed for the novice and the expert. 

[View Product Sample]

Price: $21.95

1988 Bronco / F150-F350 / F-Super Duty Electrical & Vacuum Trouble-Shooting Manual (EVTM)


1989 Bronco / F150-F350 / F-Super Duty Electrical & Vacuum Trouble-Shooting Manual (EVTM)

Product # D21890

1989 Bronco / F150-F350 / F-Super Duty Electrical & Vacuum Trouble-Shooting Manual (EVTM)
Pages: 158

Description: The 1989 Ford Electrical & Vacuum Trouble-Shooting Manual (EVTM) for Bronco / F150-F350 / F-Super Duty is a complete and comprehensive collection of wiring diagrams, schematics, electrical illustrations, vacuum diagrams, and troubleshooting procedures. It is created from the original OEM official Ford Motor Company publication. This manual is the most comprehensive collection of electrical information on the market.  Because this a troubleshooting manual it contains information on: How the Circuit Works, Component Location, and Troubleshooting Hints.

Each diagram and illustration is from the original Ford Motor Company publication and are the same manuals used by Ford technicians to troubleshoot electrical repairs.  Developed in an easy to use format, this manual is designed for the novice and the expert. 

[View Product Sample]

Price: $21.95

1989 Bronco / F150-F350 / F-Super Duty Electrical & Vacuum Trouble-Shooting Manual (EVTM)


1990 Bronco / F150-F350 / F-Super Duty Electrical & Vacuum Trouble-Shooting Manual (EVTM)

Product # D21900

1990 Bronco / F150-F350 / F-Super Duty Electrical & Vacuum Trouble-Shooting Manual (EVTM)
Pages: 289

Description: The 1990 Ford Electrical & Vacuum Trouble-Shooting Manual (EVTM) for Bronco / F150-F350 / F-Super Duty is a complete and comprehensive collection of wiring diagrams, schematics, electrical illustrations, vacuum diagrams, and troubleshooting procedures. It is created from the original OEM official Ford Motor Company publication. This manual is the most comprehensive collection of electrical information on the market. Because this a troubleshooting manual it contains information on: How the Circuit Works, Component Location, and Troubleshooting Hints.

Each diagram and illustration is from the original Ford Motor Company publication and are the same manuals used by Ford technicians to troubleshoot electrical repairs.  Developed in an easy to use format, this manual is designed for the novice and the expert.
[View Product Sample]

Price: $21.95

1990 Bronco / F150-F350 / F-Super Duty Electrical & Vacuum Trouble-Shooting Manual (EVTM)


1991 Bronco / F150-F350 / F-Super Duty Electrical & Vacuum Trouble-Shooting Manual (EVTM)

Product # D21910

1991 Bronco / F150-F350 / F-Super Duty Electrical & Vacuum Trouble-Shooting Manual (EVTM)
Pages: 313

Description: The 1991 Ford Electrical & Vacuum Trouble-Shooting Manual (EVTM) for Bronco/F150-F350/F-Super Duty is a complete and comprehensive collection of wiring diagrams, schematics, electrical illustrations, vacuum diagrams, and troubleshooting procedures. It is created from the original OEM official Ford Motor Company publication. This manual is the most comprehensive collection of electrical information on the market.  Because this a troubleshooting manual it contains information on: How the Circuit Works, Component Location, and Troubleshooting Hints.

Each diagram and illustration is from the original Ford Motor Company publication and are the same manuals used by Ford technicians to troubleshoot electrical repairs.  Developed in an easy to use format, this manual is designed for the novice and the expert.
[View Product Sample]

Price: $21.95

1991 Bronco / F150-F350 / F-Super Duty Electrical & Vacuum Trouble-Shooting Manual (EVTM)


1992 Bronco/F150-F350/ F-Super Duty Electrical & Vacuum Trouble-Shooting Manual (EVTM)

Product # D21920

1992 Bronco/F150-F350/ F-Super Duty Electrical & Vacuum Trouble-Shooting Manual (EVTM)
Pages: 304

Description: The 1992 Bronco/F150-F350/ F-Super Duty Electrical & Vacuum Trouble-Shooting Manual (EVTM) is a complete and comprehensive collection of wiring diagrams, schematics, electrical illustrations, vacuum diagrams, and troubleshooting procedures. It is created from the original OEM official Ford Motor Company publication and is considered to be the most comprehensive collection of electrical and vacuum information on the market.

This manual contains information on: How the Circuit Works, Component Location, and Troubleshooting Hints. Each diagram and illustration is from the original Ford Motor Company publication and are the same manuals used by Ford technicians to troubleshoot electrical and vacuum system repairs. Developed in an easy-to-use format, this manual is designed for the novice and the expert.

The purpose of this manual is to show electrical and vacuum circuits of these vehicles in a clear and simple fashion to make troubleshooting easier. With each circuit is a description of How the Circuit Works and some Troubleshooting Hints. A Component Location chart lists components, connectors, and references to pictures in the manual.

[View Product Sample]

Price: $21.95

1992 Bronco/F150-F350/ F-Super Duty Electrical & Vacuum Trouble-Shooting Manual (EVTM)


1993 Bronco/F150-F350/ F-Super Duty Electrical & Vacuum Trouble-Shooting Manual (EVTM)

Product # D21930

1993 Bronco/F150-F350/ F-Super Duty Electrical & Vacuum Trouble-Shooting Manual (EVTM)
Pages: 299

Description: The 1993 Bronco/F150-F350/ F-Super Duty Electrical & Vacuum Trouble-Shooting Manual (EVTM) is a complete and comprehensive collection of wiring diagrams, schematics, electrical illustrations, vacuum diagrams, and troubleshooting procedures. It is created from the original OEM official Ford Motor Company publication and is considered to be the most comprehensive collection of electrical and vacuum information on the market.

This manual contains information on: How the Circuit Works, Component Location, and Troubleshooting Hints. Each diagram and illustration is from the original Ford Motor Company publication and are the same manuals used by Ford technicians to troubleshoot electrical and vacuum system repairs. Developed in an easy-to-use format, this manual is designed for the novice and the expert.

The purpose of this manual is to show electrical and vacuum circuits of these vehicles in a clear and simple fashion to make troubleshooting easier. With each circuit is a description of How the Circuit Works and some Troubleshooting Hints. A Component Location chart lists components, connectors, and references to pictures in the manual.

[View Product Sample]

Price: $21.95

 1993 Bronco/F150-F350/ F-Super Duty Electrical & Vacuum Trouble-Shooting Manual (EVTM)


1994 Bronco/F-Series Electrical & Vacuum Trouble-Shooting Manual (EVTM)

Product # D21940

1994 Bronco/F-Series Electrical & Vacuum Trouble-Shooting Manual (EVTM)
Pages: 140

Description: The 1994 Bronco/F-Series Electrical & Vacuum Trouble-Shooting Manual (EVTM) is a complete and comprehensive collection of wiring diagrams, schematics, electrical illustrations, vacuum diagrams, and troubleshooting procedures. It is created from the original OEM official Ford Motor Company publication and is considered to be the most comprehensive collection of electrical and vacuum information on the market.

This manual contains information on: How the Circuit Works, Component Location, and Troubleshooting Hints. Each diagram and illustration is from the original Ford Motor Company publication and are the same manuals used by Ford technicians to troubleshoot electrical and vacuum system repairs. Developed in an easy-to-use format, this manual is designed for the novice and the expert.

The purpose of this manual is to show electrical and vacuum circuits of these vehicles in a clear and simple fashion to make troubleshooting easier. With each circuit is a description of How the Circuit Works and some Troubleshooting Hints. A Component Location chart lists components, connectors, and references to pictures in the manual.

[View Product Sample]

Price: $21.95

1994 Bronco/F-Series Electrical & Vacuum Trouble-Shooting Manual (EVTM)


1995 Bronco Electrical & Vacuum Trouble-Shooting Manual (EVTM)

Product # D21950

1995 Bronco Electrical & Vacuum Trouble-Shooting Manual (EVTM)
Pages: 279

Description: The 1995 Bronco Electrical & Vacuum Trouble-Shooting Manual (EVTM) is a complete and comprehensive collection of wiring diagrams, schematics, electrical illustrations, vacuum diagrams, and troubleshooting procedures. It is created from the original OEM official Ford Motor Company publication and is considered to be the most comprehensive collection of electrical and vacuum information on the market.

This manual contains information on: How the Circuit Works, Component Location, and Troubleshooting Hints. Each diagram and illustration is from the original Ford Motor Company publication and are the same manuals used by Ford technicians to troubleshoot electrical and vacuum system repairs. Developed in an easy-to-use format, this manual is designed for the novice and the expert.

The purpose of this manual is to show electrical and vacuum circuits of these vehicles in a clear and simple fashion to make troubleshooting easier. With each circuit is a description of How the Circuit Works and some Troubleshooting Hints. A Component Location chart lists components, connectors, and references to pictures in the manual.

[View Product Sample]

Price: $21.95

1995 Bronco Electrical & Vacuum Trouble-Shooting Manual (EVTM)


1995 Bronco Electrical & Vacuum Trouble-Shooting Manual (EVTM)

Product # D21951

1995 F-Series Electrical & Vacuum Trouble-Shooting Manual (EVTM)
Pages: 379

Description: The 1995 F-Series Electrical & Vacuum Trouble-Shooting Manual (EVTM) is a complete and comprehensive collection of wiring diagrams, schematics, electrical illustrations, vacuum diagrams, and troubleshooting procedures. It is created from the original OEM official Ford Motor Company publication and is considered to be the most comprehensive collection of electrical and vacuum information on the market.

This manual contains information on: How the Circuit Works, Component Location, and Troubleshooting Hints. Each diagram and illustration is from the original Ford Motor Company publication and are the same manuals used by Ford technicians to troubleshoot electrical and vacuum system repairs. Developed in an easy-to-use format, this manual is designed for the novice and the expert.

The purpose of this manual is to show electrical and vacuum circuits of these vehicles in a clear and simple fashion to make troubleshooting easier. With each circuit is a description of How the Circuit Works and some Troubleshooting Hints. A Component Location chart lists components, connectors, and references to pictures in the manual.

[View Product Sample]

Price: $21.95

1995 F-Series Electrical & Vacuum Trouble-Shooting Manual (EVTM)


1996 Bronco Electrical & Vacuum Trouble-Shooting Manual (EVTM)

Product # D21960

1996 Bronco Electrical & Vacuum Trouble-Shooting Manual (EVTM)
Pages: 267

Description: The 1996 Bronco Electrical & Vacuum Trouble-Shooting Manual (EVTM) is a complete and comprehensive collection of wiring diagrams, schematics, electrical illustrations, vacuum diagrams, and troubleshooting procedures. It is created from the original OEM official Ford Motor Company publication and is considered to be the most comprehensive collection of electrical and vacuum information on the market.

This manual contains information on: How the Circuit Works, Component Location, and Troubleshooting Hints. Each diagram and illustration is from the original Ford Motor Company publication and are the same manuals used by Ford technicians to troubleshoot electrical and vacuum system repairs. Developed in an easy-to-use format, this manual is designed for the novice and the expert.

The purpose of this manual is to show electrical and vacuum circuits of these vehicles in a clear and simple fashion to make troubleshooting easier. With each circuit is a description of How the Circuit Works and some Troubleshooting Hints. A Component Location chart lists components, connectors, and references to pictures in the manual.
[View Product Sample]

Price: $21.95

1996 Bronco Electrical & Vacuum Trouble-Shooting Manual (EVTM)


1996 F150-F450/ F-Super Duty Electrical & Vacuum Trouble-Shooting Manual (EVTM)

Product # D21961

1996 F150-F450/ F-Super Duty Electrical & Vacuum Trouble-Shooting Manual (EVTM)
Pages: 387

Description: The 1996 F150-F450/ F-Super Duty Electrical & Vacuum Trouble-Shooting Manual (EVTM) is a complete and comprehensive collection of wiring diagrams, schematics, electrical illustrations, vacuum diagrams, and troubleshooting procedures. It is created from the original OEM official Ford Motor Company publication and is considered to be the most comprehensive collection of electrical and vacuum information on the market.

This manual contains information on: How the Circuit Works, Component Location, and Troubleshooting Hints. Each diagram and illustration is from the original Ford Motor Company publication and are the same manuals used by Ford technicians to troubleshoot electrical and vacuum system repairs. Developed in an easy-to-use format, this manual is designed for the novice and the expert.

The purpose of this manual is to show electrical and vacuum circuits of these vehicles in a clear and simple fashion to make troubleshooting easier. With each circuit is a description of How the Circuit Works and some Troubleshooting Hints. A Component Location chart lists components, connectors, and references to pictures in the manual.

[View Product Sample]

Price: $21.95

1996 F150-F450/ F-Super Duty Electrical & Vacuum Trouble-Shooting Manual (EVTM)


1997 Ford F-150 Truck Electrical and Vacuum Troublwshooting Manual (EVTM)

Product # D21970

1997 Ford F-150 Truck Electrical and Vacuum Troublwshooting Manual (EVTM)
Pages: 258

Description: The 1997 F-150 Truck Electrical and Vacuum Troubleshooting Manual (EVTM) is a complete and comprehensive collection of wiring diagrams, schematics, electrical illustrations, vacuum diagrams, and troubleshooting procedures. It is created from the original OEM official Ford Motor Company publication and is considered to be the most comprehensive collection of electrical and vacuum information on the market.

This manual contains information on: How the Circuit Works, Component Location, and Troubleshooting Hints. Each diagram and illustration is from the original Ford Motor Company publication and are the same manuals used by Ford technicians to troubleshoot electrical and vacuum system repairs. Developed in an easy-to-use format, this manual is designed for the novice and the expert.

The purpose of this manual is to show electrical and vacuum circuits of these vehicles in a clear and simple fashion to make troubleshooting easier. With each circuit is a description of How the Circuit Works and some Troubleshooting Hints. A Component Location chart lists components, connectors, and references to pictures in the manual.

[View Product Sample]

Price: $21.95

1997 Ford F-150 Truck Electrical and Vacuum Troublwshooting Manual (EVTM)


1997 Ford F-150 F-250 Truck Electrical and Vacuum Troublwshooting Manual (EVTM)

Product # D21971

1997 Ford F-150 F-25- Truck Electrical and Vacuum Troublwshooting Manual (EVTM)
Pages: 313

Description: The 1997 Ford F-150 F-250 Truck Electrical and Vacuum Troublwshooting Manual (EVTM) is a complete and comprehensive collection of wiring diagrams, schematics, electrical illustrations, vacuum diagrams, and troubleshooting procedures. It is created from the original OEM official Ford Motor Company publication and is considered to be the most comprehensive collection of electrical and vacuum information on the market.

This manual contains information on: How the Circuit Works, Component Location, and Troubleshooting Hints. Each diagram and illustration is from the original Ford Motor Company publication and are the same manuals used by Ford technicians to troubleshoot electrical and vacuum system repairs. Developed in an easy-to-use format, this manual is designed for the novice and the expert.

The purpose of this manual is to show electrical and vacuum circuits of these vehicles in a clear and simple fashion to make troubleshooting easier. With each circuit is a description of How the Circuit Works and some Troubleshooting Hints. A Component Location chart lists components, connectors, and references to pictures in the manual.

[View Product Sample]

Price: $21.95

1997 Ford F-150 F-250 Truck Electrical and Vacuum Troublwshooting Manual (EVTM)


1998 Ford F-150 F-250 Truck Electrical and Vacuum Troublwshooting Manual (EVTM)

Product # D21980

1998 Ford F-150 F-250 Truck Electrical and Vacuum Troublwshooting Manual (EVTM)
Pages: 387

Description: The 1998 Ford F-150 F-250 Truck Electrical and Vacuum Troublwshooting Manual (EVTM) is a complete and comprehensive collection of wiring diagrams, schematics, electrical illustrations, vacuum diagrams, and troubleshooting procedures. It is created from the original OEM official Ford Motor Company publication and is considered to be the most comprehensive collection of electrical and vacuum information on the market.

This manual contains information on: How the Circuit Works, Component Location, and Troubleshooting Hints. Each diagram and illustration is from the original Ford Motor Company publication and are the same manuals used by Ford technicians to troubleshoot electrical and vacuum system repairs. Developed in an easy-to-use format, this manual is designed for the novice and the expert.

The purpose of this manual is to show electrical and vacuum circuits of these vehicles in a clear and simple fashion to make troubleshooting easier. With each circuit is a description of How the Circuit Works and some Troubleshooting Hints. A Component Location chart lists components, connectors, and references to pictures in the manual.

[View Product Sample]

Price: $21.95

1998 Ford F-150 F-250 Truck Electrical and Vacuum Troublwshooting Manual (EVTM)


1999 Ford F-150 F-250 Truck Wiring Diagrams

Product # D21990

1999 Ford F-150 F-250 Truck Wiring Diagrams
Pages: 331

Description: This is an electronic reproduction of the original Ford OEM printed manual.  The 1999 Ford F-150/F-250 Truck Wiring Diagrams is a complete and comprehensive collection of wiring diagrams, schematics, electrical illustrations, and troubleshooting procedures. It is created from the original OEM official Ford Motor Company publication (FCS-12263-99, June 1998) and is considered to be the most comprehensive collection of electrical wiring information on the market. 

This manual contains: wiring diagrams, component testing, in-line connector faces, component location views, and troubleshooting hints. Each diagram and illustration is from the original Ford Motor Company publication and are the same manuals used by Ford technicians to troubleshoot electrical system repairs.  Developed in an easy-to-use format, this manual is designed for the novice and the expert.

[View Product Sample]

Price: $21.95

1999 Ford F-150 F-250 Truck Wiring Diagrams


2000 Ford F-150 Truck Wiring Diagrams

Product # D21200

2000 Ford F-150 Truck Wiring Diagrams
Pages: 417

Description: This is an electronic reproduction of the original Ford OEM printed manual.  The 2000 Ford F-150 Truck Wiring Diagrams is a complete and comprehensive collection of wiring diagrams, schematics, electrical illustrations, and troubleshooting procedures. It is created from the original OEM official Ford Motor Company publication (FCS-12263-00, November 1999) and is considered to be the most comprehensive collection of electrical wiring information on the market. 

This manual contains: wiring diagrams, component testing, in-line connector faces, component location views, and troubleshooting hints. Each diagram and illustration is from the original Ford Motor Company publication and are the same manuals used by Ford technicians to troubleshoot electrical system repairs.  Developed in an easy-to-use format, this manual is designed for the novice and the expert.

[View Product Sample]

Price: $21.95

2000 Ford F-150 Truck Wiring Diagrams


2001 Ford F-150 Truck Wiring Diagrams

Product # D21201

2001 Ford F-150 Truck Wiring Diagrams
Pages: 459

Description: This is an electronic reproduction of the original Ford OEM printed manual.  The 2001 Ford F-150 Truck Wiring Diagrams is a complete and comprehensive collection of wiring diagrams, schematics, electrical illustrations, and troubleshooting procedures. It is created from the original OEM official Ford Motor Company publication (FCS-12263-01, August 2000) and is considered to be the most comprehensive collection of electrical wiring information on the market. 

This manual contains: wiring diagrams, component testing, in-line connector faces, component location views, and troubleshooting hints. Each diagram and illustration is from the original Ford Motor Company publication and are the same manuals used by Ford technicians to troubleshoot electrical system repairs.  Developed in an easy-to-use format, this manual is designed for the novice and the expert.

[View Product Sample]

Price: $21.95

2001 Ford F-150 Truck Wiring Diagrams


2002 Ford F-150 Truck Wiring Diagrams

Product # D21202

2002 Ford F-150 Truck Wiring Diagrams
Pages: 535

Description: This is an electronic reproduction of the original Ford OEM printed manual.  The 2002 Ford F-150 Truck Wiring Diagrams is a complete and comprehensive collection of wiring diagrams, schematics, electrical illustrations, and troubleshooting procedures. It is created from the original OEM official Ford Motor Company publication (FCS-12263-02, September 02) and is considered to be the most comprehensive collection of electrical wiring information on the market. 

This manual contains: wiring diagrams, component testing, in-line connector faces, component location views, and troubleshooting hints. Each diagram and illustration is from the original Ford Motor Company publication and are the same manuals used by Ford technicians to troubleshoot electrical system repairs.  Developed in an easy-to-use format, this manual is designed for the novice and the expert.

[View Product Sample]

Price: $21.95

2002 Ford F-150 Truck Wiring Diagrams


2003 Ford F-150 Truck Wiring Diagrams

Product # D21203

2003 Ford F-150 Truck Wiring Diagrams
Pages: 417

Description: This is an electronic reproduction of the original Ford OEM printed manual.  The 2003 Ford F-150 Truck Wiring Diagrams is a complete and comprehensive collection of wiring diagrams, schematics, electrical illustrations, and troubleshooting procedures. It is created from the original OEM official Ford Motor Company publication (FCS-12263-03, December 2002) and is considered to be the most comprehensive collection of electrical wiring information on the market. 

This manual contains: wiring diagrams, component testing, in-line connector faces, component location views, and troubleshooting hints. Each diagram and illustration is from the original Ford Motor Company publication and are the same manuals used by Ford technicians to troubleshoot electrical system repairs.  Developed in an easy-to-use format, this manual is designed for the novice and the expert.

[View Product Sample]

Price: $21.95

2003 Ford F-150 Truck Wiring Diagrams


2004 Ford F-150 Truck Wiring Diagrams

Product # D21204

2004 Ford F-150 Truck Wiring Diagrams
Pages: 377

Description: This is an electronic reproduction of the original Ford OEM printed manual.  The 2004 Ford F-150 Truck Wiring Diagrams is a complete and comprehensive collection of wiring diagrams, schematics, electrical illustrations, and troubleshooting procedures. It is created from the original OEM official Ford Motor Company publication (FCS-13791-04, December 2003) and is considered to be the most comprehensive collection of electrical wiring information on the market. 

This manual contains: wiring diagrams, component testing, in-line connector faces, component location views, and troubleshooting hints. Each diagram and illustration is from the original Ford Motor Company publication and are the same manuals used by Ford technicians to troubleshoot electrical system repairs.  Developed in an easy-to-use format, this manual is designed for the novice and the expert.

[View Product Sample]

Price: $21.95

2004 Ford F-150 Truck Wiring Diagrams

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Master Parts and Accessory Catalog (MPAC)

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eBook Download of Ford Shop Manuals

Product # D10001

1965/72 Ford Car Master Parts and Accessory Catalog
Pages: 6,123
Models: Mustang, Bronco, Torino, Pinto, Falcon, Fairlane, Futura, Landau, Maverick, Thunderbird, Ranchero, Station Wagon, Ford Full Size (Galaxie 500, LTD, Country Sedan/Squire, Ranch Wagon)

Description: This manual is an electronic reproduction of the original manual used by Ford technicians in the 60's and 70's to identify the correct service part for Ford cars. It contains a comprehensive list of part numbers, diagrams, illustrations, cross-references, and other valuable information necessary for any restoration project. Loaded with useful information for your restoration, this catalog can unravel the mystery behind which part number was designed for your vehicle, when there was a part change, or how the part was depicted to Ford technicians. [View Product Sample]

Price: $18.95

1965/72 Ford Car Master Parts and Accessory Catalog (eBook)


eBook Download of the 1973/79 Ford Car Master Parts and Accesory Catalog (eBook)

Product #

1973/79 Ford Car Master Parts and Accesory Catalog (eBook)
Pages: 6,114
Models covered: Bronco, Fairmont, Fiesta, Ford, Granada, LTD II, Maverick, Mustang, Pinto, Thunderbird, and Torino

Description: The 1973-79 Ford Car Parts and Accessories Catalog is the original manual used by Ford technicians in the 70's to identify the correct service part for Ford cars. It contains a comprehensive list of part numbers, diagrams, illustrations, cross-references, and other valuable information necessary for any restoration project. [View Product Sample]

Price: $18.95

1973/79 Ford Car Master Parts and Accesory Catalog (eBook


ebook of 1964/72 Ford Truck Master Parts and Accessories Catalog

Product # D10014

1964/72 Ford Truck Master Parts and Accessories Catalog
Pages: 6,812
Models: all truck models

Description: The 1964/72 Ford Truck Master Parts Catalog and Accessories is the original 6000+ page manual used by Ford technicians in the 60's and 70's to identify the correct service part for Ford Trucks. It contains a comprehensive list of part numbers, diagrams, illustrations, cross-references, and other valuable information necessary for any restoration project. [View Product Sample]

Price: $16.95

1964/72 Ford Truck Master Parts and Accessories Catalog


eBook download of 1928-48 Ford Car and Truck Master Parts and Accessories Catalogue

Product # D10040

1928-48 Ford Car and Truck Master Parts and Accessories Catalogue
Pages: 808
Models: Ford Cars from 1928-48 and Trucks from 1928-47

Description: The 1928-48 Chassis Parts and Accessories Catalogue is the original manual used by Ford technicians in the 20's, 30's and 40's to identify the correct service part for Ford Cars and Trucks. It contains a comprehensive list of part numbers, diagrams, illustrations, cross-references, and other valuable information necessary for any restoration project. Models covered: Covers Ford Cars from 1928-48 and Trucks from 1928-47. [View Product Sample]

Price: $16.95

1928-48 Ford Car and Truck Master Parts and Accessories Catalogue


1949-59 Ford Car Master Parts and Accessories Catalog ebook

Product # D10041


1949-59 Ford Car Master Parts and Accessories Catalog
Pages: 1,856
Models: all car models

Description: The 1949-59 Ford Car Parts and Accessories Catalog is the original manual used by Ford technicians in the 40's and 50's to identify the correct service part for Ford cars. It contains a comprehensive list of part numbers, diagrams, illustrations, cross-references, and other valuable information necessary for any restoration project. [View Product Sample]

Price: $16.95

1949-59 Ford Car Master Parts and Accessories Catalog


eBook Download of Ford Master Parts Catalog

Product # D10042


1960-64 Ford Car Master Parts and Accessories Catalog
Pages: 2,225
Models: Ford, Falcon, Thunderbird, Fairlane, Galaxie, Club Wagon and Station Bus, Futura, Squire, Ranchero, Ranch Wagon

Description: The 1960-64 Ford Car Parts and Accessories Catalog is the original 2000+ page manual used by Ford technicians in the 60's to identify the correct service part for Ford cars. It contains a comprehensive list of part numbers, diagrams, illustrations, cross-references, and other valuable information necessary for any restoration project. [View Product Sample]

Price: $16.95

1960-64 Ford Car Master Parts and Accessories Catalog


eBook Download of Ford Master Parts Catalog

Product # D10063


1960-68 Ford Car Master Parts and Accessories Catalog
Pages: 5,445
Models: Ford, Falcon, Thunderbird, Fairlane, Galaxie, Club Wagon and Station Bus, Futura, Squire, Ranchero, Ranch Wagon

Description: The 1960-68 Ford Car Parts and Accessories Catalog is the original 5,445 page manual used by Ford technicians in the 60's to identify the correct service part for Ford cars. It contains a comprehensive list of part numbers, diagrams, illustrations, cross-references, and other valuable information necessary for any restoration project. [View Product Sample]

Price: $21.95

1960-68 Ford Car Master Parts and Accessories Catalog


1944 -1952 Ford Passenger Car and Truck Body Parts Catalog

Product # D12044

1944 -1952 Ford Passenger Car and Truck Body Parts Catalog
Pages: 496
Models: All 1944-1952 Ford Passenger Cars and Trucks

Description: The 1944-52 Ford Passenger Cars and Trucks Body Parts Catalog is the original manual used by Ford technicians to identify the correct parts for Ford vehicles. It contains a comprehensive list of part numbers, illustrations, diagrams, and other information necessary for any vintage restoration. Loaded with useful information for your restoration, this catalog can unravel the mystery behind which part number was designed for your vehicle, when there was a part change, or how the part was depicted to Ford technicians.

This is not the same as a "Shop Manual". A shop manual is very useful, but simply does not provide the details necessary for most restorations. For example, a shop manual does not provide the full part number, when a part changed, nor part diagrams. On the other hand, the 1944-1952 Ford Passenger Car and Truck Body Parts Catalog contains virtually every part number and diagrams specific to each vehicle by year and model.

One of the more valuable features of this manual are the detailed illustrations of the vehicle. Disassembled views of the principal units show the various parts and subassembly. In many cases, a glance at these illustrations will tell you all you need to know about how the parts are assembled. [View Product Sample]

Price: $21.95

1944 -1952 Ford Passenger Car and Truck Body Parts Catalog


1953-1957 Ford Passenger Car Thunderbird Truck Body Parts Catalog

Product # D12053

1953-1957 Ford Passenger Car Thunderbird Truck Body Parts Catalog
Pages: 467
Models Covered: All 1953-1957 Ford Passenger Cars, Thunderbirds, and Trucks

Description:The 1953-1957 Ford Passenger Cars Thunderbird Truck Body Parts Catalog is the original manual used by Ford technicians to identify the correct parts for Ford vehicles. It contains a comprehensive list of part numbers, illustrations, diagrams, and other information necessary for any vintage restoration. Loaded with useful information for your restoration, this catalog can unravel the mystery behind which part number was designed for your vehicle, when there was a part change, or how the part was depicted to Ford technicians.

This is not the same as a "Shop Manual". A shop manual is very useful, but simply does not provide the details necessary for most restorations. For example, a shop manual does not provide the full part number, when a part changed, nor part diagrams. On the other hand, the 1953-1957 Ford Passenger Car Thunderbird Truck Body Parts Catalog contains virtually every part number and diagrams specific to each vehicle by year and model.

One of the more valuable features of this manual are the detailed illustrations of the vehicle. Disassembled views of the principal units show the various parts and subassembly. In many cases, a glance at these illustrations will tell you all you need to know about how the parts are assembled. [View Product Sample]

Price: $21.95

1953-1957 Ford Passenger Car Thunderbird Truck Body Parts Catalog


eBook Download of Ford Master Parts Catalog

Product # D15010


1960-64 Lincoln Mercury Master Parts Catalog
Pages: 2,376
Models: 1960-64 Mercury, 1962-63 Meteor, 1960-64 Comet and 1960-64 Lincoln-Continental

Description: This is an electronic reproduction of the original Ford printed manuals LM-8281-B and LM-8281-C (revised November, 1964). The 1960 thru 1964 Lincoln Mercury Master Parts Catalog is the original manual used by Ford technicians to identify the correct part for Ford cars. This Lincoln Mercury Master Parts Catalog contains replacement part and accessories information for the 1960-64 Mercury, 1962-63 Meteor, 1960-64 Comet and 1960-64 Lincoln-Continental. The descriptions and specifications contained in this manual were in effect at the time the manual was approved for printing. It contains a comprehensive list of part numbers, diagrams, illustrations, cross-references, and other valuable information necessary for any restoration project. [View Product Sample]

Price: $21.95

1960-64 Lincoln Mercury Master Parts Catalog


1973-1979 Lincoln-Mercury Car Master Parts and Accessory Catalog

Product # D15012

1973-1979 Lincoln-Mercury Car Master Parts and Accessory Catalog
Pages: 6,140
Models: All 1973-1979 Lincoln-Mercury Car Master Parts and Accessory Catalog such as: Bobcat, Capri, Comet, Cougar, Lincoln-Continental, Mark IV, Mark V, Mercury, Meteor, Monarch, Montego, Versailles, Zephyr, Mercury Marquis, Mercury Monterey, Gran Marquis, Marquis Brougham, Marquis Station Wagon, Colony Park Station Wagon, Montego MX, MX Station Wagon, Montego GT, Villager Station Wagon, Lincoln hardtop, Cougar XR7, Cougar Brougham, Monarch Ghia, Bobcat Wagon, Bobcat Runabout, Comet Fastback, Meteor Rideau, Meteor Montcalm, Rideau 500

Description: This is an electronic/digital reproduction of original Ford printed material of the 1973-1979 Lincoln-Mercury Car Master Parts and Accessory Catalog. This Lincoln-Mercury Car Master Parts Catalog contains replacement part and accessories information for Ford/Lincoln-Mercury Car for model year 1979/ on U.S. and Canadian built vehicles such as: such as: Bobcat, Capri, Comet, Cougar, Lincoln-Continental, Mark IV, Mark V, Mercury, Meteor, Monarch, Montego, Versailles, Zephyr, Mercury Marquis, Mercury Monterey, Gran Marquis, Marquis Brougham, Marquis Station Wagon, Colony Park Station Wagon, Montego MX, MX Station Wagon, Montego GT, Villager Station Wagon, Lincoln hardtop, Cougar XR7, Cougar Brougham, Monarch Ghia, Bobcat Wagon, Bobcat Runabout, Comet Fastback, Meteor Rideau, Meteor Montcalm, Rideau 500.

The 1973-1979 Lincoln-Mercury Car Master Parts and Accessory Catalog is the original manual used by Ford technicians to identify the correct part for Ford and Lincoln-Mercury cars.  It contains a comprehensive list of part numbers, diagrams, and other information necessary for any vintage restoration. [View Product Sample]

Price: $21.95

1973-1979 Lincoln-Mercury Car Master Parts and Accessory Catalog


1980/89 Ford/Lincoln-Mercury Car Master Parts and Accessory Catalog

Product # D15013

1980/89 Ford/Lincoln-Mercury Car Master Parts and Accessory Catalog
Pages: 12,749
Models: All 1980/89 Ford/Lincoln-Mercury Car Master Parts and Accessory Catalog such as: Bobcat, Capri, Colony Park Station Wagon, Cougar, Cougar XR7, Country Squire Station Wagon, Escort, EXP, Fairmont, Festiva, Ford, Ghia, Gran Marquis, Granada, Lincoln, Lincoln Town Car, Lincoln-Continental, LN7, LTD Crown Victoria, Lynx, Mark VI-VII, Marquis, Mercury, Mercury Tracer, Merkur - XR4TI, Monarch, Mustang, Pinto, Probe, Sable, Scorpio, Taurus, Tempo, Thunderbird, Topaz, Versailles, Zepher

Description: This is an electronic/digital reproduction of original Ford printed material of the 1980/89 Ford/Lincoln-Mercury Car Master Parts and Accessory Catalog. This Ford/Lincoln-Mercury Car Master Parts Catalog contains replacement part and accessories information for Ford/Lincoln-Mercury Car for model year 1980/ on U.S. and Canadian built vehicles such as: such as: Bobcat, Capri, Colony Park Station Wagon, Cougar, Cougar XR7, Country Squire Station Wagon, Escort, EXP, Fairmont, Festiva, Ford, Ghia, Gran Marquis, Granada, Lincoln, Lincoln Town Car, Lincoln-Continental, LN7, LTD Crown Victoria, Lynx, Mark VI-VII, Marquis, Mercury, Mercury Tracer, Merkur - XR4TI, Monarch, Mustang, Pinto, Probe, Sable, Scorpio, Taurus, Tempo, Thunderbird, Topaz, Versailles, and Zepher.

The 1980/89 Ford/Lincoln-Mercury Car Master Parts and Accessory Catalog is the original manual used by Ford technicians to identify the correct part for Ford and Lincoln-Mercury cars.  It contains a comprehensive list of part numbers, diagrams, and other information necessary for any vintage restoration. [View Product Sample]

Price: $24.95

1980/89 Ford/Lincoln-Mercury Car Master Parts and Accessory Catalog


1948/56 Ford Truck Parts and Accessories Catalog

Product # D20079

1948/56 Ford Truck Parts and Accessories Catalog
Pages: 1,231
Models: All 1948-56 Ford Trucks built in the United States and Canada

Description: The 1948-56 Ford Truck Master Parts and Accessory Catalog. Following are the model years for which parts information is provided in this catalog: Chassis Parts 1948 through 1956, Body Parts 1953 through 1956, and Soft Trim Parts for 1956. This is an electronic version of the original manual used by the Ford dealership mechanics to identify the correct service part for Ford Trucks. It contains a comprehensive list of part numbers, diagrams, illustrations, cross-references, and other valuable information necessary for any restoration project. [View Product Sample]

Price: $24.95

1948/56 Ford Truck Parts and Accessories Catalog


eBook 1957/63 Ford Truck Parts and Accessories Catalog

Product # D20080

1957/63  Ford Truck Parts and Accessories Catalog
Pages: 2,994
Models: All 1957-63 Ford Trucks built in the United States and Canada

Description: 1957-63 Ford Truck Master Parts and Accessory Catalog. This Ford Truck Master Parts Catalog contains replacement parts and accessories information for Ford Trucks including the Econoline, the Falcon Station Bus , Falcon Club Wagon and Falcon Deluxe Club Wagon for model years 1957 through 1963. This "text" catalog is to be used In conjunction with the lllustration Catalog (Form AF 7698) that is included. This is an electronic version of the original manual used by the Ford dealership mechanics to identify the correct service part for Ford Trucks. It contains a comprehensive list of part numbers, diagrams, illustrations, cross-references, and other valuable information necessary for any restoration project. [View Product Sample]

Price: $24.95

1957/63 Ford Truck Parts and Accessories Catalog


eBook 1973/79 Ford Truck Master Parts and Accessories Catalog (100-500

Product # D20081

1973/79 Ford Truck Master Parts and Accessories Catalog (100-500)
Pages: 3,096
Models: All 1973-79 Ford Trucks built in the United States and Canada

Description: 1973/79 Ford Truck Master Parts and Accessory Catalog (100-500 Series). This manual contains part numbers and illustrations for truck series B500, E100/300, F100/500, P350/500 and American Road Camper for model year 1973 for U.S. and Canadian built vehicles. This is an electronic version of the original manual used by the Ford dealership mechanics to identify the correct service part for Ford Trucks. It contains a comprehensive list of part numbers, diagrams, illustrations, cross-references, and other valuable information necessary for any restoration project. The Ford Truck Master Parts and Accessory Catalog contains virtually every part number and diagrams specific to a vehicle by year and model. [View Product Sample]

Price: $24.95

1973/79 Ford Truck Master Parts and Accessories Catalog (100-500) (eBook)


eBook 1973/79 Ford Truck Master Parts and Accessories Catalog (600-900)

Product # D20082

1973/79 Ford Truck Master Parts and Accessories Catalog (600-900)
Pages: 4,956
Models: All 1973-79 Ford Trucks built in the United States and Canada (600-900 series)

Description: 1973/79 Ford Truck Master Parts and Accessory Catalog (600-900 Series). This Ford Truck Master Parts Catalog contains replacement parts and accessories information for truck series B600/750, C-CT600/900, CL-CLT900, F700/750, L-LN-LNT-LT-LTS600/900 and W-WT900 for model year 1973/ for U.S. and Canadian built vehicles. Also included are the related Diesel engine models, Series B7000 thru WT9000. This is an electronic version of the original manual used by the Ford dealership mechanics to identify the correct service part for Ford Trucks. It contains a comprehensive list of part numbers, diagrams, illustrations, cross-references, and other valuable information necessary for any restoration project. The Ford Truck Master Parts and Accessory Catalog contains virtually every part number and diagrams specific to a vehicle by year and model. [View Product Sample]

Price: $24.95

1973/79 Ford Truck Master Parts and Accessories Catalog (600-900)


eBook 1980/89 Ford Light Truck Master Parts and Accessories Catalog

Product # D20083

1980/89 Ford Light Truck Master Parts and Accessories Catalog
Pages: 5,049
Models: All 1980-89 Light Ford Trucks built in the United States and Canada

Description: 1980/89 Ford Light Truck Master Parts and Accessory Catalog. This Ford Truck MISter Parta Catalog containa replacement part and accessories information for Truck Series A, B, E100/350, F100/350, R, and UI50 for model year 1980/ on U.S. and Canadian built vehicles.This Ford Truck Master Parts Catalog contains parts illustrations for truck series E 100/350, F 100/350, F53-Stripped Chassis (Motor Home), F59-Stripped Chassis (Commercial), F (Super Duty) and U150 as well as the Aerostar (A-Series), Bronco II (B-Series) and the Ranger (R-Series) for model years 1980/ for U.S. and Canadian built vehicles. This is an electronic version of the original manual used by the Ford dealership mechanics to identify the correct service part for Ford Trucks. It contains a comprehensive list of part numbers, diagrams, illustrations, cross-references, and other valuable information necessary for any restoration project. The Ford Truck Master Parts and Accessory Catalog contains virtually every part number and diagrams specific to a vehicle by year and model. [View Product Sample]

Price: $24.95

1980/89 Ford Light Truck Master Parts and Accessories Catalog


eBook 1980/89 Ford Truck Master Parts and Accessories Catalog

Product # D20084

1980/89 Ford Truck Master Parts and Accessories Catalog (600-900)
Pages: 4,527
Models: All 1980-89 Ford Trucks (600-900 series) built in the United States and Canada

Description: This is an electronic/digital reproduction of original Ford printed material of the 1980/89 Ford Truck Master Parts and Accessory Catalog (600-900). This Ford Truck Master Parts Catalog contains replacement parts and accessories information for truck series B600/700, C-CT600/900, CL-CLT900, F600/800, FT800, L-LN-LNT-LT-LTS600/900 and LTL900 for model year 1980/ for U.S. and Canadian built vehicles. Also included are the related Diesel engine models, Series B600 thru LTS900. This is an electronic version of the original manual used by the Ford dealership mechanics to identify the correct service part for Ford Trucks. It contains a comprehensive list of part numbers, diagrams, illustrations, cross-references, and other valuable information necessary for any restoration project. The Ford Truck Master Parts and Accessory Catalog contains virtually every part number and diagrams specific to a vehicle by year and model. [View Product Sample]

Price: $24.95

1980/89 Ford Truck Master Parts and Accessories Catalog (600-900)



Other Manuals

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How to Read and Understand Vacuum Diagrams

Product # D10172

How to Read and Understand Vacuum Diagrams
Pages: 107

Description: This is a digital reproduction of the original Ford printed manual.  The “How to Read and Understand Vacuum Diagrams” is a digital reproduction of the original Ford OEM Technician’s Reference Book. This manual explains such things a vacuum theory, how vacuum works, understanding diagrams, vacuum diagrams and schematics, vacuum system diagnosis, and much more. This manual was originally produced by the Ford Parts and Service Divisions Training and Publications Department CTP-1983-6 printed in July 1983.
[View Product Sample]

Price: $16.95

How to Read and Understand Vacuum Diagrams


1964 Wixom Assembly Plant Welding Handbook Volume 2

Product # D10180

1964 Wixom Assembly Plant Welding Handbook Volume 2
Pages: 433

Description: This is a very rare manual recently found at an estate sale in 2021 and may be the only surviving manual of its type. This manual provides a glimpse of the interworking's of the Ford Motor Company manufacturing facility at Wixom, Michigan. As one of Ford's largest and oldest manufacturing sites Wixom opened April 15, 1957 and primarily manufactured Lincoln and Thunderbirds vehicles.

The primary purpose of this handbook is to aid in the procurement of replacement parts and maintenance of portable spotwelding guns and related equipment used at the Wixom Assembly Plant. It will also serve as a reference in the processing and planning of new models. This Handbook is not to be used as a guide for purchasing. Reference should be made to the engineering drawings for the purchase of material. Provision has been made for additional information to be incorporated, and these additions will be forwarded to holders of the Handbook as the information becomes available. Volume II, 1964 Edition, contains Wixom portable gun reductions and is produced for Wixom Assembly Plant's use. This Volume is used as supplemental information to technical information and specifications contained in Volume I issued by Automotive Assembly Division, Process Engineering Department.
[View Product Sample]

Price: $16.95

1964 Wixom Assembly Plant Welding Guide



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Official Licensed Product of the Ford Motor Company to

Our products are licensed and approved by the Ford Motor Company.

Ford Oval and nameplates are registered trademarks owned and licensed by the Ford Motor Company.Manufactured by the Forel Publishing Company, LLC

All products are produced in Adobe Reader (pdf) format to retain the exact look and feel of the original manual. Simply scroll through the pages and sections like reading a normal printed manual. In addition, unlike a printed version, each page can be printed (or reprinted, if damaged in the garage), zoom in to over 1200% to see the exact details, and you can search for keywords.
We are licensed distributors of Adobe Reader

Product Features:

  • Windows and MAC Operating System Compatible
  • Printable - Print only the pages you need
  • Searchable - Search the entire manual in seconds
  • Zoom - Zoom in to over 1200% to see the exact details
  • Licensed - Our products are approved and licensed by Ford Motor Company
  • Bookmarked - Manual is bookmarked to locate sections in seconds
  • Money Back Guarantee - We stand behind the quality of our products
  • USB Flash Drive - Save your manual to a USB flash drive for total portability

Product Requirements:

  • Adobe Reader - Adobe Reader only. No third party viewers.
  • Registration (optional) - must register with product serial number for tech support

Things you should know:

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About Us:

    Forel Publishing Company, LLC, is a family owned and operated business. We have been in business for over 28 years and produce 175+ vintage Ford Motor Company manuals in digital PDF format (USB / eBook downloads).

    We are licensed by the Ford Motor Company to reproduce their manuals in digital format (USB and eBook). Every product we produce must be approved by Ford for quality and craftsmanship before we can apply the seal "Offical License Product". Our License is #84356800.


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